Bad Service vs. Good service: Tipping Opinions

Since you think they should read your mind.

NO, it seems like the servers try to read the CUSTOMER'S minds by bringing a refill to them that they may not want. THAT'S an example of reading someone's mind. The server HONESTLY doesn't know if that customer wants another refill of coke or whatever soft drink they ordered. That is DEFINATELY trying to read someone's mind by getting things that were NEVER requested or told by the customer.

Example: Let's say I order a coke and I am dining alone. My drink is finished, but honestly, I am full. So, I see the server bring me another coke without the server coming to my table to ask me or for me to tell them I want a refill. I don't even touch it. That's an example of WASTING time(for me as well as other customers), ASSUMING what a CUSTOMER wants, and WASTING products such as the coke.

In this example, the server TRIED to READ MY MIND, but it didn't work, because that server was WRONG!

I DON'T think ANYONE should try to read someone's mind. So, the statement you said that I think someone should read my mind is BS!
Lords said:

NO, it seems like the servers try to read the CUSTOMER'S minds by bringing a refill to them that they may not want. THAT'S an example of reading someone's mind. The server HONESTLY doesn't know if that customer wants another refill of coke or whatever soft drink they ordered. That is DEFINATELY trying to read someone's mind by getting things that were NEVER requested or told by the customer.

Example: Let's say I order a coke and I am dining alone. My drink is finished, but honestly, I am full. So, I see the server bring me another coke without the server coming to my table to ask me or for me to tell them I want a refill. I don't even touch it. That's an example of WASTING time(for me as well as other customers), ASSUMING what a CUSTOMER wants, and WASTING products such as the coke.

In this example, the server TRIED to READ MY MIND, but it didn't work, because that server was WRONG!

I DON'T think ANYONE should try to read someone's mind. So, the statement you said that I think someone should read my mind is BS!

ill rephrase your last line for you ".....Your mind is BS!"

Awww poor baby. A coke got wasted....thats a damn shame. Maybe they just were trying to read your mind because your table filled up with condiments like a hamburger bar at fudruckers...

On the other hand i have never waited at a place where they waste glasswear that they bring you fresh glasses every time. We always refill the one you have. So if im at the table i get an eyecontact and go for their glass. If they say no ill offer water and if they say biggie.

Normal people tend to say what they want and not look helplessly at their glass lifting the table pondering the meaning of life and why someone would piss them off by trying to give you more of their FREE refils and then get ticked off for it.

You need theapy.....or at least a hole in the head
On the other hand i have never waited at a place where they waste glasswear that they bring you fresh glasses every time. We always refill the one you have.
That is NOT how the chain restaurants do it such as Outback. Almost everytime I've gone to Outback, I have had DIFFERENT glasses of soft drink brought to me WITHOUT me requesting the refill or them asking me. MOST restaurants I have been to DON'T take your glass. I actually LIKE that the server gives me a NEW glass, because while I am waiting for my refill, I can still sip on the last few sips of my drink, instead of having nothing to sip on, especially if I am in the middle of eating my meal. Also, it may take the server a couple of minutes to come back with the refills, so it's nice to be able to have SOMETHING to sip on. I actually think it is rude when someone just grabs a glass without asking. I have had that happen before and I didn't like it. At least you seem to ask people, so that's nice of you to think of their feelings. It's RARE that I don't get a NEW glass for my soft drink.

Why someone would piss them off by trying to give you more of their FREE refils and then get ticked off for it.
The act of the server trying to order for the CUSTOMER. It's WASTING time that I could be getting either the check, dessert, or a DIFFERENT soft drink just THAT MUCH QUICKER if the server wouldn't make a trip to the bar to get the soft drinks and the time it takes to fill those glasses with the soft drinks for nothing if these drinks aren't wanted. It also makes the server look lazy that they don't want to make a separate trip to the table to ASK the customer and then make another trip to get the drinks if the customer wants the refills. Think about it, if 2 tables don't want refills and you go get new glasses with refills to bring to them without them acknowledging that wanted more, you just WASTED your time for people that don't want anymore drink and OTHER customer's time as well, because you could be at another table doing something that is truly wanted, instead of WASTING your time on UNWANTED drinks. NO ONE knows, unless they ask. I feel the GALL of the server to try to order for me. I am the CUSTOMER, so I am the one that gets to order, NOT them. The wait staff have NO RIGHT to order something for a customer, whether it is FREE or not. If a server gave me a slice of pineapple upside-down cake for free, I wouldn't want it because I HATE pineapples, so even if it's free, I would decline it. So what if it's free if I don't want it. It makes the customer feel obligated to take it. Just because it's free doesn't mean that customers want anymore, they may be full. You know that's the TRUTH.

