Are you still a hardcore Linkin Park fan?

Are you still a hardcore Linkin Park fan?

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Like I said once, I've never betrayed them and never will... They are the best and they are always number one for me, period. My other fav bands DO change from time to time but LP are always and steadily on the top. <3
I'm not as into LP as I use to be. I don't listen to them everyday.
If their song pops onto the radio, I'll blast it.
Still like them, just not as much.

That kind of goes for the whole US music scene really..^^;
Forever and ever.

Well I've only been one since like November 2005... But yea, forever and ever.

(I just realized how long it took me to join LPF...)
This is my first post since 2005. I forgot about this place just like I forgot about LP. I don't like them or listen to them anymore. If you any of you even remember me it could be a shocker considering I used to frequent this place.

I can't believe I used to like them. They're just not that good. I'm completely into Circa Survive. A band I think is musically godly. I don't listen to LP a single bit anymore. Ever since I started listening to actually good music.
I like them well enough. I was never really a hardcore fan at any point. The only band I would consider myself of a hardcore fan of is Dir en grey.
This is my first post since 2005. I forgot about this place just like I forgot about LP. I don't like them or listen to them anymore. If you any of you even remember me it could be a shocker considering I used to frequent this place.

I can't believe I used to like them. They're just not that good. I'm completely into Circa Survive. A band I think is musically godly. I don't listen to LP a single bit anymore. Ever since I started listening to actually good music.
OMG!!! How could you not like LP anymore??? lol :p
I'm a fan but not a HUGE one... I still get every magazine where I see a poster or article in it but... idk... I'm not like suuuuuper excited about it... like the real hardcore fans would probably totaly freak out and stuff... and I'm not sure if that's some fan-being but for example I'm going to a LP concert this monday and I am excited but it's also kinda normal that I'm going... dunno...
well I will answer it rather then voteing aldow the pusshing buttons is realy temting....:spiteful: .....I must say I am a big fan but not as much as big I use to be...........I go on U tube and watch their vids.......and visite their web but I don't massivly colect their pics.....(mainly cos I allready colected and downloaded everything posible) and I guess it has a big part of me growing up cos I don't by the shity teen magasine for like 4 years.........
I voted bottom, but I think that was kinda obvious to everyone lol! =)

Still come here alot though as the member base is pretty awesome!
I voted bottom, but I think that was kinda obvious to everyone lol! =)

Still come here alot though as the member base is pretty awesome!

Yeah, that's right. You better still come here Sten, else Ima have to drag your butt back here! :D Just wouldn't the same without you.

Anywho, I voted top. LP forever. Honestly, they own my life. I could never stop loving them, even for a second. They've been my #1 for 8 years and counting, and that's not gonna change ever.