Australian kid throws MONSTER party

His glasses are actually famous. Apparently the lady who makes them is on back order because everyone wants to get some the same as him..

And he got beat up a couple of weeks ago too. Now that was a funny video..
how the hell does this belong in LPF Games? this is in no way a game. this is a report about a kid throwing a party. just like the US Puppy story. it remained, why can't my story remain?

makes no sense at all. never seen a thread move as crazy as this one in my history of LPF.....
if that's a way to show the news, then why not? it's not like we're so active we need the space. I'd understand if we had a ton of new threads everyday but we don't.
unlike the LPU where threads are made by the second, everyone being more useless than the previous one
and yeah this is kinda news, with a vid to support the fact.
Move it back if you really want, I just dont really think its news since it dosent have any inpact on the world, nor has it caused any controversy, nor does it provoke any interesting discussion. Its just a kid who had a party, acted like a retard on TV, and caused people to go, haha thats funny before forgetting about it 10 minutes later. True its not really a game, but we were moving viral stuff in here so I figured this fit. As I said before though, move it back if you want, makes no real difference to me.