Baby, I need some money...


New member
Is this the new norm?

As you know, an old flame called me awhile back asking me to borrow him $5K. I guess he just figured I should completely forget the fact that he cheated on me and lied to my face about it so giving him $5000 of my hard earned money should be no big deal, right? I should just trust him that he'll pay me back?

Wrong, asswipe.

Now last week, two of the gals who work for me asked me for advances on their paychecks. I have no problem giving out advances because I know times are tough and it's their money to do with as they please. Just out of curiosity, I asked what they needed the advance for and both said it was for their boyfriends. One claimed she needed it because her boyfriend needed $300 to pay for car insurance. The other claimed her boyfriend needed $500 to cover a bill because he didn't get his last paycheck....?????

The truth is, I know these guys. The one needs it for drug money and the other needs it because he's a gambling addict.

What sucks is both of these women are single mothers. And neither is in a truly committed relationship with either one of these idiots.

Is this what society is coming to? If so, I am NOT happy about it.

There is no such thing as personal integrity anymore. :(



Active Members
Well I won't say much because I know you hate to admit how far things and "mothers" have declined in just a few short years but I have been stressing this change for a long time because if ladies like this would rather give money away to a sh!thead instead of saving it for their kids, then there has been some real change at the core of the average woman that causes me a great deal of sadness.

How do we reinstall a maternal instinct?

I'm not trying to put women down, I am asking how do we help them to get back to what society and their children need?



New member
Well I won't say much because I know you hate to admit how far things and "mothers" have declined in just a few short years but I have been stressing this change for a long time because if ladies like this would rather give money away to a sh!thead instead of saving it for their kids, then there has been some real change at the core of the average woman that causes me a great deal of sadness.

How do we reinstall a maternal instinct?

I'm not trying to put women down, I am asking how do we help them to get back to what society and their children need?
GAH!!!!! I didn't say it wasn't a problem, I only asked that you realize that BOTH men and women are contributing to this growing segment of society!!!!

While you seem to only want to point the finger at women and the Democrats, I think the problem is stemming more from poor parenting, unhealthy influences from the media and easy access to welfare (I guess we do agree on that note).

I'd like to mention that these women both love to watch the trashy shows on VH1 about drama, baby mamas, cheating and all that ****. In fact, they seem to emulate what they see on tv. I mean, I live in the most rural, white bread community ever and it's ridiculous to see these girls trying to act all "gangsta".

So how do we get women back on track?

Oh, I dunno. Chastity belts? Remove their sexual organs in a barbaric "coming of age" ritual? Let their fathers stone them to death if they are seen talking to a man in public?




New member
Society has been coming to "this" since the dawn of mankind.

There will always be these types and society needs these types, because they make you feel a lot better about your lot in life.



New member
Society has been coming to "this" since the dawn of mankind.
There will always be these types and society needs these types, because they make you feel a lot better about your lot in life.
Yes. I'm glad I don't watch VH1!

Though I did watch the "Flavor of Love" series....I admit it. Fortunately I was able to keep my wits about me and it didn't inspire me or my irresponsible ****** to do something foolish, like listen to rap music!!!! The horror!



New member
That's crazy. Take money from yourself and your kids to help out a grown, abled man with bad habits? Bump that! Those girls need to gain some self respect and put their kids and themselves first. They should be helping THEM. With company like that, I would MUCH rather be by myself.


New member's low self esteem. The ol' "this is as good as I'm going to get" or worse...."this is all that I deserve".

I still believe it comes down to parenting plain and simple. Find positive strengths to define your children early and they'll develop a strong sense of who they are. Left to their own devices means low self-esteem and poor values. This goes for the weak women and the lazy men alike. Too much idle time.

I find a swift kick to the beanbag quite often discourages a repeat performance of "baby, I need some money"...a conditioning similar to Pavlov's dogs...but with pain.



New member
How do we reinstall a maternal instinct?
It's instinct?

Not divine providence who so goes against it are sinners?

Animals have instincts.

Are you saying humans are animals?

I thought you were a creationist.



New member
It's instinct?
Not divine providence who so goes against it are sinners?

Animals have instincts.

Are you saying humans are animals?

