Aaah, a post with some meat in it. Good stuff, Lethalfind.
I don't mind people from other countries, its interesting to hear about how the same issues are dealt with in other countries. Unless of course your Muslim, I don't care to hear what you have to say, I don't care about your peoples struggles or how your really peaceful.
Not Moslem. Raised a Christian. Perpetual cynic these days. Religion is money is marketing is bullshit. The cause of most war.
I do back AIG, simply because she is often singled out for group abuse, and the so-called christians who are attacking her are breaking all of their own codes and rules in doing so. Besides, real Aussies don't stand by while blokes are ganging up on single girls/women. That really ****** us blokes off to the max.
I also don't care to read about anyones religion, people who come on here and go on about the Bible or whatever religion, annoy this **** out of me personally. I of course don't presume to speak for everyone, only myself. I have heard it all, its all bullshit. If we wanted religion, would we be on a blog or posibly at church.
I think that if you want to rant about religion in forums such as this, you have no other material to work with. That makes you a dullard.
I think the sad acts that come on here and talk about religion think they are going to get an extra star in their crown if they can bring one of to ***. lol, how rediculous that sounds when read outloud, but that is what they think.
For anyone from Austrailia, I am curious how your country is coping with some of the same issues that we have in the US.
The religion issues? Moslems and Christians are doing OK here. There will always be issues to deal with, like when the Moslem girls were not allowed to wear the traditional headdress in school. Clashes of interest, rather than outright hatred. I'm not saying there are no headcases like our MRIH here, but they are frowned upon.
Do you have a problem with *** offenders, are they released too early and do they re-offend? What restrictions are placed on them after release?
Yes and yes. Paedophilia is global. Our prison system is choked with people serving time for victimless crime, like growing a bit of pot. The paeds seem to get released early, because they require special treatment (isolation and extra guards to protect them). I say throw 'em in the big yard, and let 'em find out how it feels to be overpowered and forced into something. Rough justice.
If they make it out alive, they will be scarred for life, just like the kids they ****** over.
After release, they are often hounded from one town to the next, not so much by the police, but by the people who spot them and want to burn them alive. We have a national register for paedophiles. Life is not so easy after.
What is the state of the policitical system there? Do you feel its running well or are changes needed.
Our political system is currently farcical. Every state and territory is governed by the Labour party, and yet our Senate is controlled by a majority of Liberals. Go figure. Oh, and voting is compulsory here, but unfortunately, our "preferential" voting system means you can vote for Joe Blogs, and when Joe sees he is not gonna win, he can pass your vote on to Jennifer Arsewipe, who you detest. I hate that.
How has the terrorist attack changed things in your country?
Like in your land, our gov has passed some radical "anti-terrorist" laws that are placing dissidents like myself at risk of incarceration without cause. Only "suspicion" can get you locked up, indefinately. Also, our free press is being stultified. One example; A journalist called Andrew Wilke wanted to release a book outlining the lies behind the Iraq debacle, titled "The Axis of Deceipt". It made it through the censors, but when published, it was so poorly edited to hide the truth, that it was almost unreadable. All of Andrew's colleagues had their computers confiscated by ASIO (like the CIA), the hardrives smashed, and returned in pieces. This was televised. Once.
In the US I beleive we have a problem with the government playing our Mother, trying to edit things like what I can watch on my own ****** TV, or what the content of my video games are. Do you have a similar problem?
In OZ, if it's not the gov trying to swing **** around us, it's the "snivel libertarians" drumming up support for further restrictions on our access to material or content they are against. Thank **** for the web.
How are smokers treated in Austrailia? Is smoking not allowed in some areas??
The controls are slowly creeping in. The funny thing is, if I wanna go play the slots, I can be puffing away on a smoker's machine, and the person right next to me is at a non-smoking machine. Most clubs have sections for both. Most restaurants don't. Beer gardens at pubs are gonna be the new smoker's retreats.
I'm really curious about your countries response to natural disasters that their citizens suffer. One can only assume it can't be as bad as ours...
We have a volunteer org called SES, or the state emergency service. A very popular independant org that seems to be on the scene within the hour, every time. I always donate to them. Our fire departments are well organised, and our Ambulance service is fine by me. Our police seem more interested in revenue raising, like speeding tickets, seatbelt fines, than actually attending burgularies and other non-revenue raising events.
Our response to natural disasters is up there. Darwin got flattened completely in 1974. Within days, everyone that wanted to go, was taken to where they wanted to go. And rather than the gov selecting reconstruction cronies for the contracts, it's a free-for-all, with independant contractors turning up in their droves to make some money on the rebuild.
It's not all good. In the flood in Katherine NT in 1998, looters of all types were detected.
Hope that helps.