Back in the Dungeon -> Re: Big Eight hierarchy management transition

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Aratzio [] has entered into testimony


>>>>> As the Offishul Lits Whore of AUK, I must most strenuously
>>>>> disagree. However, Marty Moleski has you on a lits as undecided.
>>>> Heh heh heh... a LITS of potential candidates for killfiling? Gee
>>>> whiz, don't those guys have better things to do such as getting new
>>>> wickets for the next round of RFDs?
>>> No, you are undecided as to whether the moderated version of the
>>> Team Calvin Playhouse (news.groups.moderated) starring TIMMAY! and
>>> the Rubber Stampers(tm) is a good idea.
>>> Marty had me in the Against and I had never typed a character for or
>>> against. You and I are the undecided vote at this point. I could go
>>> either way. I doubt my fun decreases either way.

>> Apparently those guys are still rubbing a stinging welt... I unsubbed
>> from news.groups when the SMM2 debacle concluded. Why do they care
>> what I think, anyway?

> You were in some cross posts recently. Someone may have inadvertantly
> added AUK to the froups line, Dante.
> Wonder if MArty realizes you are Dante Soch?

That soch was so holey from teh get-go. You, Bob, Sharon, anyone with a
clue knew from the moment Dante appeared that he was as bogus as a nine
dollar bill... well, everyone except for... well, you know ;)

>> I could make arguments for or against, it really
>> doesn't matter. The B8MB should consider the usability of an ngm,
>> rather than what their perceived friends and foes might desire.

> Nope not even part of the discussion.

I see... well, thats what I get for assuming.

> It is all about how they can eliminate dissent and get on with their
> important work of patting each others backs for jobs well done.

I wouldn't have such a problem with that if they could show that they've
done a job that merits gladhanding. smm & sra certainly don't bear such
merit, although my information about those groups is second hand... I
just haven't seen anything positive said about either by anyone whose
opinion has weight with me.

>> Timmay
>> has a habit of imposing all sorts of silly moderation requirements
>> and I doubt many people are going to jump through hoops just to get
>> their posts by whatever modbot is deployed.

> Actually there are those that like the structure of moderated groups.
> I feel sorry for them. The really funny post was the original RFD with
> the B8MB proposed as the moderators. The really funny part was, they
> were serious and did not have a clue why it would be perceived as a
> slight conflict of interest.

Then I'm sure they won't mind if the cop walking the beat in front of
their homes was convicted of ADW... or the payroll accountant at their
$DAYJOB was fired from his last $DAYJOB for questionable entries
discovered during reconciliation... etc.

>> Rather than play Calvinball, it
>> would be much simpler to send a CMSG or even defect to a PHP web
>> forum.

> They have the private forum on their web shite.

They actually have a private web forum? Smacks of hypocrisy that teh
self-professed saviors of Usenet who allegedly want to keep Usenet in
use, would resort to a non-Usenet medium.

>> The end result is that Usenetters either circumvent the system or
>> give up on it altogether; a huge irony mine for Timmay who in the
>> past has remarked that interest in Usenet needs to be reinvigorated
>> to keep it viable... (or something along those lines.)

> An interesting dichotomy is that they have been creating groups based
> upon "attracting new users" and then the groups once created, if they
> have posters, are not populated by new posters. Yet they keep
> espousing that same vision .

Perhaps they confused "new users" with "new nyms or sockpuppets." I
guess I could be blamed for one of those new sochs but that still
doesn't show an influx of "new users" by any reasonable definition of
the phrase.


"Aratzio" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 18:43:08 -0700, "pandora" <> got
> double secret probation because:
> >
> >"Aratzio" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:20:28 -0400, Daedalus <>
> >> transparently proposed:
> >>
> >> >On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 00:09:54 GMT, Aratzio <>
> >> >wrote:
> >> >
> >> >>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:00:45 -0700, Bob Officer
> >> >><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
> >> >>
> >> >>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:50:53 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
> >> >>><> wrote:
> >> >>>
> >> >>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:25:51 -0700, Bob Officer
> >> >>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:20:09 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
> >> >>>>><> wrote:
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:43:12 -0700, Bob Officer
> >> >>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:24:54 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
> >> >>>>>>><> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:25:38 -0700, Bob Officer
> >> >>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 21:14:42 -0500, in news.groups,
> >> >>>>>>>>> (Tim Skirvin) wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> writes:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our detractors are not always wrong, Brian, and that

> >includes you. I
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> just wish that many of them could understand that it's

> >possible to
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimately disagree.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I wish I could feel all warm and fuzzy now, but I can't.

> >don't
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> believe you (which is different from "you're lying."). I

> >mean, I
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> believe the principle you're espousing, but I don't

> >the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> application of it is actually extant in any form.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> I, unfortunately, agree with what you're saying.

> >don't think
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> that most of those that call themselves "detractors"

> >are willing to
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> give us the benefit of acknowledging legitimate

> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Which again, is the reverse of what I wrote.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> It's not, actually. "I don't believe the application

> >it is
> >> >>>>>>>>>>actually extant in any form", where "it" seems to refer to

> >possible
> >> >>>>>>>>>>to legitimately disagree", seems pretty clear to me. I don't

> >know if
> >> >>>>>>>>>>that's really what you meant, but I'll go by your words.
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>What you are proposing is inane...
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>It is the same thing as fighting a war, for peace...
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>Why are you responding to Tim? You are back in the killfile.
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>Already...?
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>><bounce>
> >> >>>>>>>Send some
> >> >>>>>>><bounce>
> >> >>>>>>>more beer
> >> >>>>>>><bounce>
> >> >>>>>>>would you please...
> >> >>>>>>><bounce>
> >> >>>>>>>and some
> >> >>>>>>><bounce>
> >> >>>>>>>pretzels
> >> >>>>>>><bounce>
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>You are the first triple (or Tripel).
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>/Me bows...
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>Yep, you got 85 days, I got 82 days.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>># Bob Officer - 06 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (85 days) - namecalling,
> >> >>>>repetition, flaming, continued accusations of conspiracy and lying
> >> >>>># saur - 08 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006 (30 days) - continued

> >> >>>>of conspiracy and lying
> >> >>>># Aratzio - 09 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (82 days) - namecalling,

> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>I have it on good authority (not just my own, HEY ARI) I am not a
> >> >>>>flamer. So TIMMAY has only half right. I guess TIMMAY does not like

> >> >>>>when I point out his hypocrisy and his inability to attribute
> >> >>>>properly.
> >> >>>
> >> >>>Timmay is just an immature little child, too bad he didn't get some
> >> >>>real world experience outside the ivory tower.
> >> >>>
> >> >>>He never did figure out why he wasn't liked in the dorm, did he?
> >> >>>
> >> >>>>Shall we roast, err, toast TIMMAY on the New Year for being such a
> >> >>>>cowardly little wanker.
> >> >>>
> >> >>>I think we need to do something.
> >> >>>
> >> >>>>Have to drag Sharon & PJR back in, besides you and me it just Nuke

> >> >>>>Loop and that whiner saur.
> >> >>>
> >> >>>Saur is a fair cribbage player, and is funny and interesting, once

> >> >>>realized you are ignoring him when he starts whining.
> >> >>>Nuke-loopy just sits in the corner and worries everyone is out to

> >> >>>him... If you try talking to him, he thinks you are out to be get...
> >> >>>
> >> >>>Sharon doesn't read this group on a daily basis. I still have to

> >> >>>her on that other matter... I just haven't had the time, and she is
> >> >>>busy trying to get ready her garden area for winter.
> >> >>
> >> >>SharonB was just over in the flonk playing whack The Hatter.
> >> >>
> >> >>Flonk added.
> >> >>
> >> >>Hey, maybe DAEV wants in on the lastest round of killfiling.
> >> >>
> >> >><turns up volume>
> >> >
> >> >I thought Daev was in there permanent like.
> >> >
> >> >Timmay the prig wouldn't put me in last time so I'm not playing any
> >> >more.
> >> >
> >> >Jade
> >>
> >> They want to create news.groups.moderated
> >>
> >> I blame us .
> >>

> >And it's to protect users like Jayne (ignorant and lazy), as well as the

> >8 from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Or simply, divergent
> >opinions.
> >
> >CWQ
> >

> The single reason for a moderated group is the board's own
> incompetance. Without so many people disagreeing with the board there
> would be no need. But the board will continue to blame those that
> disagree rather than fix the core problem, the board.
> There have been people saying a moderated version of news.groups has
> been needed for years, but the facts are, it was never a well
> supported proposal. If it had been, it would have been done by now.
> I still don't care one way or the other, I'll point and laugh at grown
> men acting like little children who are unable to get their way so
> they will take their ball and go home, SO THERE <STOMP>.

Well, We (and by that I mean my friends and I when we were kids), solved
that particular problem (not allowing girls to play), by buying our own
ball and continuing the play. I don't think that's possible in this
situation though, sadly.

On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 18:43:08 -0700, in news.groups, "pandora"
<> wrote:

>"Aratzio" <> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:20:28 -0400, Daedalus <>
>> transparently proposed:
>> >On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 00:09:54 GMT, Aratzio <>
>> >wrote:
>> >
>> >>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:00:45 -0700, Bob Officer
>> >><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>> >>
>> >>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:50:53 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>> >>><> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:25:51 -0700, Bob Officer
>> >>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:20:09 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>> >>>>><> wrote:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:43:12 -0700, Bob Officer
>> >>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:24:54 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>> >>>>>>><> wrote:
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:25:38 -0700, Bob Officer
>> >>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>>On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 21:14:42 -0500, in news.groups,
>> >>>>>>>>> (Tim Skirvin) wrote:
>> >>>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>>>Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> writes:
>> >>>>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our detractors are not always wrong, Brian, and that

>includes you. I
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> just wish that many of them could understand that it's

>possible to
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimately disagree.
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I wish I could feel all warm and fuzzy now, but I can't. I

>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> believe you (which is different from "you're lying."). I

>mean, I
>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> believe the principle you're espousing, but I don't believe

>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> application of it is actually extant in any form.
>> >>>>>>>>>>>> I, unfortunately, agree with what you're saying. I

>don't think
>> >>>>>>>>>>>> that most of those that call themselves "detractors" really

>are willing to
>> >>>>>>>>>>>> give us the benefit of acknowledging legitimate disagreement.
>> >>>>>>>>>>> Which again, is the reverse of what I wrote.
>> >>>>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>>> It's not, actually. "I don't believe the application of

>it is
>> >>>>>>>>>>actually extant in any form", where "it" seems to refer to "it's

>> >>>>>>>>>>to legitimately disagree", seems pretty clear to me. I don't

>know if
>> >>>>>>>>>>that's really what you meant, but I'll go by your words.
>> >>>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>>What you are proposing is inane...
>> >>>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>>It is the same thing as fighting a war, for peace...
>> >>>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>>Why are you responding to Tim? You are back in the killfile.
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>>Already...?
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>><bounce>
>> >>>>>>>Send some
>> >>>>>>><bounce>
>> >>>>>>>more beer
>> >>>>>>><bounce>
>> >>>>>>>would you please...
>> >>>>>>><bounce>
>> >>>>>>>and some
>> >>>>>>><bounce>
>> >>>>>>>pretzels
>> >>>>>>><bounce>
>> >>>>>>
>> >>>>>>You are the first triple (or Tripel).
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>/Me bows...
>> >>>>
>> >>>>Yep, you got 85 days, I got 82 days.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>># Bob Officer - 06 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (85 days) - namecalling,
>> >>>>repetition, flaming, continued accusations of conspiracy and lying
>> >>>># saur - 08 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006 (30 days) - continued accusations
>> >>>>of conspiracy and lying
>> >>>># Aratzio - 09 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (82 days) - namecalling, flaming
>> >>>>
>> >>>>I have it on good authority (not just my own, HEY ARI) I am not a
>> >>>>flamer. So TIMMAY has only half right. I guess TIMMAY does not like it
>> >>>>when I point out his hypocrisy and his inability to attribute
>> >>>>properly.
>> >>>
>> >>>Timmay is just an immature little child, too bad he didn't get some
>> >>>real world experience outside the ivory tower.
>> >>>
>> >>>He never did figure out why he wasn't liked in the dorm, did he?
>> >>>
>> >>>>Shall we roast, err, toast TIMMAY on the New Year for being such a
>> >>>>cowardly little wanker.
>> >>>
>> >>>I think we need to do something.
>> >>>
>> >>>>Have to drag Sharon & PJR back in, besides you and me it just Nuke The
>> >>>>Loop and that whiner saur.
>> >>>
>> >>>Saur is a fair cribbage player, and is funny and interesting, once he
>> >>>realized you are ignoring him when he starts whining.
>> >>>Nuke-loopy just sits in the corner and worries everyone is out to get
>> >>>him... If you try talking to him, he thinks you are out to be get...
>> >>>
>> >>>Sharon doesn't read this group on a daily basis. I still have to call
>> >>>her on that other matter... I just haven't had the time, and she is
>> >>>busy trying to get ready her garden area for winter.
>> >>
>> >>SharonB was just over in the flonk playing whack The Hatter.
>> >>
>> >>Flonk added.
>> >>
>> >>Hey, maybe DAEV wants in on the lastest round of killfiling.
>> >>
>> >><turns up volume>
>> >
>> >I thought Daev was in there permanent like.
>> >
>> >Timmay the prig wouldn't put me in last time so I'm not playing any
>> >more.
>> >
>> >Jade

>> They want to create news.groups.moderated
>> I blame us .

>And it's to protect users like Jayne (ignorant and lazy), as well as the BIG
>8 from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Or simply, divergent

I think the word ignorant can not apply to Jayne.

the word Stupid is more fitting,
ignorance can be cured by education

stupidity is a refusal to learn.

Aratzio <>, the church officer who attends the
magistrates and justices at court for the purpose of extracting bribes,

> On Wed, 11 Oct 2006 07:16:43 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
> <****-you.ya.****> got double secret
> probation because:
>> Aratzio <>, the embarrassing plasterer,
>> ruptured:
>>> On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 10:51:01 -0400, Meat Plow <meat@meatplow.local>
>>> transparently proposed:
>>>> On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 14:44:19 +0000, Aratzio Has Frothed:
>>>>> On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 13:56:34 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
>>>>> <****-you.ya.****> transparently
>>>>> proposed:
>>>>>> Aratzio <>, the painter of flag poles,
>>>>>> affirmed:
>>>>>> k0oKSITE!!!
>>>>> Hrmm, Looney Maroon kookish?
>>>> Looks like it to me. One has to be pretty "looney" to maintain a
>>>> haet page like that.
>>> (I was trying to be obtuse, I think KM meant the people on the page
>>> were kooks)

>> The page is Looney Marooneyish.

> Bitch

I wouldn't have said that.

alt.usenet.kooks - Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker:
September 2005 and April 2006

"K-Man's particular genius, however, lies not merely in his humour,
but his ability to make posters who had previously seemed reasonably
well-balanced turn into foaming, frothing, death threat-uttering
maniacs" - Snarky, Demon Lord of Confusion

Thou horse's feedbag. Thou fresh piece of excellent witchcraft.
On Wed, 11 Oct 2006 14:44:28 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
<****-you.ya.****> transparently proposed:

>Aratzio <>, the church officer who attends the
>magistrates and justices at court for the purpose of extracting bribes,
>> On Wed, 11 Oct 2006 07:16:43 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
>> <****-you.ya.****> got double secret
>> probation because:
>>> Aratzio <>, the embarrassing plasterer,
>>> ruptured:
>>>> On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 10:51:01 -0400, Meat Plow <meat@meatplow.local>
>>>> transparently proposed:
>>>>> On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 14:44:19 +0000, Aratzio Has Frothed:
>>>>>> On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 13:56:34 +0545, "Kadaitcha Man"
>>>>>> <****-you.ya.****> transparently
>>>>>> proposed:
>>>>>>> Aratzio <>, the painter of flag poles,
>>>>>>> affirmed:
>>>>>>> k0oKSITE!!!
>>>>>> Hrmm, Looney Maroon kookish?
>>>>> Looks like it to me. One has to be pretty "looney" to maintain a
>>>>> haet page like that.
>>>> (I was trying to be obtuse, I think KM meant the people on the page
>>>> were kooks)
>>> The page is Looney Marooneyish.

>> Bitch

>I wouldn't have said that.

Good, then there is still hope for one of us. Which is a bit more


Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
"Bob Officer" <bobofficers@> wrote in message
> On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 18:43:08 -0700, in news.groups, "pandora"
> <> wrote:
> >
> >"Aratzio" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:20:28 -0400, Daedalus <>
> >> transparently proposed:
> >>
> >> >On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 00:09:54 GMT, Aratzio <>
> >> >wrote:
> >> >
> >> >>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:00:45 -0700, Bob Officer
> >> >><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
> >> >>
> >> >>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:50:53 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
> >> >>><> wrote:
> >> >>>
> >> >>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:25:51 -0700, Bob Officer
> >> >>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:20:09 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
> >> >>>>><> wrote:
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:43:12 -0700, Bob Officer
> >> >>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:24:54 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
> >> >>>>>>><> wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:25:38 -0700, Bob Officer
> >> >>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 21:14:42 -0500, in news.groups,
> >> >>>>>>>>> (Tim Skirvin) wrote:
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> writes:
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our detractors are not always wrong, Brian, and that

> >includes you. I
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> just wish that many of them could understand that it's

> >possible to
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimately disagree.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I wish I could feel all warm and fuzzy now, but I can't.

> >don't
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> believe you (which is different from "you're lying."). I

> >mean, I
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> believe the principle you're espousing, but I don't

> >the
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> application of it is actually extant in any form.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> I, unfortunately, agree with what you're saying.

