Arrrgghhhhh...the pain, the pain....


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2004
In a ball of foil
Went to the Australian Open (tennis tornament) yesterday and me being the wanker i am....forgot to take suncream......the pain. I am so sun burnt its like a world record lol...blisters and **** included....i cant even least my way of death has been decided.

Did anyone else go to the Open....i one in Australia, melbourne. If so what did ya think. I met roddick and federrer, ferrero, grosjean (ooooo) :D, hewitt and plently others....One question....for the americans, what does beefed mean?

Andy Roddick trip over a chair on the practice courts and said i quote ' Whoa man i just totally beefed that chair man' and my mates cracked was sooooo funny :p

if anyone has any suggestions to the cure or rather taking the pain away from sun burn could they please tell hurts sooooo bad :(
I hate getting sun burnt! IT is horrible. I got burnt this summer and I was like constantly just jumping around because it itched so much.
Heh. This summer, I was outside from pretty 8-8 every day for two weeks. I got such bad sunburn, and I'm frikkin Latino lol.
stupidsoul1 said:
....i just get tanned..but my face burns T_T i wish i was juz one colour lol

put cream...that gel crap...or moisturiser stuff it should stop the burning feeling

heheh Thats wish your face was one color
best solution... put aloe vera in the fridge then when it gets super cold.. put it on...=instant relief .. felt so good i could orgasm
.::[hP]::. said:
Went to the Australian Open (tennis tornament) yesterday and me being the wanker i am....forgot to take suncream......the pain. I am so sun burnt its like a world record lol...blisters and **** included....i cant even least my way of death has been decided.

Did anyone else go to the Open....i one in Australia, melbourne. If so what did ya think. I met roddick and federrer, ferrero, grosjean (ooooo) :D, hewitt and plently others....One question....for the americans, what does beefed mean?

Andy Roddick trip over a chair on the practice courts and said i quote ' Whoa man i just totally beefed that chair man' and my mates cracked was sooooo funny :p

if anyone has any suggestions to the cure or rather taking the pain away from sun burn could they please tell hurts sooooo bad :(

Ouch sunburn kills, that's why i like to stay indoors,

Lol beefed means totally whiped out.
luckly i don't get sunburn at all.. i just tann w00p w00p.. i feel bad for people who get sunburned tho my sisters get it all the time
ta guys...i found cold tea bags worked the best....weird eh...:p

Ahhh so that is wat beefed means....teehee thought it was something like that.

Im starting to peel now....i llok so bad....i could star as like a freaky scaley person in a freaky scaley person
I hate sun burns. I have to be really careful in summer, otherwise I get burned really easily, and then I'm left with the pain and the ridiculous feeling of looking like an overcooked lobster. I always have to use really high sun cream, and even so it's not enough :\ It always burns a little, little bit. I think I only tanned when I was little... for some reason, I don't tan anymore. Just burn :(