Are you still a hardcore Linkin Park fan?

Are you still a hardcore Linkin Park fan?

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
Buffalo, New York
Well, as everyone knows... everyone who's here (for the most part) was a pretty big LP fan at one point or another. Starting around 2004 though many fans started losing interests in droves. So, now with the release of Minutes to Midnight, I have a question for everyone. Are you still the hardcore Linkin Park fan you were years ago?
I will always reserve a place for LP's greatness and creativeness. But their lack of music in the last few months have driven me to like bands like Deftones, portishead, and massive attack more. But I must say LP were the first band to introduce me to the experimental genre, and I will always love mike shinoda and co for what they've done.
I still like them, but not as i used to... I like M2M too, very much, but now when they released it i sure won't listen to them on the max volume because it's like i'm listening to Justin timberlake or similar....
But meteora and HT are still on the top of my list....
the simple answer is nope.

but I do still come here, and I still enjoy watching behind the scenes stuff with the guys and I definitely still am a fan
I listen quite a lot to MTM, and lately I've gone a bit back to Meteora, but I'm not the huge fan I used to be
No, I'm not a fan anymore. I grew up that kind of music. Once in a let's say 8 months I listen to them. I was a huge fan from 2000-2003 until they started to do mash ups, rap boring stuff. And MTM. That was it. Obssesion had died, but I thought I'll never stop to listen them.
The people who don't stay hardcore fans just go with another band and when they change there style they go to another 1 and so on... It's like people never make up their minds on what they want from their fav bands :p
Hah I'm the only one so far who voted for the bottom one :|
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate them or anything! It's just I don't really like their style of music anymore and haven't done for over a year atleast. I'd listen to them if I had to, like.