> >don't think
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> that most of those that call themselves "detractors"

> >are willing to
> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> give us the benefit of acknowledging legitimate

> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Which again, is the reverse of what I wrote.
> >> >>>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>> It's not, actually. "I don't believe the application

> >it is
> >> >>>>>>>>>>actually extant in any form", where "it" seems to refer to

> >possible
> >> >>>>>>>>>>to legitimately disagree", seems pretty clear to me. I don't

> >know if
> >> >>>>>>>>>>that's really what you meant, but I'll go by your words.
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>What you are proposing is inane...
> >> >>>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>>It is the same thing as fighting a war, for peace...
> >> >>>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>>Why are you responding to Tim? You are back in the killfile.
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>>Already...?
> >> >>>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>><bounce>
> >> >>>>>>>Send some
> >> >>>>>>><bounce>
> >> >>>>>>>more beer
> >> >>>>>>><bounce>
> >> >>>>>>>would you please...
> >> >>>>>>><bounce>
> >> >>>>>>>and some
> >> >>>>>>><bounce>
> >> >>>>>>>pretzels
> >> >>>>>>><bounce>
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>You are the first triple (or Tripel).
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>>/Me bows...
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>Yep, you got 85 days, I got 82 days.
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>># Bob Officer - 06 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (85 days) - namecalling,
> >> >>>>repetition, flaming, continued accusations of conspiracy and lying
> >> >>>># saur - 08 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006 (30 days) - continued

> >> >>>>of conspiracy and lying
> >> >>>># Aratzio - 09 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (82 days) - namecalling,

> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>I have it on good authority (not just my own, HEY ARI) I am not a
> >> >>>>flamer. So TIMMAY has only half right. I guess TIMMAY does not like

> >> >>>>when I point out his hypocrisy and his inability to attribute
> >> >>>>properly.
> >> >>>
> >> >>>Timmay is just an immature little child, too bad he didn't get some
> >> >>>real world experience outside the ivory tower.
> >> >>>
> >> >>>He never did figure out why he wasn't liked in the dorm, did he?
> >> >>>
> >> >>>>Shall we roast, err, toast TIMMAY on the New Year for being such a
> >> >>>>cowardly little wanker.
> >> >>>
> >> >>>I think we need to do something.
> >> >>>
> >> >>>>Have to drag Sharon & PJR back in, besides you and me it just Nuke

> >> >>>>Loop and that whiner saur.
> >> >>>
> >> >>>Saur is a fair cribbage player, and is funny and interesting, once

> >> >>>realized you are ignoring him when he starts whining.
> >> >>>Nuke-loopy just sits in the corner and worries everyone is out to

> >> >>>him... If you try talking to him, he thinks you are out to be get...
> >> >>>
> >> >>>Sharon doesn't read this group on a daily basis. I still have to

> >> >>>her on that other matter... I just haven't had the time, and she is
> >> >>>busy trying to get ready her garden area for winter.
> >> >>
> >> >>SharonB was just over in the flonk playing whack The Hatter.
> >> >>
> >> >>Flonk added.
> >> >>
> >> >>Hey, maybe DAEV wants in on the lastest round of killfiling.
> >> >>
> >> >><turns up volume>
> >> >
> >> >I thought Daev was in there permanent like.
> >> >
> >> >Timmay the prig wouldn't put me in last time so I'm not playing any
> >> >more.
> >> >
> >> >Jade
> >>
> >> They want to create news.groups.moderated
> >>
> >> I blame us .
> >>

> >And it's to protect users like Jayne (ignorant and lazy), as well as the

> >8 from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Or simply, divergent
> >opinions.

> I think the word ignorant can not apply to Jayne.
> the word Stupid is more fitting,
> ignorance can be cured by education

You have a point there.


> stupidity is a refusal to learn.
> --
> Ak'toh'di
On Wed, 11 Oct 2006 09:54:43 -0700, in news.groups, "pandora"
<> wrote:

>"Bob Officer" <bobofficers@> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 18:43:08 -0700, in news.groups, "pandora"
>> <> wrote:
>> >
>> >"Aratzio" <> wrote in message
>> >
>> >> On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:20:28 -0400, Daedalus <>
>> >> transparently proposed:
>> >>
>> >> >On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 00:09:54 GMT, Aratzio <>
>> >> >wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> >>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:00:45 -0700, Bob Officer
>> >> >><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>> >> >>
>> >> >>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:50:53 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>> >> >>><> wrote:
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:25:51 -0700, Bob Officer
>> >> >>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:20:09 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>> >> >>>>><> wrote:
>> >> >>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:43:12 -0700, Bob Officer
>> >> >>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>> >> >>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:24:54 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>> >> >>>>>>><> wrote:
>> >> >>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:25:38 -0700, Bob Officer
>> >> >>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>> >> >>>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>>>On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 21:14:42 -0500, in news.groups,
>> >> >>>>>>>>> (Tim Skirvin) wrote:
>> >> >>>>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> writes:
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our detractors are not always wrong, Brian, and that
>> >includes you. I
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> just wish that many of them could understand that it's
>> >possible to
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimately disagree.
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I wish I could feel all warm and fuzzy now, but I can't.

>> >don't
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> believe you (which is different from "you're lying."). I
>> >mean, I
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> believe the principle you're espousing, but I don't

>> >the
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>>> application of it is actually extant in any form.
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> I, unfortunately, agree with what you're saying.

>> >don't think
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> that most of those that call themselves "detractors"

>> >are willing to
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>>> give us the benefit of acknowledging legitimate

>> >> >>>>>>>>>>> Which again, is the reverse of what I wrote.
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>>>> It's not, actually. "I don't believe the application

>> >it is
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>actually extant in any form", where "it" seems to refer to

>> >possible
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>to legitimately disagree", seems pretty clear to me. I don't
>> >know if
>> >> >>>>>>>>>>that's really what you meant, but I'll go by your words.
>> >> >>>>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>>>What you are proposing is inane...
>> >> >>>>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>>>It is the same thing as fighting a war, for peace...
>> >> >>>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>>Why are you responding to Tim? You are back in the killfile.
>> >> >>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>>Already...?
>> >> >>>>>>>
>> >> >>>>>>><bounce>
>> >> >>>>>>>Send some
>> >> >>>>>>><bounce>
>> >> >>>>>>>more beer
>> >> >>>>>>><bounce>
>> >> >>>>>>>would you please...
>> >> >>>>>>><bounce>
>> >> >>>>>>>and some
>> >> >>>>>>><bounce>
>> >> >>>>>>>pretzels
>> >> >>>>>>><bounce>

I wonder how many people even recognized the obscure reference...

Killfile, dungeon, cooler... their all the same thing.

>> >> >>>>>>You are the first triple (or Tripel).
>> >> >>>>>
>> >> >>>>>/Me bows...
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>>Yep, you got 85 days, I got 82 days.
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>># Bob Officer - 06 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (85 days) - namecalling,
>> >> >>>>repetition, flaming, continued accusations of conspiracy and lying
>> >> >>>># saur - 08 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006 (30 days) - continued

>> >> >>>>of conspiracy and lying
>> >> >>>># Aratzio - 09 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (82 days) - namecalling,

>> >> >>>>
>> >> >>>>I have it on good authority (not just my own, HEY ARI) I am not a
>> >> >>>>flamer. So TIMMAY has only half right. I guess TIMMAY does not like

>> >> >>>>when I point out his hypocrisy and his inability to attribute
>> >> >>>>properly.
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>>Timmay is just an immature little child, too bad he didn't get some
>> >> >>>real world experience outside the ivory tower.
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>>He never did figure out why he wasn't liked in the dorm, did he?
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>>>Shall we roast, err, toast TIMMAY on the New Year for being such a
>> >> >>>>cowardly little wanker.
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>>I think we need to do something.
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>>>Have to drag Sharon & PJR back in, besides you and me it just Nuke

>> >> >>>>Loop and that whiner saur.
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>>Saur is a fair cribbage player, and is funny and interesting, once

>> >> >>>realized you are ignoring him when he starts whining.
>> >> >>>Nuke-loopy just sits in the corner and worries everyone is out to

>> >> >>>him... If you try talking to him, he thinks you are out to be get...
>> >> >>>
>> >> >>>Sharon doesn't read this group on a daily basis. I still have to

>> >> >>>her on that other matter... I just haven't had the time, and she is
>> >> >>>busy trying to get ready her garden area for winter.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>SharonB was just over in the flonk playing whack The Hatter.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>Flonk added.
>> >> >>
>> >> >>Hey, maybe DAEV wants in on the lastest round of killfiling.
>> >> >>
>> >> >><turns up volume>
>> >> >
>> >> >I thought Daev was in there permanent like.
>> >> >
>> >> >Timmay the prig wouldn't put me in last time so I'm not playing any
>> >> >more.
>> >> >
>> >> >Jade
>> >>
>> >> They want to create news.groups.moderated
>> >>
>> >> I blame us .
>> >>
>> >And it's to protect users like Jayne (ignorant and lazy), as well as the

>> >8 from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Or simply, divergent
>> >opinions.

>> I think the word ignorant can not apply to Jayne.
>> the word Stupid is more fitting,
>> ignorance can be cured by education

>You have a point there.

you think?

>> stupidity is a refusal to learn.

and like hydrogen in the universe, it is all over the place in a
great abundance.

On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 16:51:02 GMT, Aratzio <>

>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:20:28 -0400, Daedalus <>
>transparently proposed:
>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 00:09:54 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:00:45 -0700, Bob Officer
>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:50:53 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:25:51 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:20:09 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:43:12 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:24:54 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:25:38 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 21:14:42 -0500, in news.groups,
>>>>>>>>>> (Tim Skirvin) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> writes:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our detractors are not always wrong, Brian, and that includes you. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just wish that many of them could understand that it's possible to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimately disagree.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wish I could feel all warm and fuzzy now, but I can't. I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe you (which is different from "you're lying."). I mean, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe the principle you're espousing, but I don't believe the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application of it is actually extant in any form.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I, unfortunately, agree with what you're saying. I don't think
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that most of those that call themselves "detractors" really are willing to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> give us the benefit of acknowledging legitimate disagreement.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Which again, is the reverse of what I wrote.
>>>>>>>>>>> It's not, actually. "I don't believe the application of it is
>>>>>>>>>>>actually extant in any form", where "it" seems to refer to "it's possible
>>>>>>>>>>>to legitimately disagree", seems pretty clear to me. I don't know if
>>>>>>>>>>>that's really what you meant, but I'll go by your words.
>>>>>>>>>>What you are proposing is inane...
>>>>>>>>>>It is the same thing as fighting a war, for peace...
>>>>>>>>>Why are you responding to Tim? You are back in the killfile.
>>>>>>>>Send some
>>>>>>>>more beer
>>>>>>>>would you please...
>>>>>>>>and some
>>>>>>>You are the first triple (or Tripel).
>>>>>>/Me bows...
>>>>>Yep, you got 85 days, I got 82 days.
>>>>># Bob Officer - 06 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (85 days) - namecalling,
>>>>>repetition, flaming, continued accusations of conspiracy and lying
>>>>># saur - 08 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006 (30 days) - continued accusations
>>>>>of conspiracy and lying
>>>>># Aratzio - 09 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (82 days) - namecalling, flaming
>>>>>I have it on good authority (not just my own, HEY ARI) I am not a
>>>>>flamer. So TIMMAY has only half right. I guess TIMMAY does not like it
>>>>>when I point out his hypocrisy and his inability to attribute
>>>>Timmay is just an immature little child, too bad he didn't get some
>>>>real world experience outside the ivory tower.
>>>>He never did figure out why he wasn't liked in the dorm, did he?
>>>>>Shall we roast, err, toast TIMMAY on the New Year for being such a
>>>>>cowardly little wanker.
>>>>I think we need to do something.
>>>>>Have to drag Sharon & PJR back in, besides you and me it just Nuke The
>>>>>Loop and that whiner saur.
>>>>Saur is a fair cribbage player, and is funny and interesting, once he
>>>>realized you are ignoring him when he starts whining.
>>>>Nuke-loopy just sits in the corner and worries everyone is out to get
>>>>him... If you try talking to him, he thinks you are out to be get...
>>>>Sharon doesn't read this group on a daily basis. I still have to call
>>>>her on that other matter... I just haven't had the time, and she is
>>>>busy trying to get ready her garden area for winter.
>>>SharonB was just over in the flonk playing whack The Hatter.
>>>Flonk added.
>>>Hey, maybe DAEV wants in on the lastest round of killfiling.
>>><turns up volume>

>>I thought Daev was in there permanent like.
>>Timmay the prig wouldn't put me in last time so I'm not playing any

>They want to create news.groups.moderated
>I blame us .

I volunteer to moderate.

On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 09:53:33 -0400, Daedalus <>
transparently proposed:

>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 16:51:02 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:20:28 -0400, Daedalus <>
>>transparently proposed:
>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 00:09:54 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:00:45 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:50:53 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:25:51 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:20:09 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:43:12 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:24:54 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:25:38 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>>On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 21:14:42 -0500, in news.groups,
>>>>>>>>>>> (Tim Skirvin) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> writes:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our detractors are not always wrong, Brian, and that includes you. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just wish that many of them could understand that it's possible to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimately disagree.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wish I could feel all warm and fuzzy now, but I can't. I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe you (which is different from "you're lying."). I mean, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe the principle you're espousing, but I don't believe the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application of it is actually extant in any form.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I, unfortunately, agree with what you're saying. I don't think
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that most of those that call themselves "detractors" really are willing to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give us the benefit of acknowledging legitimate disagreement.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which again, is the reverse of what I wrote.
>>>>>>>>>>>> It's not, actually. "I don't believe the application of it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>actually extant in any form", where "it" seems to refer to "it's possible
>>>>>>>>>>>>to legitimately disagree", seems pretty clear to me. I don't know if
>>>>>>>>>>>>that's really what you meant, but I'll go by your words.
>>>>>>>>>>>What you are proposing is inane...
>>>>>>>>>>>It is the same thing as fighting a war, for peace...
>>>>>>>>>>Why are you responding to Tim? You are back in the killfile.
>>>>>>>>>Send some
>>>>>>>>>more beer
>>>>>>>>>would you please...
>>>>>>>>>and some
>>>>>>>>You are the first triple (or Tripel).
>>>>>>>/Me bows...
>>>>>>Yep, you got 85 days, I got 82 days.
>>>>>># Bob Officer - 06 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (85 days) - namecalling,
>>>>>>repetition, flaming, continued accusations of conspiracy and lying
>>>>>># saur - 08 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006 (30 days) - continued accusations
>>>>>>of conspiracy and lying
>>>>>># Aratzio - 09 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (82 days) - namecalling, flaming
>>>>>>I have it on good authority (not just my own, HEY ARI) I am not a
>>>>>>flamer. So TIMMAY has only half right. I guess TIMMAY does not like it
>>>>>>when I point out his hypocrisy and his inability to attribute
>>>>>Timmay is just an immature little child, too bad he didn't get some
>>>>>real world experience outside the ivory tower.
>>>>>He never did figure out why he wasn't liked in the dorm, did he?
>>>>>>Shall we roast, err, toast TIMMAY on the New Year for being such a
>>>>>>cowardly little wanker.
>>>>>I think we need to do something.
>>>>>>Have to drag Sharon & PJR back in, besides you and me it just Nuke The
>>>>>>Loop and that whiner saur.
>>>>>Saur is a fair cribbage player, and is funny and interesting, once he
>>>>>realized you are ignoring him when he starts whining.
>>>>>Nuke-loopy just sits in the corner and worries everyone is out to get
>>>>>him... If you try talking to him, he thinks you are out to be get...
>>>>>Sharon doesn't read this group on a daily basis. I still have to call
>>>>>her on that other matter... I just haven't had the time, and she is
>>>>>busy trying to get ready her garden area for winter.
>>>>SharonB was just over in the flonk playing whack The Hatter.
>>>>Flonk added.
>>>>Hey, maybe DAEV wants in on the lastest round of killfiling.
>>>><turns up volume>
>>>I thought Daev was in there permanent like.
>>>Timmay the prig wouldn't put me in last time so I'm not playing any

>>They want to create news.groups.moderated
>>I blame us .

>I volunteer to moderate.

YAY Jade!!!1!!!


Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 16:38:40 GMT, Aratzio <>

>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 09:53:33 -0400, Daedalus <>
>transparently proposed:
>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 16:51:02 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:20:28 -0400, Daedalus <>
>>>transparently proposed:
>>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 00:09:54 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:00:45 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:50:53 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:25:51 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:20:09 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:43:12 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:24:54 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:25:38 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>>>On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 21:14:42 -0500, in news.groups,
>>>>>>>>>>>> (Tim Skirvin) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> writes:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our detractors are not always wrong, Brian, and that includes you. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just wish that many of them could understand that it's possible to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimately disagree.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wish I could feel all warm and fuzzy now, but I can't. I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe you (which is different from "you're lying."). I mean, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe the principle you're espousing, but I don't believe the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application of it is actually extant in any form.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I, unfortunately, agree with what you're saying. I don't think
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that most of those that call themselves "detractors" really are willing to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give us the benefit of acknowledging legitimate disagreement.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which again, is the reverse of what I wrote.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's not, actually. "I don't believe the application of it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>actually extant in any form", where "it" seems to refer to "it's possible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>to legitimately disagree", seems pretty clear to me. I don't know if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>that's really what you meant, but I'll go by your words.
>>>>>>>>>>>>What you are proposing is inane...
>>>>>>>>>>>>It is the same thing as fighting a war, for peace...
>>>>>>>>>>>Why are you responding to Tim? You are back in the killfile.
>>>>>>>>>>Send some
>>>>>>>>>>more beer
>>>>>>>>>>would you please...
>>>>>>>>>>and some
>>>>>>>>>You are the first triple (or Tripel).
>>>>>>>>/Me bows...
>>>>>>>Yep, you got 85 days, I got 82 days.
>>>>>>># Bob Officer - 06 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (85 days) - namecalling,
>>>>>>>repetition, flaming, continued accusations of conspiracy and lying
>>>>>>># saur - 08 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006 (30 days) - continued accusations
>>>>>>>of conspiracy and lying
>>>>>>># Aratzio - 09 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (82 days) - namecalling, flaming
>>>>>>>I have it on good authority (not just my own, HEY ARI) I am not a
>>>>>>>flamer. So TIMMAY has only half right. I guess TIMMAY does not like it
>>>>>>>when I point out his hypocrisy and his inability to attribute
>>>>>>Timmay is just an immature little child, too bad he didn't get some
>>>>>>real world experience outside the ivory tower.
>>>>>>He never did figure out why he wasn't liked in the dorm, did he?
>>>>>>>Shall we roast, err, toast TIMMAY on the New Year for being such a
>>>>>>>cowardly little wanker.
>>>>>>I think we need to do something.
>>>>>>>Have to drag Sharon & PJR back in, besides you and me it just Nuke The
>>>>>>>Loop and that whiner saur.
>>>>>>Saur is a fair cribbage player, and is funny and interesting, once he
>>>>>>realized you are ignoring him when he starts whining.
>>>>>>Nuke-loopy just sits in the corner and worries everyone is out to get
>>>>>>him... If you try talking to him, he thinks you are out to be get...
>>>>>>Sharon doesn't read this group on a daily basis. I still have to call
>>>>>>her on that other matter... I just haven't had the time, and she is
>>>>>>busy trying to get ready her garden area for winter.
>>>>>SharonB was just over in the flonk playing whack The Hatter.
>>>>>Flonk added.
>>>>>Hey, maybe DAEV wants in on the lastest round of killfiling.
>>>>><turns up volume>
>>>>I thought Daev was in there permanent like.
>>>>Timmay the prig wouldn't put me in last time so I'm not playing any
>>>They want to create news.groups.moderated
>>>I blame us .

