Best and Worst bands you have seen live!

I know I'm gonna get well abused for saying this but I prefer Muse to Radiohead! I dunno, I know Muse got alot of influence from Thom and co but I just find Muse more enjoyable and more edgy than Radiohead, who have a tendency to just plod along at times which can get a bit boring.

But then again I am slightly biased being a massive Muse fan and all haha.
I haven't been to many, but the best was sigur rós
lots of families came, it was a happy summer evening really. people were mesmerized over the music, especially the more dedicated fans (it was a free concert)
only low point was not their fault, they broke the high E on the rhythm guitar during the climax of the 2nd track, Glósóli. so it started kinda bad but they came back strong. some people were in tears during some songs actually...
they finished off with many fans' favorite, Popplagið, pulling the curtain back up during the 2nd half of it, with their silhouettes magnified and the backdrop of a montage of chaotic images. the song itself is enough but with that along with it, oh dear god.

the worst band...I could name a few bad Ive seen but I don't think anyone's heard of them
I know I'm gonna get well abused for saying this but I prefer Muse to Radiohead! I dunno, I know Muse got alot of influence from Thom and co but I just find Muse more enjoyable and more edgy than Radiohead, who have a tendency to just plod along at times which can get a bit boring.

But then again I am slightly biased being a massive Muse fan and all haha.

And I'm one of many big Radiohead fans that has always had the popular inborn biased hate for Muse. And I will agree, Muse was originally highly influenced by Radiohead circa The Bends and OK Computer. But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't come up with anything remotely as astonishing. Hardly anybody liked them. The press hated Muse, England hated Muse, Radiohead fans hated Muse. Only thing that saved them was Radiohead hating to be Radiohead. Radiohead were the edgy innovating ones being that they always want to shake things up and explore new sounds with each album they've made. Muse couldn't follow where they went despite the fact they too were trying to be somewhat experimental with different instrumentation. So coincedentally, when Muse began to roll down their own road, they started getting some positive feedback. However, since modern rock fans in America are oblivious to it all, Muse has always had a market. And they sit comfortably in a market that also enjoys Taking Back Sunday, Fall Out Boy, etc. Nowadays mainstream England and Europe alike likes them a good deal and all is just fine. And good for them because they deserve it. They are far from being a bad band. It's just they won't go down in history as one of the all time greats. Radiohead will.


PS: Radiohead has taken a very long time trying to craft LP7. I hope it comes out great because obviously they haven't been happy with certain things. I'm glad that they feel they don't have to rush to put anything out until they're 100% ready. I think they realized that Hail To The Thief wasn't their kind of album and that many of their fans put alot of pressure on them to go back to the old days and older sounds.
I still have a place for Muse, nowa days they write the good indie disco floorfiller (despite not being indie) they are also an introductury band. By that I mean they are a band that currently occupy the UK charts with devestating effect without sounding like anoter british guitar band & for me they were a band that sort of shifted me deeper into music to find something that resembled their sound. I still believe that given maturity they do have the ability to craft a very good record it's just they haven't done it yet. Matt Belamy has an incredible voice both on record and live but it's just a few things that stop them, their image is pretty cheesey as is their sound at times but when they mature and truley find their sound that isn't radioheads it could be a pleasent suprise.

Muse are supernova I saw them amongst 60,000 other people with supoort from 3 bands that carry their own weight, most notably MCR (terrible live btw) Biffy Clyro and Shy Child. They have done very well for themselves and have won over alot of people & will go down in history but not in the same way as Radiohead will.
Another big thing that holds Muse back is their lyrics. That's a huge weakness. And it's too bad because Bellamy has a great range and is a great musician. It's just their cheese-factor is just too in your face with that bombastic imagery. He needs to come back down to Earth for a little while.
And I'm one of many big Radiohead fans that has always had the popular inborn biased hate for Muse. And I will agree, Muse was originally highly influenced by Radiohead circa The Bends and OK Computer. But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't come up with anything remotely as astonishing. Hardly anybody liked them. The press hated Muse, England hated Muse, Radiohead fans hated Muse. Only thing that saved them was Radiohead hating to be Radiohead. Radiohead were the edgy innovating ones being that they always want to shake things up and explore new sounds with each album they've made. Muse couldn't follow where they went despite the fact they too were trying to be somewhat experimental with different instrumentation. So coincedentally, when Muse began to roll down their own road, they started getting some positive feedback. However, since modern rock fans in America are oblivious to it all, Muse has always had a market. And they sit comfortably in a market that also enjoys Taking Back Sunday, Fall Out Boy, etc. Nowadays mainstream England and Europe alike likes them a good deal and all is just fine. And good for them because they deserve it. They are far from being a bad band. It's just they won't go down in history as one of the all time greats. Radiohead will.
Yeah I do agree with this, I was too young to remember Muse's earlier days though so all that controversy is pretty new to me.