Waste glasswear
As I said above, it's NOT wasting glasswear, it's letting customers have something to drink ALL THAT TIME they are waiting for the server to come back with the drink. The customer may be eating something spicy and would like to be able to drink something while they are eating. It's NEVER wasting glasswear. I MUCH rather have a NEW glass. Especially if I am eating something messy like ribs, I want a nice clean glass for my refill because I would have probably gotten some bar-b-que sauce on the glass. :)
Here's a tip Lords. Drink water. Give your poor liver a rest. Also, using a napkin will keep that BBQ sauce off of your glass. That concept is called eating like a mannered human being and not a two year old.

But wait a minute, you act like a two year old.

Never mind.
duno what yer all moaning about , if you lived in scotland you wouldnt get a free refill.
they make ya pay for every fuking bubble in your coke. :cool:
Lords said:

That is NOT how the chain restaurants do it such as Outback.

Outback...yet another establisment that you expect white linnen treatment......

Lords said:
Almost everytime I've gone to Outback, I have had DIFFERENT glasses of soft drink brought to me WITHOUT me requesting the refill or them asking me.

Never worked there...and always apprecitend refills from that establishment! someone gives me something i didnt ask for for free no matter what is apprecaiteted...but im not a complete and total bitch like you so i cannot relate!

Lords said:
MOST restaurants I have been to DON'T take your glass. I actually LIKE that the server gives me a NEW glass, because while I am waiting for my refill, I can still sip on the last few sips of my drink, instead of having nothing to sip on, especially if I am in the middle of eating my meal. your are annoyingly sipping the last few sips of your drink and your server (and i quote...)"brings me another soft drink refill that i didnt want or ask for..wasting my time and theirs"...

wouldnt it be much better if they grabbed your glass and am at the mercy of your table wich you so crave?!?!?

Lords said:
Also, it may take the server a couple of minutes to come back with the refills, [/qoute]
couple of minutes?!?!? are they going to the SA on the corner to get your soda? takes less than 20 seconds to get a refill...and since they hold YOUR PRECIOUS glass in their hands what esle can they do but do it right now? are a total idiot...

Lords said:
so it's nice to be able to have SOMETHING to sip on.
drink the 52 sides of ranch dressing at your table...or am i mistaken that isnt what you do?

Lords said:
I actually think it is rude when someone just grabs a glass without asking. I have had that happen before and I didn't like it. At least you seem to ask people, so that's nice of you to think of their feelings. It's RARE that I don't get a NEW glass for my soft drink.

grabbing your glass IS asking stupid....if you dont want one..say no...they willl drop it. But you cant seem to grasp that concept.....

really you should NEVER eat out..because you cant handle arent a queen on a are an avererage every day annoying bitch who eats at mediocre restaurants and thinks you deserve a 5 star treatment.....but paying dennys or even a mcdonalds price!

Lords said:
The act of the server trying to order for the CUSTOMER. It's WASTING time that I could be getting either the check, dessert, or a DIFFERENT soft drink
a different soft drink....OK, bitch, i have been in restaurant industry (not donut shop industry mind you) for over 10 years....NOT ONCE IN THAT ENTIRE 10 YEARS has any single one of my customers ever changed their soft drink...NOT ONCE.... Now lemonade they have.....and because the crap is so sweet i can understand. but soft drinks...NEVER EVER. so why should i cater to one stupid bitch, yes i mean you, because you are compete freak? WHY? explain that to me.,......seriously!

you are unique in that area and need to realize that. and when your (as you put it) asshole server brings you the same thing you ordered when you first sat down to be nice to you....politely say "im sorry....could i change to so and so (or **** me in the ass who the **** cares)" and get what you asked for. They were trying to make your stay better by not letting you go thirsty...but since you are a total eqotistical whore i am sure you cant understand the subject of can you?