>>I volunteer to moderate.

>YAY Jade!!!1!!!

I will be a benevolent moderateur. But there will be a new dungeon

On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 15:26:47 -0400, Daedalus <>
transparently proposed:

>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 16:38:40 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 09:53:33 -0400, Daedalus <>
>>transparently proposed:
>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 16:51:02 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:20:28 -0400, Daedalus <>
>>>>transparently proposed:
>>>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 00:09:54 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:00:45 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:50:53 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:25:51 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:20:09 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:43:12 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:24:54 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:25:38 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 21:14:42 -0500, in news.groups,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Tim Skirvin) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> writes:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our detractors are not always wrong, Brian, and that includes you. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just wish that many of them could understand that it's possible to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimately disagree.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wish I could feel all warm and fuzzy now, but I can't. I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe you (which is different from "you're lying."). I mean, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe the principle you're espousing, but I don't believe the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application of it is actually extant in any form.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I, unfortunately, agree with what you're saying. I don't think
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that most of those that call themselves "detractors" really are willing to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give us the benefit of acknowledging legitimate disagreement.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which again, is the reverse of what I wrote.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's not, actually. "I don't believe the application of it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>actually extant in any form", where "it" seems to refer to "it's possible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>to legitimately disagree", seems pretty clear to me. I don't know if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>that's really what you meant, but I'll go by your words.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>What you are proposing is inane...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>It is the same thing as fighting a war, for peace...
>>>>>>>>>>>>Why are you responding to Tim? You are back in the killfile.
>>>>>>>>>>>Send some
>>>>>>>>>>>more beer
>>>>>>>>>>>would you please...
>>>>>>>>>>>and some
>>>>>>>>>>You are the first triple (or Tripel).
>>>>>>>>>/Me bows...
>>>>>>>>Yep, you got 85 days, I got 82 days.
>>>>>>>># Bob Officer - 06 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (85 days) - namecalling,
>>>>>>>>repetition, flaming, continued accusations of conspiracy and lying
>>>>>>>># saur - 08 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006 (30 days) - continued accusations
>>>>>>>>of conspiracy and lying
>>>>>>>># Aratzio - 09 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (82 days) - namecalling, flaming
>>>>>>>>I have it on good authority (not just my own, HEY ARI) I am not a
>>>>>>>>flamer. So TIMMAY has only half right. I guess TIMMAY does not like it
>>>>>>>>when I point out his hypocrisy and his inability to attribute
>>>>>>>Timmay is just an immature little child, too bad he didn't get some
>>>>>>>real world experience outside the ivory tower.
>>>>>>>He never did figure out why he wasn't liked in the dorm, did he?
>>>>>>>>Shall we roast, err, toast TIMMAY on the New Year for being such a
>>>>>>>>cowardly little wanker.
>>>>>>>I think we need to do something.
>>>>>>>>Have to drag Sharon & PJR back in, besides you and me it just Nuke The
>>>>>>>>Loop and that whiner saur.
>>>>>>>Saur is a fair cribbage player, and is funny and interesting, once he
>>>>>>>realized you are ignoring him when he starts whining.
>>>>>>>Nuke-loopy just sits in the corner and worries everyone is out to get
>>>>>>>him... If you try talking to him, he thinks you are out to be get...
>>>>>>>Sharon doesn't read this group on a daily basis. I still have to call
>>>>>>>her on that other matter... I just haven't had the time, and she is
>>>>>>>busy trying to get ready her garden area for winter.
>>>>>>SharonB was just over in the flonk playing whack The Hatter.
>>>>>>Flonk added.
>>>>>>Hey, maybe DAEV wants in on the lastest round of killfiling.
>>>>>><turns up volume>
>>>>>I thought Daev was in there permanent like.
>>>>>Timmay the prig wouldn't put me in last time so I'm not playing any
>>>>They want to create news.groups.moderated
>>>>I blame us .
>>>I volunteer to moderate.

>>YAY Jade!!!1!!!

>I will be a benevolent moderateur. But there will be a new dungeon

Put DAEV in charge of construction.


Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:00:45 -0700, Bob Officer
<bobofficers@> wrote in

>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:50:53 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
><> wrote:
>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:25:51 -0700, Bob Officer
>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:20:09 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>><> wrote:
>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:43:12 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:24:54 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:25:38 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 21:14:42 -0500, in news.groups,
>>>>>>> (Tim Skirvin) wrote:
>>>>>>>>Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> writes:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Our detractors are not always wrong, Brian, and that includes you. I
>>>>>>>>>>>> just wish that many of them could understand that it's possible to
>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimately disagree.
>>>>>>>>>>> I wish I could feel all warm and fuzzy now, but I can't. I don't
>>>>>>>>>>> believe you (which is different from "you're lying."). I mean, I
>>>>>>>>>>> believe the principle you're espousing, but I don't believe the
>>>>>>>>>>> application of it is actually extant in any form.
>>>>>>>>>> I, unfortunately, agree with what you're saying. I don't think
>>>>>>>>>> that most of those that call themselves "detractors" really are willing to
>>>>>>>>>> give us the benefit of acknowledging legitimate disagreement.
>>>>>>>>> Which again, is the reverse of what I wrote.
>>>>>>>> It's not, actually. "I don't believe the application of it is
>>>>>>>>actually extant in any form", where "it" seems to refer to "it's possible
>>>>>>>>to legitimately disagree", seems pretty clear to me. I don't know if
>>>>>>>>that's really what you meant, but I'll go by your words.
>>>>>>>What you are proposing is inane...
>>>>>>>It is the same thing as fighting a war, for peace...
>>>>>>Why are you responding to Tim? You are back in the killfile.
>>>>>Send some
>>>>>more beer
>>>>>would you please...
>>>>>and some
>>>>You are the first triple (or Tripel).
>>>/Me bows...

>>Yep, you got 85 days, I got 82 days.
>># Bob Officer - 06 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (85 days) - namecalling,
>>repetition, flaming, continued accusations of conspiracy and lying
>># saur - 08 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006 (30 days) - continued accusations
>>of conspiracy and lying
>># Aratzio - 09 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (82 days) - namecalling, flaming
>>I have it on good authority (not just my own, HEY ARI) I am not a
>>flamer. So TIMMAY has only half right. I guess TIMMAY does not like it
>>when I point out his hypocrisy and his inability to attribute

>Timmay is just an immature little child, too bad he didn't get some
>real world experience outside the ivory tower.
>He never did figure out why he wasn't liked in the dorm, did he?
>>Shall we roast, err, toast TIMMAY on the New Year for being such a
>>cowardly little wanker.

>I think we need to do something.
>>Have to drag Sharon & PJR back in, besides you and me it just Nuke The
>>Loop and that whiner saur.

>Saur is a fair cribbage player, and is funny and interesting, once he
>realized you are ignoring him when he starts whining.
>Nuke-loopy just sits in the corner and worries everyone is out to get
>him... If you try talking to him, he thinks you are out to be get...
>Sharon doesn't read this group on a daily basis. I still have to call
>her on that other matter... I just haven't had the time, and she is
>busy trying to get ready her garden area for winter.

That and fall campouts and a weekend excursion to Virginia. I don't
have a free weekend till November. We have another campout all this
weekend, we're leaving by bus to set up in about an hour cuz there's
an expected 5000 person turnout so tomorrow all /we/ have to do is
pull in and light the campfire at our location and point and laugh at
everyone else scurrying around to set up before dark.
On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 19:55:02 GMT, Aratzio <>