Matt Bellamy tends to write about weird stuff, like aliens and government propaganda but when he tries to write about like love and stuff it can get cheesy at times, especially on Starlight *shudder* That was just too radio friendly!

And Ace I am now incredibly jealous of you too :( Though I did see them in Manchester.. yay ^_^

Dred 10/10 though the side bands were really ****, they had perfect timing,the sound was all even, they cut the bullshit "mosh or die" "tear this floor apart" they just mentioned the song names and just got realllly into it, the crowd went crazy, it was worth the traveling to get there.

Dark tranquillity 10/10 they had an amazing energy, and got the audience to engage with their music. (vocals then holding the mic. to the audience to repeat it back.) great music, great band.

Slayer 6/10 one of my most anticipated concerts, i was slightly disappointed that they had mastodon with them. the lighting set up was also quite painful.
having flashing lights everytime a double kick was played wasn't the wisest idea.


the used 4/10: they played well(by their standards anyway), but should of stopped when the barriers were down and more people then could fit in the pit were added. it became very dangerous and i got out of the pit injured and shaking. which should of been prevented.
Rubbish :(

Nothing beats seeing a great performance & nothing is quite as funny as seeing a shite band prove that they are more shite without the help of production (ANGELS & AIRWAVES) and getting boo'd by their own fans! HARHAR

Future Of The Left were really good live, next stop Yo La Tengo and then Animal Collective then a return to Patrick Wolf & maybe Euros Child!
Best - Nine Inch Nails
Big Day Out like 2000 or sth.
Trent Reznor tight black leather pants like ten feet from me *droolage*
Mosh pit was the scariest experience of my freakin life (and my first ever mosh! What an education!)
Music rocked. Great energy. Great light show too from what I remember of it. When I wasn't drowning in body parts ;)

Worst _ Pearl Jam
Had been a huge dedicated fan for around 10years. Waited for that concert forever. I went and was bitterly disappointed. No crowd involvement and we all pretty much had to stay seated (was after their concert where those fans got crushed in mosh pit, safety crew were a bit tyrannical but necessary I guess)
Sound sucked. No stage presence. I gave my tee shirts away after that. Coincidentally got into Linkin Park soon after. Good for me. ;)
well considering that I havent been to any big concerts I'd say best was Linkin Park and worst was uhm... some local band from around where I live... I dont even remember their name anymore xD lol
These are all the bands I have seen live that I remember the names of :)

Bands Seen Live So Far: !!!, Kings Of Leon, The Maccabees, Modest Mouse, Asobi Seksu, Interpol, Animal Collective, Liars, Patrick Wolf, Gogol Bordello, Angels & Airwaves, Art Brut, The Horrors, CSS, Goose, Linkin Park, Dialated People, Final Fantasy, Hot Hot Heat, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Biffy Clyro, Eagles Of Death Metal, The Shins, The Little Ones, Tokyo Police Club, Dr Razu, The Happiness, The Florists, Hour Hands, The Pursuit, The Arcade Fire, Fall Out Boy, Sonic Youth, The Smashing Pumpkins, Bearsuit, Maximo Park, Long Blondes, Kate Nash, Spinto Band, Airtraffic, Pigeon Detectives, Pull Tiger Tail, of Montreal, Noisettes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Eighties Matchbox, Les Savy Fav, Jamie T, Frank Turner, Bloc Party, Pendulum, Unkle, Eugene McGuinness, Lethal Bizzle, Dizzie Rascal, Flick Everett, Pete & The Pirates, Bright Eyes, LCD Soundsystem, Muse, My Chemichal Romance, New Young Pony Club, Shy Child & Good Shoes

I dont remember the others right now + toones of unknown supports

As it still stands
Best: !!! or Muse
Worst: Angels & Airwaves

Upcomming gigs:
Kings Of Leon
Gogol Bordello