Are people basically good or evil?

The concept of Good and Evil is one of those things that relies on the eye of the beholder. What seems evil to me might not be evil to you, vice versa.
So, by that logic, I guess we're all evil. We're all good too.
There's this societal list, though, of deeds that we are expected to think are evil. There is also a list of what we should think are good. And before someone gets smart with me, no it's not a literal list. Shut up.
I think we're born somewhat neutral, and then our good/evilness is simply conditioning. But how well can you be conditioned? How will you be conditioned?
Most of us probably find the idea of cannibalism repulsive. View attachment 1100
I don't think this person does. And neither did that guy in Germany.
Some of us think abortion is absolutely horrible, and wish to persecute those who don't.
Some of us are under the impression that homosexuality is a sin, and the gays are all going to burn in hell.
I'm not even going to go into what PETA thinks.
So really, the question gets a little complicated sometimes.

<rant>We had to write an essay about this one time, and there was even a class discussion. My teacher pretty much shot down everything I bothered to say. It didn't match his opinions and that scared the living hell out of him. And then when my essay had pretty much the same ideas I'd shared before, he didn't even bother to fail my paper. He simply gave me a no credit, which is worse than a failing grade, because I "didn't do the assignment". Excuse me, the assignment was to talk about what I thought about good and evil and which one humans were more inclined to follow, and that's exactly what I did. But because it didn't go with what he thought, I got a no credit? **** that.</rant>

...Anyway. I'm gonna say we're born neutral, and don't find good or evil until later.


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