[Bad Habits]

Oh i also sit on the computer too much... Without doing anything... ill just sit here hald consious doing nothing at like 1:00 in the morning.... you can imagine what my family thinks when they come up to get a drink adn see me half staring at the desktop.
.... (lol) here we go. [whats sad is I know about 80% of them and I do nothing about it]

biting my lips
licking my lips
biting the inside of my cheek
nibblings on my tongue
day dreaming
chewing on random things [straws, tooth pics, coffee stir thingys]
wiggling my nose
biting my nails
talking too much
tapping my foot
tapping my pen/pencil
popping my gum
cracking my knuckles, back, neck, toes, etc..
spending money
smoking [tabacoo, weed]
taking too many pills [like tylenol, IB profen, aterol, etc... I always take more then the suggested use]
seeing something I want and turning it into a NEED TO HAVE
rocrastinating, but always getting it done at the last minute
sticking my tongue at people if I catch them staring at me
flipping open my phone & closing it again or constantly just going through it
braiding/twirling my hair
constantly looking in the fridge, my brother says its because I'm hoping something will appear [he does the same thing]
looking out of the front door peep hole or jumping up to look out of the window at the top of it
looking in every mirror I pass
texting on my phone. [I got unlimited the other day becuase of my last bill O_O ]
uh sleeping. I sleep way too much just because I have nothing else to do
scratching the back of my neck or my arms or anything. [I really only like the feel of nails]
I have an obsession with keeping my nails clean, so I'm always cleaning them
biting the caps of my pens
fidgeting with hands
pulling off my rings and putting them right back on.
looking at my watch
making that *pop* sound with my lips [like the donkey on shrek does, only its not as loud]
dancing to my own tune (lol)

and the list would go on further, but I don't have time to type it all out (lol)
.... (lol) here we go. [whats sad is I know about 80% of them and I do nothing about it]

biting my lips
licking my lips
biting the inside of my cheek
nibblings on my tongue
day dreaming
chewing on random things [straws, tooth pics, coffee stir thingys]
wiggling my nose
biting my nails
talking too much
tapping my foot
tapping my pen/pencil
popping my gum
cracking my knuckles, back, neck, toes, etc..
spending money
smoking [tabacoo, weed]
taking too many pills [like tylenol, IB profen, aterol, etc... I always take more then the suggested use]
seeing something I want and turning it into a NEED TO HAVE
rocrastinating, but always getting it done at the last minute
sticking my tongue at people if I catch them staring at me
flipping open my phone & closing it again or constantly just going through it
braiding/twirling my hair
constantly looking in the fridge, my brother says its because I'm hoping something will appear [he does the same thing]
looking out of the front door peep hole or jumping up to look out of the window at the top of it
looking in every mirror I pass
texting on my phone. [I got unlimited the other day becuase of my last bill O_O ]
uh sleeping. I sleep way too much just because I have nothing else to do
scratching the back of my neck or my arms or anything. [I really only like the feel of nails]
I have an obsession with keeping my nails clean, so I'm always cleaning them
biting the caps of my pens
fidgeting with hands
pulling off my rings and putting them right back on.
looking at my watch
making that *pop* sound with my lips [like the donkey on shrek does, only its not as loud]
dancing to my own tune (lol)

and the list would go on further, but I don't have time to type it all out (lol)
WOW that's alot lol!! :lol: