

Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2005
Hello everybody,

Just wanted to know if there are more people out there who are totally crazy about Apocalyptica.

Join me in here and let's talk talk about these excellent and brilliant musicians from Finland.

xxxxx The Tester


Yeap.Have heard fade to black but thats just it.

heard they're kickass musicians.

if you could link me to a website which has their songs or something that'll be appriciated.

limewire seriously screws your pc up.

the internal memory that is.
Hello there,

Just go to www.apocalyptica.com and go to releases. You can watch video clips of them in there. They even did a song with Ville Valo ( HIM ) and Lauri Ylonen ( the Rasmus ). Just go check them out. They seriously rock these guys.

xxxx The Tester


Hiya guys,

It's so good to see that there are people out there who know who Apocalyptica are and appreciate their work.
I can't wait to see them live again.
Being part of a live Apo-show is an experience you have to be part of once in your live. I recommend it to everybody out there. I'm planning to go to Finland in January just to see them live again. I can't wait for them to come back to Holland. I really need my dose of Perttu real soon or I will be a living hell for my family and friends.

xxxxx The Tester ( I really have to change my name into something Finnish now ).


They are great!! Listening to their music there's so much emotion, I can always listen to it, somehow it always fits my mood, and yeah, those guys..their friggin hot!
I so agree with all you guys on your comments. Listening to them just calms my nerves everytime I feel stressed or pissed. They mean so much to me. And
Marizka I so agree second your opion about them being fricking hot. But my love goes totally out to Perttu. I've never seen a guy so sexy as him. Believe me ( and this is not a very nice thing to say ) but thanx to him I totally forgot my boyfriend. I just can't wait to see them live again. If everything works out fine me and my friend Simone are going to Finland in January to see them for 5 live shows. I just have to see them again. I can't wait for them to come to Holland.

But keep the posts coming in, I just love to talk about my favourite band.

xxxxxxxxx The Tester


Heh...well, I think they're great but I'm not a fan or something...I have a lot of their stuff but I simply don't have enough time to listen to them...(btw, you just have to take time for them... :p )
I really respect what they're doing with that things...they ROCKS!!! :D
Well, that's all... :p
Hello everybody,

Been a while back since I lasted posted something in here. Just got back from my trip to Finland with my best friend Simone. Been to Helsinki and Tampere to see Apocalyptica live. And what an experience it has been. I will never forget for it till the day I die. Having Perttu his hair covering my head completely, feeling it in my face, his sweat dripping onto my face. The talks we had with the guys, the pictures we've taken, all the signatures and Eicca telling he would miss us at the other concerts. It was the best that happend in my live so far. And I can't wait for the summer festivals to begin, because we will for sure spending a lot of time with Apo then.

xxxxxx Anja
YES!!! First festival date was made public yesterday. Apocalyptica will perform at the Hellfest Festival on June 23 2006 in Le Mans, France. So can not wait to go there. Waiting for more dates to be annouched soon. Hopefully they will do a festival here in Holland. But for sure me and Simone are gonna travel around Europe to see Apo play live some more.

xxxxx Anja
Just checking in to say hi. Just wondering how everybody is doing? Well, I'm still alive and kicking, thoughts of Finland keep me going. Live hasn't been the same since we've got back. But we have to deal with it ( we are Simone and I ). We are so waiting for the festivaltime to begin. We are so in need for our Apo dose again.

But till that time, see you all, take care.

Dark Greetings,