I thought you were a creationist.
Yer openin' a whole nuther can of earthworms right there you is!



New member
It's instinct?
Not divine providence who so goes against it are sinners?

Animals have instincts.

Are you saying humans are animals?

I thought you were a creationist.
Well, he does feel that men...much like animals....are completely helpless at controlling their sexual urges.




Active Members
It's instinct?
Not divine providence who so goes against it are sinners?

Animals have instincts.

Are you saying humans are animals?

I thought you were a creationist.
I'm sorry but I guess I miss your point.

*** made all the creatures and man, it stands to reason that there would be some similar trends in both. You do not have to think about breating to breath for example, your body just naturally takes care of certain things.

I believe this is more about nature/nurture. Society is completely changing the role of women to be one without any expectations at all....and many are living up to that new standard, lol.

Men too, but it is increasingly rare for women to have a father to go with their children so most of the time, all parenting is done by the women. ****, remember Ali's friend who didn't even want to tell the man he fathered a child?

Fathers are seen as unneeded these days.



New member
I'm sorry but I guess I miss your point.
I didn't really have one... just picking a fight.

*** made all the creatures and man, it stands to reason that there would be some similar trends in both. You do not have to think about breating to breath for example, your body just naturally takes care of certain things.
Man evolved from ape.



New member
I guess my ideal relationship would be one where we are both working. I would never expect a man to support me, nor do I want one begging money off me all the time. That puts such a parent/child slant on the relationship and if I'm being made to feel like his mother/provider/jailer then I guarantee the *** is going to suffer greatly.

And Lord knows we can't have that!!!!!!



Active Members
I didn't really have one... just picking a fight.
All good, I don't mind debating anything really, not a fight though, let's debate it if you want.

Man evolved from ape.
Maybe a new thread would be better but here is a small thing to consider:

The only reason some people believe evolution is possible is because they have found the remains of animals that are similar to other animals in fossil records.

This would be similar to them finding a midget burried 10 thousand years ago and comparing that to modern man and claiming that tall men evolved from tiny men.........there is no actual science involved in any of this, it is all wishful thinking and guesswork, no facts.

The closest thing to evolution they can claim is a kind of bacteria that learned to eat something new........that is it. Well I say the day a bacteria turnes into a bug, or fish, or rabbit, or anything other than bacteria is the day "SCIENCE" has proven evolution to be possible.........Until then, it is no more than unproven theory.

If you want to take this further make a new thread and I will offer you some hard science that proves evolution is impossible...........



New member
Maybe a new thread would be better but here is a small thing to consider:

The only reason some people believe evolution is possible is because they have found the remains of animals that are similar to other animals in fossil records.

This would be similar to them finding a midget burried 10 thousand years ago and comparing that to modern man and claiming that tall men evolved from tiny men.........there is no actual science involved in any of this, it is all wishful thinking and guesswork, no facts.

The closest thing to evolution they can claim is a kind of bacteria that learned to eat something new........that is it. Well I say the day a bacteria turnes into a bug, or fish, or rabbit, or anything other than bacteria is the day "SCIENCE" has proven evolution to be possible.........Until then, it is no more than unproven theory.

If you want to take this further make a new thread and I will offer you some hard science that proves evolution is impossible...........
This is a tired old rebuttal, TJ. Nothing new and nothing really relevant to my belief in a THEORY.



New member
1 + 1 = 2 is a tired old math example too, but it is still valid.
You argue the science of mathematics, which can be applied from stone tablet to a computer, over the fantastical?

Math is concrete, math is tangible, and completely logical no matter how complicated the applications get. ***, faith, religion is based on the illogical fancies of man wanting lordship and power over other men.

You can not prove the existence of ***.



Active Members
You argue the science of mathematics, which can be applied from stone tablet to a computer, over the fantastical?
Math is concrete, math is tangible, and completely logical no matter how complicated the applications get. ***, faith, religion is based on the illogical fancies of man wanting lordship and power over other men.

You can not prove the existence of ***.
Like I said, make a new thread and we can discuss it if you like, but I will admit that there is certainly one thing that evolution and creation has in common, neither can be "Proven" based on scientific fact.

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