Bansai Kittens

poor kitties, hey heard about those sickos in sydney who like stoned a lil kitten and ran over it with there bikes and like kicked it on a railroad track....I feel like ******* stoning them! They diserve to die!


New member
i know ******* retards.....

i feel like chucking stones at them and then running over them and then kicking them on to the train track

**** those sickos one of them was 9 .....

haha but the kitty was so cute it had a bandage on its leg



New member
yeah there is worse sites. like the mones with thoes weird lookin deformed babies. the ones that thoes bastards keep on trashing lpf with
lmao, I knew this wasn't real. I was one of the people that took down the site once before. But it's back up, I just want to take it down again. And those names are from some other petition... But I'm still fighting!

Marmen Boy

New member
i used to know someone who went to that site all the time. it used to be real, and people still do that,(just random people with sick minds, but there arn't too many of them) but I don't think they have a website, that one is all fake. but i remember a while back, you could get a liscence to do stuff like that.
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