>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 15:26:47 -0400, Daedalus <>
>transparently proposed:
>>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 16:38:40 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 09:53:33 -0400, Daedalus <>
>>>transparently proposed:
>>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 16:51:02 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:20:28 -0400, Daedalus <>
>>>>>transparently proposed:
>>>>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 00:09:54 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:00:45 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:50:53 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:25:51 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:20:09 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:43:12 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:24:54 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:25:38 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 21:14:42 -0500, in news.groups,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Tim Skirvin) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> writes:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our detractors are not always wrong, Brian, and that includes you. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just wish that many of them could understand that it's possible to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimately disagree.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wish I could feel all warm and fuzzy now, but I can't. I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe you (which is different from "you're lying."). I mean, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe the principle you're espousing, but I don't believe the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application of it is actually extant in any form.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I, unfortunately, agree with what you're saying. I don't think
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that most of those that call themselves "detractors" really are willing to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give us the benefit of acknowledging legitimate disagreement.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which again, is the reverse of what I wrote.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's not, actually. "I don't believe the application of it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>actually extant in any form", where "it" seems to refer to "it's possible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>to legitimately disagree", seems pretty clear to me. I don't know if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>that's really what you meant, but I'll go by your words.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>What you are proposing is inane...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>It is the same thing as fighting a war, for peace...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Why are you responding to Tim? You are back in the killfile.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Send some
>>>>>>>>>>>>more beer
>>>>>>>>>>>>would you please...
>>>>>>>>>>>>and some
>>>>>>>>>>>You are the first triple (or Tripel).
>>>>>>>>>>/Me bows...
>>>>>>>>>Yep, you got 85 days, I got 82 days.
>>>>>>>>># Bob Officer - 06 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (85 days) - namecalling,
>>>>>>>>>repetition, flaming, continued accusations of conspiracy and lying
>>>>>>>>># saur - 08 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006 (30 days) - continued accusations
>>>>>>>>>of conspiracy and lying
>>>>>>>>># Aratzio - 09 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (82 days) - namecalling, flaming
>>>>>>>>>I have it on good authority (not just my own, HEY ARI) I am not a
>>>>>>>>>flamer. So TIMMAY has only half right. I guess TIMMAY does not like it
>>>>>>>>>when I point out his hypocrisy and his inability to attribute
>>>>>>>>Timmay is just an immature little child, too bad he didn't get some
>>>>>>>>real world experience outside the ivory tower.
>>>>>>>>He never did figure out why he wasn't liked in the dorm, did he?
>>>>>>>>>Shall we roast, err, toast TIMMAY on the New Year for being such a
>>>>>>>>>cowardly little wanker.
>>>>>>>>I think we need to do something.
>>>>>>>>>Have to drag Sharon & PJR back in, besides you and me it just Nuke The
>>>>>>>>>Loop and that whiner saur.
>>>>>>>>Saur is a fair cribbage player, and is funny and interesting, once he
>>>>>>>>realized you are ignoring him when he starts whining.
>>>>>>>>Nuke-loopy just sits in the corner and worries everyone is out to get
>>>>>>>>him... If you try talking to him, he thinks you are out to be get...
>>>>>>>>Sharon doesn't read this group on a daily basis. I still have to call
>>>>>>>>her on that other matter... I just haven't had the time, and she is
>>>>>>>>busy trying to get ready her garden area for winter.
>>>>>>>SharonB was just over in the flonk playing whack The Hatter.
>>>>>>>Flonk added.
>>>>>>>Hey, maybe DAEV wants in on the lastest round of killfiling.
>>>>>>><turns up volume>
>>>>>>I thought Daev was in there permanent like.
>>>>>>Timmay the prig wouldn't put me in last time so I'm not playing any
>>>>>They want to create news.groups.moderated
>>>>>I blame us .
>>>>I volunteer to moderate.
>>>YAY Jade!!!1!!!

>>I will be a benevolent moderateur. But there will be a new dungeon

>Put DAEV in charge of construction.


Dave Hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj
"Quotes can't be forced. They just come to you, like diarrhea."
-Dave Hillstrom mhm15x4
On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 17:27:11 -0400, dave hillstrom <dAvE@MeOw.oRg> got
double secret probation because:

>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 19:55:02 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 15:26:47 -0400, Daedalus <>
>>transparently proposed:
>>>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 16:38:40 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 09:53:33 -0400, Daedalus <>
>>>>transparently proposed:
>>>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 16:51:02 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:20:28 -0400, Daedalus <>
>>>>>>transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 00:09:54 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:00:45 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:50:53 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:25:51 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:20:09 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:43:12 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:24:54 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:25:38 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 21:14:42 -0500, in news.groups,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Tim Skirvin) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> writes:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our detractors are not always wrong, Brian, and that includes you. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just wish that many of them could understand that it's possible to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimately disagree.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wish I could feel all warm and fuzzy now, but I can't. I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe you (which is different from "you're lying."). I mean, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe the principle you're espousing, but I don't believe the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application of it is actually extant in any form.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I, unfortunately, agree with what you're saying. I don't think
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that most of those that call themselves "detractors" really are willing to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give us the benefit of acknowledging legitimate disagreement.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which again, is the reverse of what I wrote.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's not, actually. "I don't believe the application of it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>actually extant in any form", where "it" seems to refer to "it's possible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>to legitimately disagree", seems pretty clear to me. I don't know if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>that's really what you meant, but I'll go by your words.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>What you are proposing is inane...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>It is the same thing as fighting a war, for peace...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Why are you responding to Tim? You are back in the killfile.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Send some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>more beer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>would you please...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>and some
>>>>>>>>>>>>You are the first triple (or Tripel).
>>>>>>>>>>>/Me bows...
>>>>>>>>>>Yep, you got 85 days, I got 82 days.
>>>>>>>>>># Bob Officer - 06 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (85 days) - namecalling,
>>>>>>>>>>repetition, flaming, continued accusations of conspiracy and lying
>>>>>>>>>># saur - 08 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006 (30 days) - continued accusations
>>>>>>>>>>of conspiracy and lying
>>>>>>>>>># Aratzio - 09 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (82 days) - namecalling, flaming
>>>>>>>>>>I have it on good authority (not just my own, HEY ARI) I am not a
>>>>>>>>>>flamer. So TIMMAY has only half right. I guess TIMMAY does not like it
>>>>>>>>>>when I point out his hypocrisy and his inability to attribute
>>>>>>>>>Timmay is just an immature little child, too bad he didn't get some
>>>>>>>>>real world experience outside the ivory tower.
>>>>>>>>>He never did figure out why he wasn't liked in the dorm, did he?
>>>>>>>>>>Shall we roast, err, toast TIMMAY on the New Year for being such a
>>>>>>>>>>cowardly little wanker.
>>>>>>>>>I think we need to do something.
>>>>>>>>>>Have to drag Sharon & PJR back in, besides you and me it just Nuke The
>>>>>>>>>>Loop and that whiner saur.
>>>>>>>>>Saur is a fair cribbage player, and is funny and interesting, once he
>>>>>>>>>realized you are ignoring him when he starts whining.
>>>>>>>>>Nuke-loopy just sits in the corner and worries everyone is out to get
>>>>>>>>>him... If you try talking to him, he thinks you are out to be get...
>>>>>>>>>Sharon doesn't read this group on a daily basis. I still have to call
>>>>>>>>>her on that other matter... I just haven't had the time, and she is
>>>>>>>>>busy trying to get ready her garden area for winter.
>>>>>>>>SharonB was just over in the flonk playing whack The Hatter.
>>>>>>>>Flonk added.
>>>>>>>>Hey, maybe DAEV wants in on the lastest round of killfiling.
>>>>>>>><turns up volume>
>>>>>>>I thought Daev was in there permanent like.
>>>>>>>Timmay the prig wouldn't put me in last time so I'm not playing any
>>>>>>They want to create news.groups.moderated
>>>>>>I blame us .
>>>>>I volunteer to moderate.
>>>>YAY Jade!!!1!!!
>>>I will be a benevolent moderateur. But there will be a new dungeon

>>Put DAEV in charge of construction.


I figure taps in every room fed by the bottling tanks full of Trappist
Style Doppel
On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 16:44:07 -0400, in news.groups, Sharon B
<> wrote:

>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:00:45 -0700, Bob Officer
><bobofficers@> wrote in
>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:50:53 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>><> wrote:
>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:25:51 -0700, Bob Officer
>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:20:09 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:43:12 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:24:54 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:25:38 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 21:14:42 -0500, in news.groups,
>>>>>>>> (Tim Skirvin) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> writes:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our detractors are not always wrong, Brian, and that includes you. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> just wish that many of them could understand that it's possible to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimately disagree.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I wish I could feel all warm and fuzzy now, but I can't. I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>> believe you (which is different from "you're lying."). I mean, I
>>>>>>>>>>>> believe the principle you're espousing, but I don't believe the
>>>>>>>>>>>> application of it is actually extant in any form.
>>>>>>>>>>> I, unfortunately, agree with what you're saying. I don't think
>>>>>>>>>>> that most of those that call themselves "detractors" really are willing to
>>>>>>>>>>> give us the benefit of acknowledging legitimate disagreement.
>>>>>>>>>> Which again, is the reverse of what I wrote.
>>>>>>>>> It's not, actually. "I don't believe the application of it is
>>>>>>>>>actually extant in any form", where "it" seems to refer to "it's possible
>>>>>>>>>to legitimately disagree", seems pretty clear to me. I don't know if
>>>>>>>>>that's really what you meant, but I'll go by your words.
>>>>>>>>What you are proposing is inane...
>>>>>>>>It is the same thing as fighting a war, for peace...
>>>>>>>Why are you responding to Tim? You are back in the killfile.
>>>>>>Send some
>>>>>>more beer
>>>>>>would you please...
>>>>>>and some
>>>>>You are the first triple (or Tripel).
>>>>/Me bows...
>>>Yep, you got 85 days, I got 82 days.
>>># Bob Officer - 06 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (85 days) - namecalling,
>>>repetition, flaming, continued accusations of conspiracy and lying
>>># saur - 08 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006 (30 days) - continued accusations
>>>of conspiracy and lying
>>># Aratzio - 09 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (82 days) - namecalling, flaming
>>>I have it on good authority (not just my own, HEY ARI) I am not a
>>>flamer. So TIMMAY has only half right. I guess TIMMAY does not like it
>>>when I point out his hypocrisy and his inability to attribute

>>Timmay is just an immature little child, too bad he didn't get some
>>real world experience outside the ivory tower.
>>He never did figure out why he wasn't liked in the dorm, did he?
>>>Shall we roast, err, toast TIMMAY on the New Year for being such a
>>>cowardly little wanker.

>>I think we need to do something.
>>>Have to drag Sharon & PJR back in, besides you and me it just Nuke The
>>>Loop and that whiner saur.

>>Saur is a fair cribbage player, and is funny and interesting, once he
>>realized you are ignoring him when he starts whining.
>>Nuke-loopy just sits in the corner and worries everyone is out to get
>>him... If you try talking to him, he thinks you are out to be get...
>>Sharon doesn't read this group on a daily basis. I still have to call
>>her on that other matter... I just haven't had the time, and she is
>>busy trying to get ready her garden area for winter.

>That and fall campouts and a weekend excursion to Virginia. I don't
>have a free weekend till November. We have another campout all this
>weekend, we're leaving by bus to set up in about an hour cuz there's
>an expected 5000 person turnout so tomorrow all /we/ have to do is
>pull in and light the campfire at our location and point and laugh at
>everyone else scurrying around to set up before dark.

I still need to talk to you about a few matters... I drop you a line
when I have my thoughts on the subject mater together...

Have fun camping... isn't most of Va within striking distance for

On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 15:30:12 -0700, Aratzio <>

>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 17:27:11 -0400, dave hillstrom <dAvE@MeOw.oRg> got
>double secret probation because:
>>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 19:55:02 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 15:26:47 -0400, Daedalus <>
>>>transparently proposed:
>>>>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 16:38:40 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>>>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 09:53:33 -0400, Daedalus <>
>>>>>transparently proposed:
>>>>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 16:51:02 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>>>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:20:28 -0400, Daedalus <>
>>>>>>>transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 00:09:54 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:00:45 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:50:53 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:25:51 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:20:09 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:43:12 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:24:54 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:25:38 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 21:14:42 -0500, in news.groups,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Tim Skirvin) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> writes:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our detractors are not always wrong, Brian, and that includes you. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just wish that many of them could understand that it's possible to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimately disagree.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wish I could feel all warm and fuzzy now, but I can't. I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe you (which is different from "you're lying."). I mean, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe the principle you're espousing, but I don't believe the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application of it is actually extant in any form.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I, unfortunately, agree with what you're saying. I don't think
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that most of those that call themselves "detractors" really are willing to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give us the benefit of acknowledging legitimate disagreement.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which again, is the reverse of what I wrote.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's not, actually. "I don't believe the application of it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>actually extant in any form", where "it" seems to refer to "it's possible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>to legitimately disagree", seems pretty clear to me. I don't know if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>that's really what you meant, but I'll go by your words.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>What you are proposing is inane...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>It is the same thing as fighting a war, for peace...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Why are you responding to Tim? You are back in the killfile.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Send some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>more beer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>would you please...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>You are the first triple (or Tripel).
>>>>>>>>>>>>/Me bows...
>>>>>>>>>>>Yep, you got 85 days, I got 82 days.
>>>>>>>>>>># Bob Officer - 06 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (85 days) - namecalling,
>>>>>>>>>>>repetition, flaming, continued accusations of conspiracy and lying
>>>>>>>>>>># saur - 08 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006 (30 days) - continued accusations
>>>>>>>>>>>of conspiracy and lying
>>>>>>>>>>># Aratzio - 09 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (82 days) - namecalling, flaming
>>>>>>>>>>>I have it on good authority (not just my own, HEY ARI) I am not a
>>>>>>>>>>>flamer. So TIMMAY has only half right. I guess TIMMAY does not like it
>>>>>>>>>>>when I point out his hypocrisy and his inability to attribute
>>>>>>>>>>Timmay is just an immature little child, too bad he didn't get some
>>>>>>>>>>real world experience outside the ivory tower.
>>>>>>>>>>He never did figure out why he wasn't liked in the dorm, did he?
>>>>>>>>>>>Shall we roast, err, toast TIMMAY on the New Year for being such a
>>>>>>>>>>>cowardly little wanker.
>>>>>>>>>>I think we need to do something.
>>>>>>>>>>>Have to drag Sharon & PJR back in, besides you and me it just Nuke The
>>>>>>>>>>>Loop and that whiner saur.
>>>>>>>>>>Saur is a fair cribbage player, and is funny and interesting, once he
>>>>>>>>>>realized you are ignoring him when he starts whining.
>>>>>>>>>>Nuke-loopy just sits in the corner and worries everyone is out to get
>>>>>>>>>>him... If you try talking to him, he thinks you are out to be get...
>>>>>>>>>>Sharon doesn't read this group on a daily basis. I still have to call
>>>>>>>>>>her on that other matter... I just haven't had the time, and she is
>>>>>>>>>>busy trying to get ready her garden area for winter.
>>>>>>>>>SharonB was just over in the flonk playing whack The Hatter.
>>>>>>>>>Flonk added.
>>>>>>>>>Hey, maybe DAEV wants in on the lastest round of killfiling.
>>>>>>>>><turns up volume>
>>>>>>>>I thought Daev was in there permanent like.
>>>>>>>>Timmay the prig wouldn't put me in last time so I'm not playing any
>>>>>>>They want to create news.groups.moderated
>>>>>>>I blame us .
>>>>>>I volunteer to moderate.
>>>>>YAY Jade!!!1!!!
>>>>I will be a benevolent moderateur. But there will be a new dungeon
>>>Put DAEV in charge of construction.


>I figure taps in every room fed by the bottling tanks full of Trappist
>Style Doppel

the pipes need to be kept at what, 43F?

Dave Hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj
"Quotes can't be forced. They just come to you, like diarrhea."
-Dave Hillstrom mhm15x4
On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 20:41:50 -0400, dave hillstrom <dAvE@MeOw.oRg> got
double secret probation because:

>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 15:30:12 -0700, Aratzio <>
>>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 17:27:11 -0400, dave hillstrom <dAvE@MeOw.oRg> got
>>double secret probation because:
>>>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 19:55:02 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 15:26:47 -0400, Daedalus <>
>>>>transparently proposed:
>>>>>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 16:38:40 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>>>>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 09:53:33 -0400, Daedalus <>
>>>>>>transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 16:51:02 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>>>>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:20:28 -0400, Daedalus <>
>>>>>>>>transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 00:09:54 GMT, Aratzio <>
>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:00:45 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:50:53 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:25:51 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:20:09 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:43:12 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:24:54 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:25:38 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 21:14:42 -0500, in news.groups,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (Tim Skirvin) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> writes:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our detractors are not always wrong, Brian, and that includes you. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just wish that many of them could understand that it's possible to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimately disagree.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wish I could feel all warm and fuzzy now, but I can't. I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe you (which is different from "you're lying."). I mean, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe the principle you're espousing, but I don't believe the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application of it is actually extant in any form.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I, unfortunately, agree with what you're saying. I don't think
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that most of those that call themselves "detractors" really are willing to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give us the benefit of acknowledging legitimate disagreement.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which again, is the reverse of what I wrote.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's not, actually. "I don't believe the application of it is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>actually extant in any form", where "it" seems to refer to "it's possible
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>to legitimately disagree", seems pretty clear to me. I don't know if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>that's really what you meant, but I'll go by your words.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>What you are proposing is inane...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>It is the same thing as fighting a war, for peace...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Why are you responding to Tim? You are back in the killfile.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Send some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>more beer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>would you please...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>and some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>You are the first triple (or Tripel).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>/Me bows...
>>>>>>>>>>>>Yep, you got 85 days, I got 82 days.
>>>>>>>>>>>># Bob Officer - 06 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (85 days) - namecalling,
>>>>>>>>>>>>repetition, flaming, continued accusations of conspiracy and lying
>>>>>>>>>>>># saur - 08 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006 (30 days) - continued accusations
>>>>>>>>>>>>of conspiracy and lying
>>>>>>>>>>>># Aratzio - 09 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (82 days) - namecalling, flaming
>>>>>>>>>>>>I have it on good authority (not just my own, HEY ARI) I am not a
>>>>>>>>>>>>flamer. So TIMMAY has only half right. I guess TIMMAY does not like it
>>>>>>>>>>>>when I point out his hypocrisy and his inability to attribute
>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay is just an immature little child, too bad he didn't get some
>>>>>>>>>>>real world experience outside the ivory tower.
>>>>>>>>>>>He never did figure out why he wasn't liked in the dorm, did he?
>>>>>>>>>>>>Shall we roast, err, toast TIMMAY on the New Year for being such a
>>>>>>>>>>>>cowardly little wanker.
>>>>>>>>>>>I think we need to do something.
>>>>>>>>>>>>Have to drag Sharon & PJR back in, besides you and me it just Nuke The
>>>>>>>>>>>>Loop and that whiner saur.
>>>>>>>>>>>Saur is a fair cribbage player, and is funny and interesting, once he
>>>>>>>>>>>realized you are ignoring him when he starts whining.
>>>>>>>>>>>Nuke-loopy just sits in the corner and worries everyone is out to get
>>>>>>>>>>>him... If you try talking to him, he thinks you are out to be get...
>>>>>>>>>>>Sharon doesn't read this group on a daily basis. I still have to call
>>>>>>>>>>>her on that other matter... I just haven't had the time, and she is
>>>>>>>>>>>busy trying to get ready her garden area for winter.
>>>>>>>>>>SharonB was just over in the flonk playing whack The Hatter.
>>>>>>>>>>Flonk added.
>>>>>>>>>>Hey, maybe DAEV wants in on the lastest round of killfiling.
>>>>>>>>>><turns up volume>
>>>>>>>>>I thought Daev was in there permanent like.
>>>>>>>>>Timmay the prig wouldn't put me in last time so I'm not playing any
>>>>>>>>They want to create news.groups.moderated
>>>>>>>>I blame us .
>>>>>>>I volunteer to moderate.
>>>>>>YAY Jade!!!1!!!
>>>>>I will be a benevolent moderateur. But there will be a new dungeon
>>>>Put DAEV in charge of construction.

