Are you FOR or AGAINST the NWO ??


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
No not the wrestling guys, the NEW WORLD ORDER of folk lore and legend.

A group that has thought to have been behind the construction of the following landmark:

Anybody who has read some of the conspiracy **** knows pretty much most of the story, and hell google is only a page away, so I won't go over the NWO.

But what I am wondering, is what people think of the ideals behind the alleged NWO .
Hiding behind a religious facade, pretending to be spreading democracy, selling arms to both sides of a war, shafting eachother when the **** hits the fan......

How come we don't try and sign them up to GF??
builder said:
Hiding behind a religious facade, pretending to be spreading democracy, selling arms to both sides of a war, shafting eachother when the **** hits the fan......

How come we don't try and sign them up to GF??
Because they are way too busy in the White House to post.
phreakwars said:
Because they are way too busy in the White House to post.

From what I've been reading lately, I think you're right. It's funny to see all the rats leaving the sinking ship.
No more than 1 Billion people on earth at one time... The best and the brightest are allowed to breed and the others are allowed to live life to the fullest... endless pursuit of science, and history without religous hand-j0bs getting in the way... Everyone pulls thier weight... One human language... one currency...

Sign Me UP!

I fully support them. After all, without them, what will the writers at Weekly World News write about? And if we don't have that, nothing will keep the wacky conspiracy nuts occupied. This will result in having to put up with them not shutting up with their mindless banter
I wouldn't want to give any one group too much power. Besides, there are too many different views for it to work. We have a hard enough time getting anything done in this hodge-podge country.
fullauto said:
No more than 1 Billion people on earth at one time... The best and the brightest are allowed to breed and the others are allowed to live life to the fullest... endless pursuit of science, and history without religous hand-j0bs getting in the way... Everyone pulls thier weight... One human language... one currency...

Sign Me UP!


If this ever happened God would have to cause another massive flood and start the human race all over again.
You and Satan will never take the world over again!!
Give it up!!
wolvesslasher said:
If this ever happened God would have to cause another massive flood and start the human race all over again.
You and Satan will never take the world over again!!
Give it up!!

'God' never caused the flood... He 'conveniently' chose not to tell man that one was about to occur... And further more, His intentions were not to start the human race over again. His intentions were to wipe out any trace of our existance... It was 'Satan', through a messenger from 'the creator god' named Galzu, that learned of the flood and decided to tell one of his sons, Ziusudra (Noah), how to escape the deluge, and further that he should collect the Seed (DNA) of every animal to ensure that 'God' didn't get his wish of a human free earth....

Tubal Cain!
There was no great flood where it rained 40 days and 40 nights that required a single human being to have two of every animal on a giant boat. Period.
Flood... no, but tsunami... probably....

But again.... world wide, no.... But enough to make the locals think it was world wide... probably...

<insert ad nauseum rant here>

And there you have it... Science and Historical accounts actually line up and in most cases support a historical 'deluge' of some sorts about 11,000 BC... and too, both support that not 'every' person on earth save Noah died... Many descendants of Kay'in (Biblical Cain) survived happily in the region that became Europe!
Yeah, I kinda have a hard time buying into the "FLOODING THE WHOLE EARTH" thing myself, a Tsunami however, and a MASSIVE ONE at that, I can believe. Another is possible at any time, expecially on the eastern shoreline of africa.

fullauto said:
'God' never caused the flood... He 'conveniently' chose not to tell man that one was about to occur... And further more, His intentions were not to start the human race over again. His intentions were to wipe out any trace of our existance... It was 'Satan', through a messenger from 'the creator god' named Galzu, that learned of the flood and decided to tell one of his sons, Ziusudra (Noah), how to escape the deluge, and further that he should collect the Seed (DNA) of every animal to ensure that 'God' didn't get his wish of a human free earth....

Tubal Cain!

When you post your political views, they are all well thought out, educational, intelligent and entertaining. - BUT - when you post these snippets from your religion, you completely lose me.

Where did you get this info?
I just like to keep peoples mind guessing the whole religion thing... If no one ever comes along and makes you question your beleifs, how do you know if what you beleive is the best choice... Not that it isn't... But If I post something, and you read it and it only serves to reinforce what you beleive, Then your position is strengthened... But If I post something, and it makes you question your beleifs, Then you start searching for truth again, which also strengthens your position! Either way, You come out ahead...

As to where I find it... I've been studying ancient religion for a while now... Bunch of reading, thinking and such... and when you get to know what you're looking for, it makes the whole google thing go much faster than, let's say, if you were to just go out and do a search on Sumeria/Chaldea/Akkadia... You would have to sift too much! I know what texts and cultures I'm looking to read up on so it's a bit easier...

I like to post stuff here that I think people can use... Not just **** that I like... Most of the **** I like to read most of you wouldn't understand, I haveing been reading this **** for a bunch longer....

Besides... This site has Xtains, Muslims, Communists, Atheists, Agnostics, etc... I think we can use the opinions of a Historical/Pantheistic Satanist... Shake things up a bit...
I'm strongly AGAINST the NWO. I'm against it and anything to do with it or similar to it or part of it (u get me)..such as; the U.N or E.U and all these dumb unions and such. It's all connected and its all B.S. - It's just a bunch of corporate satanists in suits with large sums of money that wanna take over everything and fullfill thier sickening plan which they probably will but I won't be any part of it and you shouldn't be either - dont take the mark -lol. ...thats all Im going to say......don't take the mark!...These New World Order people are sick in the head and demon posessed - as crazy as it sounds it is all true...and no I'm not a conspiracy nut but I'm not ignorant and naive either..I know everything about can't get too much past me :cool:..never trust the government..ever
phreakwars said:
Yeah, I kinda have a hard time buying into the "FLOODING THE WHOLE EARTH" thing myself, a Tsunami however, and a MASSIVE ONE at that, I can believe. Another is possible at any time, expecially on the eastern shoreline of africa.

It was probably a flood of the Mediterranean area. To them that was the whole world. Most records in ancient history were a bit short-sighted.
ToriAllen said:
It was probably a flood of the Mediterranean area. To them that was the whole world. Most records in ancient history were a bit short-sighted.

It would have to be MASSIVE to say the least... almost every culture in the world has an account of a 'flood' that happened circa 11,000 BC... The funniest one of all is the Japanese account that says all man was saved by the flood by a foreigner that saved his familly by stuffing them in a ghord! LOL...

The most accurate account found to date was the sumerian one... Ziusudra was the name of the sumerian Noah, and sumerian accounts give the FULL account of the disaster as it was explained to them by their 'gods'....

Turns out, the planet Nibiru (Babylonian Marduk) came a bit to close to several planets in our solar system causing all kinds of havoc... Pluto was thrown from being a moon of saturn into it's very peculiar orbit, Neptune was tilted on it's side, Mars lost it's atmosphere and with it, much of it's water (all but what was locked in ice form on the caps), and on earth, The Ice Sheet that covered antarctica was pulled off it's perch and slid into the ocean! This was the cause of the flood, and not rain... If you recall, nowhere in the bible does it say that the rain CAUSED the flood...

And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth. 007:011 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. 007:012 And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights

it simply states that the water rose, and that it rained... in that order, which makes sense if you consider the atmospheric turbulance that a Tsunami of that magnitude would cause... Water enough to cover the mountains of the ararat region would push BILLIONS of cubic yards of warm, moist air into the cool upper atmosphere which would cause MANY MANY days of rain...

40 days and forty nights! .... 40, incidently was just a number used by early scribes to describe 'so many I couldn't count'.... Remember Ali Baba -sp? and the 40 theives... It rain alot...