Azem is gone

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Three strikes and I am leaving too. SB has done the first one by banning me and that annoying ass thread out there.

Azem, Hamid, brother, I will miss your presence in here. You were an ally to me and a cool friend. I will miss you. You too are the victim of an opinionated individiul with higher authority than you.(as MK would say). I hate to see you go. I think my time here is ending as well. But I will leave with a bang. Be sure of that.
twilightcrimson7 said:
Treeves...... The same canbbe said about you as Azem. You will be greatly missed.
You're leaving too, Sniper?!?! Oh jeeze...this can't get much worse... -___-
I think sniper meant that 2 more strikes and he's out. The first strike was him being banned, but I might be wrong, so don't quote me on it.
twilightcrimson7 said:
Treeves...... The same canbbe said about you as Azem. You will be greatly missed.
You're leaving too, Sniper?!?! Oh jeeze...this can't get much worse... -___-
What? *rereads posts*......Hmmm.......I don't think so. Well I hope not. Too many people are leaving. :(
azemkamikaze03 said:
Lol back in August I came to this forum asking for help in recieving Linkin Park Media. Today, I leave with more that which I had intended to have. I came with out much of a purpose. I guess you can say I came here to pass time. Well i passed alot of time here. I met really cool people here. I even found the most awsum person in the world in this very forum. We've been dating for preety much Half a year. Not much people at my school can with stand that. I made a wonderful friend Vero. She is awsome! She is cool to talk to and is/was always willing to help me out. I met Fiona. Well, what more can I say? She is extremely fun to talk to! She makes you laugh even when you feel your in your worst day. Her pancake jokes never get old. I met Treeves. Dude, Him and I fought alot but in the end remained Partners. I met MSG, Twighlight,MikesHott, and others. You all are great everylast one of you. Faded and guys are like my lil sista's! I'll miss you. Spike123, dude your not here right now but this is for you to man. You awsome to talk to!

But as fate may have it all good things must come to an end. My life span on LPF, is next to end. I feel I have contributed alot to Off Topic Forum. I've helped out alot of people who needed it! I was friendly to most. It just so happens I and fellow members have made some bad choices. After being humiliated and taking it from Weeztones I slipped. I decided if an Adimn let him back in how will he let him leave so soon. So I decided to make a poll. To show that no one really wanted him back in the first place. Apearently that was wrong of me. So I was suspended. Some may say that I am leaving do to anger of being suspended, but that is cleary wrong. I'm leaving becuase my chances of being a prime member here is only slimming. All the people who have my views and share my opions are leaving. Such as Treeves and GhostX.
My chances of being Moderator are slim to none. Vero tried to help me and was shotdown for "Favoritisim". So basically I feel unwelcomed here. Nobody who can back me up with full suport seems to exsist. Most mods seem to be more of a "Follow the Rules" type of people. That is good in some senses but bad in others. Who is there for us? Whenever I tell mods can you close a thread. It takes like 4-8 times to get it done. Now this isnt really my buissness but here is another fact. Treeves possed as Kanye...a long time ago. ATL found out about it. Him and Treeves talked about it. It was an intended Private conversation, but some how the moderaotrs found out. That kind of show the system we have. Are new admin. When is the last time we saw him? If he is on vacation why haven't I seen a thread on it? Back on the favoritism topic. Clogz. He is clearly a person who favors all the Admins desicions from what Ive seen. Obviously this would make good with the higher authorities. I feel a tad bit of favoritism there. Notice how he wasn't suspended. Notice how he wasn't even giving a warning. Now I dont know about you but this is kind of offending to me, who set up a thread trying to get a higher athorities attention and got banned becuase of it. Now sapossedly that is fair. I feel being here will be nothing besides the negative. I dont care if I'm hated here or loved here. But we seriously have problems with the mods an other higher authorities. But theres nothing I can do about it becuase its not my site. i dont care if you diagree or agree thats how i feel and thats why im leaving LPF.
To all my friends enemies and aquatinces. Good bye and live a good life. I might come back someday if things look good. I will be on some other linkin park fansite for now.This may not be my last post. Under LonestarGangsta or another Azem title. SS1 have a pancake on me. Brittany, I will call you. Vero, Ill PM you. All others, you nowhere to find me.

Once known as an LPF Elite. Once Known as The LPF Gangsta. Once known as your friend. Once known as an Ally. Once known as AzemKamikaze03.

...Wow. Bueatiful burn there. But, like Linkin Park sings, "I've become so numb"...
Funny, that we agreed on a truce and there you are again, flaming me.
Well, frankly I find that dissapointing. Very dissapointing. I always liked were good with the members, good with sigs, a great person. But, you just started to fall out. I don't know what happened with you. But I will tell you why I am still here, typing this.
I came to this site in March, maybe 300 hundred members total. As far as respect and popularity, I rose pretty quick. I was a sporadic member...I would dissapear, then come back. I respected everyone, because they were an LP fan like me. They were friendly, and they were nice. A great forum, with great LP threads and some fun debates with Allied over politics.
Here I am one year later...typing this in a goodbye thread to you. Here I am, 1,900+ posts later, one year later, one Elite member promotion later.
I am still here because I am a good member. I don't flame unless I know that the authority will have my back 100% in any topic, so that means I fight for what is right. I love this forum, that is why I am here.
Back when I first joined, there were 20 regulars including ShinodaBear, Linkinparkbabe87, and ATLien. So yeah, I know them. But so?
Case in point:
Last summer, I posted a thread about Linkin park being on drugs. This did not go well and was canned, despite a protest from me that almost got me in very big trouble. I learned my lesson.
When I was having a fight with a former member, collision_course_777, ShinodaBear refused to step in at my request. He was right, in the end.
So azem's favoritism theory is flawed. They do not 'favor' me or cut me slack. The fact is I have been here much longer then almost anyone else here, so if anyone knows how to beahve, its me. Plain and simple.
Sorry to see you were a good member.
SNiPeRViRuS said:
When are you going Clogz?

Never. I love this site too much to see it torn apart by a bunch of petty, childish conflicts.
And besides, you've already said your on the verge of leaving, so why do you care? sooooo....sad....ilm already missing u guys........u guys r like sibllings 2 me......i no neither of u have even talked 2 me .......but youl have posted alot and hence i no u guys r really koool.....miss u guys....cya
omg.. *cries* ur leaving, noo.... to many good members are leave... i feel sad now... good bye and good luck azem, and treeves..
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