Lords said:
just THAT MUCH QUICKER if the server wouldn't make a trip to the bar
you think applebees and chillis is fine cuisine....why should you get any better service than you deserve? Cook at home.... i hear hidden valley has some great ranch! really im sure its ture! Plus "chill soda" is on sale right now at cub .......a twelve pack for 1.98....and not TIP...your bundt cake should be wet hearing that!

Lords said:
BLAH BLAH BLAH (i deleted some crap that seemed quite redunant) It also makes the server look lazy that they don't want to make a separate trip to the table to ASK the customer and then make another trip to get the drinks if the customer wants the refills.
your right....that seems lazy. cuz im sure at the places you frequent and they have 7+ tables to try to get everyone to be happy that it was lazy. because table 1 wants new drinks, table 2 wants refills, table 3 who knows...but i thought id think of them (yea thats your table bitch), table 4 wants their check, table 5 wants nothing but you arent sure, table 6 wants dessert, and table 7 just sat down. Servers are lazy lords....arent they. Good thing you have human compassion like those of us who think hurricane Katrina was a disaster and want to help...OH but thats not a connection that makes sense does it?

Lords said:
NO ONE knows, unless they ask. I feel the GALL of the server to try to order for me. I am the CUSTOMER, so I am the one that gets to order, NOT them. The wait staff have NO RIGHT to order something for a customer, whether it is FREE or not.
Um...stupid...can i call you stupid? YOU ORDERED IT.....that means freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee refills all day as long as you are at the table. SO you ordered a diet coke (god forbit) that means you get all the diet coke your fat GUNT can they are bringing it to you....i reiterate....NO ONE EVER CHANGES SOFT DRINKS....EVER....if they did or if it was a usual trend i would have heard of such a thing ...and changed my routine....


Lords said:
If a server gave me a slice of pineapple upside-down cake for free, I wouldn't want it because I HATE pineapples, so even if it's free, I would decline it.
and lets not forget you would get pissed off because how dare they suggest or be nice to you because they want you to be happy ........

**** you are compelte and arrogant bitch ............and you deserve to be put in your place (premium poll happening after this post btw)

Lords said:
So what if it's free if I don't want it. It makes the customer feel obligated to take it. didnt ask for it...dont drink it? But then like a fresh (plastic cheap ass cup) each how are they supposed to know you are an attention whore?

Lords said:
Just because it's free doesn't mean that customers want anymore, they may be full. You know that's the TRUTH.
no..a server serves anywhere from 30-100 people with different tastes and likes and dislikes. they are going with the majority of what their tables want and desire.....then they wait on you...who gets pissed off and irritated when they are trying to give you good service...then get punished for it

with that said...go **** youself with ranch makes a great lube! cuz im sure your quite dry....

Lords said:
As I said above, it's NOT wasting glasswear, it's letting customers have something to drink ALL THAT TIME they are waiting for the server to come back with the drink.
once i said above....are they running across town to get you that drink? no they are going 20 feet at the most to get it for you..........

Lords said:
The customer may be eating something spicy and would like to be able to drink something while they are eating.
not at applebees or chillis they why are you bitching?

Lords said:
It's NEVER wasting glasswear. I MUCH rather have a NEW glass.
we know...because you are the queen of the ****ing universe and slum it by eating at chain restaurants....

Lords said:
Especially if I am eating something messy like ribs, I want a nice clean glass for my refill because I would have probably gotten some bar-b-que sauce on the glass. :)
DUH...we refill the same glass at my place...but if i grab a glass and its full of gunk and grime because (some idiot like you) doesnt use the extra napkins i give you because you orderd a sloppy meal ill change glasses on the refill run...

but im not used to waiting on royalty like yourself....bitch

All this fuss over Lord's standard 17 butters, 43 syrups, 6 pound bowl of Ranch Dressing to dip my French fries into, and wanted/unwanted beverages to slosh it down with...all the while treating servers as bafoons and slaves.

Great thread! :rolleyes:

-munches more popcorn-
Cogito Ergo Sum said:

All this fuss over Lord's standard 17 butters, 43 syrups, 6 pound bowl of Ranch Dressing to dip my French fries into, and wanted/unwanted beverages to slosh it down with...all the while treating servers as bafoons and slaves.

