Battle of the Bands song...


Sep 25, 2004
whereever i feel like
alright, so im not very musically talented, but i figured i wanted to be in battle of the bands a few days before we had to submit our lyrics n stuff...its a rap about the sun, moon, and the stars, tell me what you think before we make complete fools of ourselves up on stage...thanks...oh its called

"Risin’ Horizon" by the Distance Dynamos ft. the Sub-5 Milers<<<we're a bunch of track n field kids so thats the best name we could come up with....the chorus is at the bottom so just put it in where it says [chorus]

I woke up to the sunrise and to my surprise
The sun was staring at me, solitary eyes
Keep a sundial to keep up readily
Hold the rays of light shining down on me steadily
Every day (trying) to escape the dark and the deadly
When the medley of the clocks begin their morning melody
As the sundial shadows (the) time from the sky
What would you do with that time to pass by

Reminiscing thoughts whilst the clouds in the sky
Keep us from the secrets that the stars know why
And blame us not knowing where the world that we are
Guided like compass, due north from a star
Shining down to earth with its last bit of light
Trying to tell a story of a dream of tonight…
The reflection in our direction in the water of the beach
Relax, Close your eyes, the sun is in your reach
Sitting on a dune, waiting ‘til noon, soon
The sun will go down evicted by the moon
Staggered by the stars,
Hidden by the comments of the comets
And the space beyond mars,
Getting nowhere in your shuttles or astronaut cars
But it’s catching the sun, in the arch of its crescent
Submits to the night, an acquired acquiescent
But agrees to return when the moon is all gone
‘Gins risin’ from the horizon at the break of dawn
The lunar cycle month of the wax and the wane
Eclipse his own mistake to give him time to explain
Cradling the wishes that fall from shooting stars
As far as deep goes without leaving true scars
Through the dipper duo of the big and the little
Off Orion’s belt to the star in the middle
Just a constellation hanging out in zero gravity
Just a star formation banging out formality
Suddenly it’s caught in a matter of spatial
Gravitational pull to absorb it into orbit
And warp it back and forth, in between a black hole
Trapped the speed of light by powerless control
But to plan it for the planets to perfectly align
Don’t ask me, I’m out of this world all the time

<<this is the chorus>>
(It’s keeping me awake)
Trying to sleep through death’s disguise
Where hope lives on to cope with the lies
(Reflections in the lake)
Saying so long to the moon, but ill talk to you soon
Cause you’ll be there when I’ve closed my eyes
(It watches over me)
Trying to make it through the day’s disguise
To last a little longer, ‘fore I say my goodbyes
(The light will set me free)
Saying so long to sun when the night has begun
And say hello when I open my eyes
<<end chorus>>

[Rapped chorus:]
Trying to sleep through death and nights disguise
Where hope lives on to cope with your lies
Saying so long to the moon, but I’ll talk to you soon
Cause you’ll be there when I’ve closed my eyes

Trying to make it through the day, and life’s disguise
To last a little longer ‘fore I say my goodbyes
Saying so long to the sun when the night has begun
And say ‘hello’ when I open my eyes

how is that in terms of being performed in stage????