Ask The Genie For - A Gay Baby?

builder wrote:
Actually paedophiles swell the ranks here moreso than male homosexuals.
Paedophiles swell the ranks and orifices of EVERY state, territory and city and town and street. I have yet to see one that isn't a poof or a weirdo of some description. No mystery - remember that Al Capone & his mob always dressed to kill & went to church too.
Keith Wright ring any bells?
Pauline Hanson response - please explain? Surely, not THE Keith Wright - the vegetarian taxidermist, industrial mystic & champion Olympic Muslim cyclist? Couldn't be!
Ex-Governor General Hollingworth kinda backs up your call of a top-down cover-up conspiracy,
So Hollingworth & his cronies ran a successful little boy's bum-sex club & charged a fortune for the privilege. What's new?
but in all honesty, Sydney is the gay capital of this part of the western world. They do, after all is said and done, host the annual Gay Mardis Gras, do they (you mob) not?
They have since the country was invented. My point being, try and rub the gay mafiosos in any public or even private institution the wrong way (metaphorically speaking) say, in the arts in particular and see how long it takes for the trapdoor to open & you're never heard of (professionally) again. Worst kept secret in the country. Cheers!
Flatearther said:
Paedophiles swell the ranks and orifices of EVERY state, territory and city and town and street. I have yet to see one that isn't a poof or a weirdo of some description. No mystery - remember that Al Capone & his mob always dressed to kill & went to church too.

Massively sweeping generalisation. Shame job. We might be talking twenty eight percent tops. Al Capone wore suits because all the stiffs did then.

The Mafiosa and their Church are handsome bedfellows.

Flatearther said:
Pauline Hanson response - please explain? Surely, not THE Keith Wright - the vegetarian taxidermist, industrial mystic & champion Olympic Muslim cyclist? Couldn't be!

Must have been his cousin, the lay preacher, mysoginist husband, chronic child rapist, all round psych abuser, and minister for religion.

Flatearther said:
So Hollingworth & his cronies ran a successful little boy's bum-sex club & charged a fortune for the privilege. What's new?

It was publicised, and the godfather was dethroned.

Flatearther said:
They have since the country was invented.

The more I read about British child slavery/sexual perversion, the more I'm glad we can beat them at any game they invented. Damn, that don't sound right? :(

Flatearther said:
My point being, try and rub the gay mafiosos in any public or even private institution the wrong way (metaphorically speaking) say, in the arts in particular and see how long it takes for the trapdoor to open & you're never heard of (professionally) again.

I'll have to take your word on that one. I don't run in those circles. I don't, for one minute, doubt what you say though.

Flatearther said:
Worst kept secret in the country. Cheers!

The cover-up lends weight to other conspiracy theories.

Close the door,:cool: :cool: :cool:
I still think we're both singing off the same hymn page about Sydney being the ultimate gig for Poofter's Paradise, though - driving along Oxford St, just don't get rear-ended. Cheers!
Yeah... I hope my child is born black with green eyes, when she's twenty admits to be in love with some "girl" or gyno-american who resembles Pete Rose in flannel, becomes a Muslim, and then runs for the 8th District of Ga's Congressional seat against Cynthia "The Bitch-**** Negress" McKinney.
RoyalOrleans wrote:
Yeah... I hope my child is born black with green eyes, when she's twenty admits to be in love with some "girl" or gyno-american who resembles Pete Rose in flannel, becomes a Muslim, and then runs for the 8th District of Ga's Congressional seat against Cynthia "The Bitch-**** Negress" McKinney.
Jeez, mate, you really have the knack of throwing every lawyer in the neighbourhood into a lethal tailspin - but I'll tell ya what - what a great song title - the schmaltz alone is worth millions, you irrepressible, sentimental fool you. Jump on it. Cheers!
Flatearther said:
RoyalOrleans wrote:
Jeez, mate, you really have the knack of throwing every lawyer in the neighbourhood into a lethal tailspin - but I'll tell ya what - what a great song title - the schmaltz alone is worth millions, you irrepressible, sentimental fool you. Jump on it. Cheers!

What the **** am I paying these retainers for? To sit around and jock at their ****s? Nope... earn your bread.
Wish I had a damned retainer - all I've got is the 'retaining wall' - and it doesn't look too safe, either. Count yer blessings, I say. Cheers!