Great thread! :rolleyes:

-munches more popcorn-

its not often i get to scissor kick my pain in the ass customers in the head.........i have to take my anger out somewhere....
I must say, I am somewhat annoyed when servers refill my glass without asking me. It messes up my whole system and I end up overeating. I only eat as long as there is tea in my glass. When the glass is empty, I'm through eating. It helps me to gauge the amount of food I am eating off of those ridiculously overfilled plates. It is just a neurosis of mine. If they go through the trouble of bringing me another glass, I just give it to my husband. I do like a polite and helpful server. I have had a few overbearing servers that I wanted to slap, but I figured they were newbies that were just trying a little too hard, so I tip them anyway. I have also had servers that were nonexistent except to seat us and take our money at the end of the meal. I have a hard time tipping someone for seating me and taking my money. They might get a dollar.
Then I have had servers that knew exactly when I needed something and really went out of their way to make the experience pleasurable. That is how Danielle
Outlaw2747 said:
I LOVE Red Lobster. :D

ugh i hate seafood and their steaks are im not a fan..

but those buscuits of theirs...WOW those are tasty!

Just like olive gardens salad and breadsticks...those are great...but their nuked cuisine is something to be desiered!

woah i musta been very irritated (and tipsy) last night....i was a tad on the harsh side

Vortex said:
ugh i hate seafood and their steaks are im not a fan..

but those buscuits of theirs...WOW those are tasty!

Just like olive gardens salad and breadsticks...those are great...but their nuked cuisine is something to be desiered!
I actually have never been to Red Lobster. I'm a bit of a seafood snob. There's a seafood place here in CT that has a few locations...the Chowder Pot. PHENOMENAL food. The only place I go for seafood. The only downfall is that it is so popular there is usually a 2-3 hour wait on the weekends. But well worth it if you can handle waiting that long.
And I agree Vortex...Their food isn't all that exciting, but DAMN those breadsticks are good!
angie said:
I actually have never been to Red Lobster. I'm a bit of a seafood snob. There's a seafood place here in CT that has a few locations...the Chowder Pot. PHENOMENAL food. The only place I go for seafood. The only downfall is that it is so popular there is usually a 2-3 hour wait on the weekends. But well worth it if you can handle waiting that long.
And I agree Vortex...Their food isn't all that exciting, but DAMN those breadsticks are good!

It is kinda funny to me that they bring over a big jug o' wine like they are trying to be classy :) i like to drink wine when im fine dining...and olive garden is not fine dining...but they try(and im sure are supposed to do it via/management)....and i still go back when i crave those darn sticks...
Angie, you would love it...if you can afford it though. I always buy the feast for $20.00 that has a 1/2 pound of snow crab, shrimp scampi, fried shrimp, and french fries. YUM! :D Not to mention those free glorious biscuits!!!
Oh my lord there are two!
MODS please ban one of them pleeeease I can't handle two!
Outlaw2747 said:
Angie, you would love it...if you can afford it though. I always buy the feast for $20.00 that has a 1/2 pound of snow crab, shrimp scampi, fried shrimp, and french fries. YUM! :D Not to mention those free glorious biscuits!!!

Mmm..seafood....that's about what a dinner costs at my Chowderpot...Maybe I'll try Red Lobster next time I'm in the mood for seafood but don't wanna wait 2 hrs for a meal.
Ok Psuedo-Lords i bite and respond anyhow...

Lords1 said:
NO, YOU'RE stupid for saying this. Grabbing is a rude behavior. Asking is being polite. There's a HUGE difference in the two. One time I had a waiter at Applebees tried twice at different times to take my margarita glass. That was AGGREVATING. MOST people don't like when a server removes things that aren't finished with. YOU KNOW that's the truth. So, you don't just "GRAB" something. You ASK first, then GRAB. 2 totally different things.
Well i never grab something that doenst have refills without asking if they are obviously that waiter is either trying too hard or just a moron. BUt when i grab a glass without saying anytyhing it is because the customer is in a conversation and i dont want to interrupt it just to say "more coke"?

Lords1 said:
EVERYONE is DIFFERENT. You are suppose to cater to EVERYONE'S wants, whether they are stupid to you or not. Think of the INDIVIDUAL person. You aren't thinking of EACH INDIVIDUAL person. That's the PROBLEM.
your right how rude of me to try to make my customers have everything without having to ask for it.