>>I figure taps in every room fed by the bottling tanks full of Trappist
>>Style Doppel

>the pipes need to be kept at what, 43F?

That's Lager and Pilsner?
On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 15:40:07 -0700, Bob Officer
<bobofficers@> wrote in

>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 16:44:07 -0400, in news.groups, Sharon B
><> wrote:
>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:00:45 -0700, Bob Officer
>><bobofficers@> wrote in
>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:50:53 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>><> wrote:
>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:25:51 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:20:09 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:43:12 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:24:54 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:25:38 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 21:14:42 -0500, in news.groups,
>>>>>>>>> (Tim Skirvin) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> writes:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our detractors are not always wrong, Brian, and that includes you. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just wish that many of them could understand that it's possible to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimately disagree.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wish I could feel all warm and fuzzy now, but I can't. I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe you (which is different from "you're lying."). I mean, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe the principle you're espousing, but I don't believe the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> application of it is actually extant in any form.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I, unfortunately, agree with what you're saying. I don't think
>>>>>>>>>>>> that most of those that call themselves "detractors" really are willing to
>>>>>>>>>>>> give us the benefit of acknowledging legitimate disagreement.
>>>>>>>>>>> Which again, is the reverse of what I wrote.
>>>>>>>>>> It's not, actually. "I don't believe the application of it is
>>>>>>>>>>actually extant in any form", where "it" seems to refer to "it's possible
>>>>>>>>>>to legitimately disagree", seems pretty clear to me. I don't know if
>>>>>>>>>>that's really what you meant, but I'll go by your words.
>>>>>>>>>What you are proposing is inane...
>>>>>>>>>It is the same thing as fighting a war, for peace...
>>>>>>>>Why are you responding to Tim? You are back in the killfile.
>>>>>>>Send some
>>>>>>>more beer
>>>>>>>would you please...
>>>>>>>and some
>>>>>>You are the first triple (or Tripel).
>>>>>/Me bows...
>>>>Yep, you got 85 days, I got 82 days.
>>>># Bob Officer - 06 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (85 days) - namecalling,
>>>>repetition, flaming, continued accusations of conspiracy and lying
>>>># saur - 08 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006 (30 days) - continued accusations
>>>>of conspiracy and lying
>>>># Aratzio - 09 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (82 days) - namecalling, flaming
>>>>I have it on good authority (not just my own, HEY ARI) I am not a
>>>>flamer. So TIMMAY has only half right. I guess TIMMAY does not like it
>>>>when I point out his hypocrisy and his inability to attribute
>>>Timmay is just an immature little child, too bad he didn't get some
>>>real world experience outside the ivory tower.
>>>He never did figure out why he wasn't liked in the dorm, did he?
>>>>Shall we roast, err, toast TIMMAY on the New Year for being such a
>>>>cowardly little wanker.
>>>I think we need to do something.
>>>>Have to drag Sharon & PJR back in, besides you and me it just Nuke The
>>>>Loop and that whiner saur.
>>>Saur is a fair cribbage player, and is funny and interesting, once he
>>>realized you are ignoring him when he starts whining.
>>>Nuke-loopy just sits in the corner and worries everyone is out to get
>>>him... If you try talking to him, he thinks you are out to be get...
>>>Sharon doesn't read this group on a daily basis. I still have to call
>>>her on that other matter... I just haven't had the time, and she is
>>>busy trying to get ready her garden area for winter.

>>That and fall campouts and a weekend excursion to Virginia. I don't
>>have a free weekend till November. We have another campout all this
>>weekend, we're leaving by bus to set up in about an hour cuz there's
>>an expected 5000 person turnout so tomorrow all /we/ have to do is
>>pull in and light the campfire at our location and point and laugh at
>>everyone else scurrying around to set up before dark.

>I still need to talk to you about a few matters... I drop you a line
>when I have my thoughts on the subject mater together...

okie dokie....not ignoring you, just swamped

>Have fun camping...

set up was tonite. my friggen thighs are still cold. BUT...come
tomorrow, all my group will hafta do is set match to campfire and
unroll sleeping bags...and laugh at all the others scrambling to set

>isn't most of Va within striking distance for

are you suggesting he might reach out and touch someone?
On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 22:30:19 -0400, in news.groups, Sharon B
<> wrote:

>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 15:40:07 -0700, Bob Officer
><bobofficers@> wrote in
>>On Thu, 12 Oct 2006 16:44:07 -0400, in news.groups, Sharon B
>><> wrote:
>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 17:00:45 -0700, Bob Officer
>>><bobofficers@> wrote in
>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:50:53 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:25:51 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:20:09 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 14:43:12 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:24:54 GMT, in news.groups, Aratzio
>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>On Mon, 09 Oct 2006 04:25:38 -0700, Bob Officer
>>>>>>>>><bobofficers@> transparently proposed:
>>>>>>>>>>On Sun, 08 Oct 2006 21:14:42 -0500, in news.groups,
>>>>>>>>>> (Tim Skirvin) wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>Brian Mailman <bmailman@sfo.invalid> writes:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Our detractors are not always wrong, Brian, and that includes you. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just wish that many of them could understand that it's possible to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> legitimately disagree.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wish I could feel all warm and fuzzy now, but I can't. I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe you (which is different from "you're lying."). I mean, I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> believe the principle you're espousing, but I don't believe the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> application of it is actually extant in any form.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I, unfortunately, agree with what you're saying. I don't think
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that most of those that call themselves "detractors" really are willing to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> give us the benefit of acknowledging legitimate disagreement.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Which again, is the reverse of what I wrote.
>>>>>>>>>>> It's not, actually. "I don't believe the application of it is
>>>>>>>>>>>actually extant in any form", where "it" seems to refer to "it's possible
>>>>>>>>>>>to legitimately disagree", seems pretty clear to me. I don't know if
>>>>>>>>>>>that's really what you meant, but I'll go by your words.
>>>>>>>>>>What you are proposing is inane...
>>>>>>>>>>It is the same thing as fighting a war, for peace...
>>>>>>>>>Why are you responding to Tim? You are back in the killfile.
>>>>>>>>Send some
>>>>>>>>more beer
>>>>>>>>would you please...
>>>>>>>>and some
>>>>>>>You are the first triple (or Tripel).
>>>>>>/Me bows...
>>>>>Yep, you got 85 days, I got 82 days.
>>>>># Bob Officer - 06 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (85 days) - namecalling,
>>>>>repetition, flaming, continued accusations of conspiracy and lying
>>>>># saur - 08 Oct 2006 - 07 Nov 2006 (30 days) - continued accusations
>>>>>of conspiracy and lying
>>>>># Aratzio - 09 Oct 2006 - 31 Dec 2006 (82 days) - namecalling, flaming
>>>>>I have it on good authority (not just my own, HEY ARI) I am not a
>>>>>flamer. So TIMMAY has only half right. I guess TIMMAY does not like it
>>>>>when I point out his hypocrisy and his inability to attribute
>>>>Timmay is just an immature little child, too bad he didn't get some
>>>>real world experience outside the ivory tower.
>>>>He never did figure out why he wasn't liked in the dorm, did he?
>>>>>Shall we roast, err, toast TIMMAY on the New Year for being such a
>>>>>cowardly little wanker.
>>>>I think we need to do something.
>>>>>Have to drag Sharon & PJR back in, besides you and me it just Nuke The
>>>>>Loop and that whiner saur.
>>>>Saur is a fair cribbage player, and is funny and interesting, once he
>>>>realized you are ignoring him when he starts whining.
>>>>Nuke-loopy just sits in the corner and worries everyone is out to get
>>>>him... If you try talking to him, he thinks you are out to be get...
>>>>Sharon doesn't read this group on a daily basis. I still have to call
>>>>her on that other matter... I just haven't had the time, and she is
>>>>busy trying to get ready her garden area for winter.
>>>That and fall campouts and a weekend excursion to Virginia. I don't
>>>have a free weekend till November. We have another campout all this
>>>weekend, we're leaving by bus to set up in about an hour cuz there's
>>>an expected 5000 person turnout so tomorrow all /we/ have to do is
>>>pull in and light the campfire at our location and point and laugh at
>>>everyone else scurrying around to set up before dark.

>>I still need to talk to you about a few matters... I drop you a line
>>when I have my thoughts on the subject mater together...

>okie dokie....not ignoring you, just swamped

Right oh, BT,GTTS.

>>Have fun camping...

>set up was tonite. my friggen thighs are still cold. BUT...come
>tomorrow, all my group will hafta do is set match to campfire and
>unroll sleeping bags...and laugh at all the others scrambling to set

It is always fun to set up a day early.

>>isn't most of Va within striking distance for

>are you suggesting he might reach out and touch someone?

He is the daev, isn't he?
