New member
I think you have mistaken what is science and what is pseudoscience. Creationism believes in the infallibility of the Word of *** and abandons scientific methods to search for proof. Whereas, evolution is constantly evolving itself and transforming based on scientific methods of research.Like I said, make a new thread and we can discuss it if you like, but I will admit that there is certainly one thing that evolution and creation has in common, neither can be "Proven" based on scientific fact.
Hence, when the evidence contradicts their reading of the Bible, they assume that the evidence is false. The only scientific investigation they do is aimed at proving some evolutionary claim is false. Creation scientists see no need to test their belief, since *** has revealed it. Infallible certainty is not the hallmark of science. Scientific theories are fallible. Claims of infallibility and the demand for absolute certainty characterize not science but pseudoscience.