Battle Of The Bands! It's back!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2004
I thought i'd revive this whole Battle Of The Bands lark ya know out of boredem

So here it is!

Theme: Grunge/Alternative Band Of The 90's Who Also Have Played an Amazing Accoustic Set!

The 90's was an era for grunge Nirvana took the world by storm with highly infectious tunes with 'Nevermind' being a cross over hit. This band were Super-Nova and still are, everyone knows who they are and everyone has listend to their music at some point and quite often enjoyed it. However with the untimley death of Kurt Cobain this band had to call it hiatous maybe it was for the best we don't know as they have left a rather dashing back cataloug of albums.

Lifespan: 1987 - 1994
Albums: 3 (studio)
Crowning Moment: Smells Like Teen Spirit

The Smashing Pumpkins:
Another major player in the grunge seen especially in the early days..... although they are mainly alternative and became less grunge like threw their releases. Formed in 1988 their crowning moment migt just be Tonight Tonight, but they have released many other singles, with an impressive back catalouge of albums and reforming this year this band remain huge and are set to headline many tours this year.

Lifespan: 1988 - Present
Albums: 5
Crowning Moment: Tonight Tonight

So who gets your vote

For me it would have to be the smashing pumpkins just because they were farrrrr more diverse in their song writing then Nirvana, however Nirvana will always be tough oppposistions I just think they are a bit overrated. Unfourtenetly for the fact Kurt Cobain ended his life we may of seen a more mature Nirvana but we didnt get that, Smashing Pumpkins have won but only JUST 'Ava Adore' was average and that whole Machina concept album was gash.
My vote goes to Nirvana...they kinda started a revolution with their music...

their CDs are all great and the Unplugged is one of the best unpluggeds ever...
Nirvana is way way way overated. Their songs weren't really all that great and it kinda defined what 90's modern rock radio would sound like for a long long time. Stuff that I avoided like the plague. There really isn't much to most of their songs beyond 3 or 4 basic grunge chords. And it's too bad they received this "revolutionary" status when a couple of Kurt's main influences, The Pixies and Sonic Youth, were 1000x better than him. On that note, the one single of theirs that I really liked alot is "Smells Like Teen Spirit" based only on that kickass chorus.

With that said, I definitely go with the Pumpkins. Nothing really compares to Siamese Dream. The overly bloated MCIS had plenty of genious tracks. I think Ava Adore is a gem. Heck, The Pumpkins are the B-sides Kings if you ask me. Machina 2 (the b-sides) trump Machina 1. And Pisces is one of the best B-side albums ever. The Aeroplane box set of B-sides has alot of great songs as well.

Even though I don't listen to them much anymore, it's definitely SP hands down over Nirvana. The musicianmanship of Nirvana was nowhere near as complex and interesting as The Pumpkins.

This is not counting Zwan or Corgan's solo stuff of which I find very mediocre. Corgan doesn't have it in him anymore.
I'd say Nirvana,even though I've never seen them as that revolutionary,because what they did,and did fairly well,didn't really completely change future rock music,which is the meaning of revolutionary.

On the other hand,i'd have to consider The Smashing Pumpkins a bit more innovative,but I just have never really cared for their style of music.
Ava Adore is amazing, just get their greatest hits if u havent heard much from the pumpkins its a great listen..... I havent heard their b-sides though... hmmmm
there's much more to SP's music, I feel.

Kurt supposedly killing himself made him a kind of a hero/martyr, and yeah I do feel Nirvana is one of the most overrated bands out there.
and Kurt's an alright musician, he's just not the musical genious some people think him to be. I personally find both Dave and Krist better musicians than him.
Nirvana's been very influencial, that's true, but mostly that counts for guys in the 9th grade that let their hair grow and start a band by playing Nirvana songs cause they're so easy lol

SP...I dunno. I've never been a huge fan or anything, but they're a band I respect a lot.
They've also been very influencial, but more to musicians that have actually gone and done great things...
Nirvana win 4 to 3

Next its the battle of the Noise Rock god's
- the bands that made it big whilst breaking the rules of Conventional music writing.

Sonic Youth Vs Velvet Underground

The Velvet Underground

A band that form in new your in 1964 deffied the mainstream with their music which constantly broke new ground, they achieved a cult following and got the praise of critics very quickly, with a string of amazing albums (if we forget squeeze ever existed) this band wrote the book on alternative music.

Lifespan: 1964 - 1973
Studio Albums: 5
Stand Out Moment: There She Goes Again

Sonic Youth

Formning in the early 80's this band is still releasing albums to the praise of the critics and fans alike, either going from Noise ridden punk to conventional rock formular all the way down to dream like melodies and sound scope this band really does push the bar when it comes to their music. Having 3 albums on the greatest 100 albums of the 80's according to pitchfork that shows their merit alone, the most unlikely success story the band often drop melody and hooks for insane amounts of reverb, noise and some of the best guitar work you will ever hear. They also inspire many bands including those in the mainstream such as Nirvana, Yeah Yeah Yeahs & Pavement

Lifespan: 1983 - Present
Studio Albums: 20
Stand Out Moment: Teenage Riot

I personally perfer Sonic Youth a band that can release 20 albums and for me to love all but 1 or 2? Thats something of an achievment in its own right, though I like Velvet Underground and have done alot with alternative music I just never got into them as much.
I think this one is kinda unfair based on number of albums and such. I would've at least gone with Sonic Youth vs Pixies (for social significance) or Sonic Youth vs Yo La Tengo (based on amount of albums) or something like that. Plus, Sonic Youth is one of my all time favourites, so they would probably beat almost every band out there for my vote.

I really enjoyed VU's first two albums The Velvet Underground and Nico (The Banana album) and White Light/White Heat. Even though VU didn't want Nico, I thought she made a nice touch. And she got some pretty good songs on The Banana album. However the goods came from the two dudes that had the most creative sparks, John Cale and Lou Reed. Of whom, I respect alot. I thought Lou Reed shouldn't have pressured the band to kick Cale out, but it happened. Beyond those first two albums, I didn't get into VU as much. They did get more quieter and more commerical, but they were still a pretty good band.

I don't have to really explain Sonic Youth really. There is a reason why they got #1 (Daydream Nation) and #14 (Sister) and #31 (EVOL) on Pitchfork's top album of the 80's. Post 80's favourites include Goo, Washing Machine, and Murray Street. And to a slightly lesser extent Nurse, Rather Ripped, and 1,000 Leaves. I also love the scary and radical stuff on "Confusion Is Sex". Two amazing guitarists, a pissed off bass player girl, a very good and dynamic drummer, and a wealth of great material. Can't beat Sonic Youth.
I have to go with sonic youth...

but I have to say that i just listened to one album of both bands....which would be: Daydream Nation and The Velvet Underground and Nico

so Sonic Youth clearly wins that for me...

maybe it really would have been better to put the Pixies against Sonic Youth