Lords1 said:
As I said in the above paragraph. You have to think of the EACH INDIVIDUAL CUSTOMER'S WANTS, NOT the MAJORITY. The MAJORITY doesn't CUT IT. It doesn't make EVERYONE HAPPY, just MOST of the people, not ALL of the people. You need to make EVERYONE HAPPY. The ONLY way to do this is to ASK what they want. This way you'll know FOR SURE WITHOUT ANY REASONABLE DOUBTS.
DUH....almost every time i get nods or eyecontact of some sort to validate that i am doing the right thing.....

Lords1 said:
But, if it's NOT what I, the customer, wants, WHO CARES. If I want coke next, then WHY try to read my mind that I want dr. pepper still? Let customer's order for THEMSELVES. The wait staff has NO RIGHT to order for the customers.
so you didnt order dr ordered there is no mind reading. When they are getting your glass say you want something different? why is this hard or even an issue....

Lords1 said:
UHH, NO WAY did I order serveral glasses of coke or whatever soft drink. I order (1) coke, not more than that. It DOESN'T mean I have to take ANY refills just because I can get free refills of coke. You can't FORCE a customer to take another refill if they don't want to have anymore. It DOESN'T mean that ANYONE should bring more than (1) glass to the table since I only ordered (1) coke. If I say "coke", then it's only 1 glass worth, then if I CHOOSE to want another coke, I will say so. Do you understand, it's only (1) soft drink glass that is ordered the first time around?
and were back to the majority issue. Since 99% of the people will get more refills. i always have some sort of verbal or nonverbal communication with it. perhaps you dont have that communication?

Lords1 said:
You said:
I had said before:
What good is it if I HATE it or don't want it? I would get it and not eat it. That's not something that would make me happy. Trying to be nice, is the thought that counts, but if I don't like it, it's not that great of a gift, do you understand? At my file clerk job, a lady made a lot of cakes for people's birthdays and a lot of workers would get together and sing happy b-day to the worker or workers that had a b-day. The lady made a pineapple cake. Sure I said "Thank you". I did end up telling her later on that I didn't care for pineapples to much, but "Thanks anyway." I didn't eat my slice of cake at work which was for my b-day a couple of days away, but we had off that friday,which my b-day was saturday of that month. Anyway, it did NO good for her to bake it for me, just for the others that like that kind of cake. DO you GET THAT? If I don't like it, it's not such a great gesture. Especially when you are in a restaurant, PAYING to have what "YOU WANT" brought to you. There should NEVER be anything that you don't know a customer wants.
your right that you shouldnt feel obliged to eat something you dont like and was nice to thank her....but the fact that you think in your heart that this woman was trying to be nice and you internally thought of it as more rude....that is appalling....your social skills are best

Lords1 said:
I happen to like bread, but some people are on a diet and don't want to be tempted to eat bread. If it's in front of them, they may eat it. So, I feel even bread, you should ask if it's not listed on the menu. Now places like Red Lobster, have on their menu that the entrees come with bread. Some other restaurants may not have it on their menu. I don't remember seeing pumpernickle bread on the menu at Outback, but they do bring that bread to your table when you eat there. That's something I'd ASK about BEFORE bringing it to the table.
and when management forces the server to bring it no matter what....i guess you never think the other way around.....maybe you should stick to ordering at counter service since that is your forte'

Lords1 said:
NO, when the waiter brought me another dr.pepper instead of coke, I said "Can I get coke this time?" I am NOT going to APOLOGIZE for the WAITER for ordering for me, it should be the OTHER WAY AROUND.
again DUH...they brought the wrong should have said something a sip or two into it. and if they werent around or near your table then obviously the server was either bad to beginwith or so busy they couldnt...but im sure someone else coulda help you....

Lords1 said:
That waiter should have apolgized to me, but he didn't.
i would have but thats because i know how to do my job...

Lords1 said:
I said:
You said:

Yes, I have had Applebee's Blackened Chicken Fettucine LOTS of times when they still had it on their menu. It was pretty spicy. Also at Chilis, they have a Cajun Chicken sandwich which has jalapeno Jack cheese. So, that would be something spicy. So, YOU'RE WRONG. There are things that are spicy at these type of restaurants.

you got me :)