Awwww, Not Fluffy!


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2005

Would $50,000 be enough money to induce you to take a loyal, healthy pet to the vet to be put to sleep?
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Well technically if it was healthy the vet wouldn't put it down.

So neither and i'll take
Here in the states fellows the vets would do anything for a price. I myself would not only have my pet put down for 50k ,but I would also cook and eat the ****ing thing. Grows some balls and answer the question or get the **** off the Thread.
sixes said:
Here in the states fellows the vets would do anything for a price. I myself would not only have my pet put down for 50k ,but I would also cook and eat the ****ing thing. Grows some balls and answer the question or get the **** off the Thread.

ooooooooooooooooo brandishing the old handbag there eh.

Well i wouldn't let them put an animal down because what the **** do i want with an animal.

They smell and you need to feed them **** that.
While I could REALLY use the money I just couldn't.
We have two cats and a dog and my daughter will be so traumatized when one of them dies.
The dog I have is very good natured, never nipped at anything in her life other then food, I got her when she was 3 years old, she was a rescue. She has refused to be house broke, thank god I have a carpet cleaner. I have to watch her like a hawk, she is in a crate if we are away from home. I bring her in my room at night because she won't pee on the floor in there. I have seen her hold her water for 24 hours out of obstinance, even given all that (AND SHE SNORES LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER HEARD) I couldn't put her too sleep, even if there was money in it for me.
$50,000 sure, it only costs the equivalent of $40 to have an animal euthanased over here so I'd be $49,960 better off. My pets would WANT me to be happy.
Feckless Wench said:
$50,000 sure, it only costs the equivalent of $40 to have an animal euthanased over here so I'd be $49,960 better off. My pets would WANT me to be happy.
You feed your pets raw flesh Feckless ,I'm sure they do want you to be happy. You really do scare the hell out of me. :D In a good way of course.
My way. If i had a cat i'd have a buddy do it for the cost of the shell, and a 12 pack.

Buddy 12 pack... 10.00
50 cal shell.... 2.00
My Pocket... 49,988.00

Dead Cat... Priceless
Just an old broken down dog
is what I've come to be.
My senses are all growing dim,
My eyes can barely see.

But master, you're still in your prime,
while I am fading fast,
Please take me with you one more time
Before I breathe mt last.

You used to take me with you
To the woods when I was young,
To do your bidding faithfully
In my youth when I was strong.

My best's no longer good enough,
I'm useless and confused:
For surely you must care for me
as much as I for you.

I'll be waiting by the back door,
Take me with you when you go.
It's all I've ever wanted
and the only thing I know.

I'll struggle up and wag my tail,
Eager your will to do;
And gladly endure a painful walk
Just to be with with you.

Take me with you when you go.
One more time I long to be
with my master and my friend.
Take me with you once again.

Poem by Dana Duke