BBB's Pix!Damn Cute!

Hey, i have a question, how many head phones do you think bbb has? He must have quite a few.

....Here is another pic of Brad .. since this is the picture thread. I also added a few more to the gallery.


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braddelsonslover said:
oh, guys.. i think i'm in love.. Brad is one of the cutest guys i've ever seen in my life!! i love him & i always will no matter how he luks!!

awesome pictures.
meteora500 said:
I've never seen this picture before... i like it... i like it alot!

So he has quite a few headphones then, i've only seen a couple in concert pictures/videos. I wonder why he doesn't design them himself. He has designed some of his guitars right, or did mike do those too?
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I thought so, but i also heard he was really jealous of one of mikes guitars, lol! I really like his red guitar, its pretty cool. It seems to be his favourite too.


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Do you think they name their guitars and instruments, i've heard of ppl who do, not neccessarily LP but those who have guitars.
I think they're crazie enough guys to name them quite odd names. lol! I can only imagine. Knowing Brad he would probably name them something relating to his Matrix! Like... i dunno... mr.! (J/K)
Yeah i know a few ppl who name their guitars... maybe its just them... lol! But i wouldn't be surpised if linkin park was among the oddballs! I mean they all have nick names for each other, expect for rob,he doesn't have one, does he? And then there's brad who thought of his!
I love it!
.... BIG BAD BRAD! I wonder how he came up with that one anyway? :)


  • bradie5.jpg
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Jaymeee said:
Yeah i know a few ppl who name their guitars... maybe its just them... lol! But i wouldn't be surpised if linkin park was among the oddballs! I mean they all have nick names for each other, expect for rob,he doesn't have one, does he? And then there's brad who thought of his!
I love it!
.... BIG BAD BRAD! I wonder how he came up with that one anyway? :)

I love that picy!!

Where did you get it!!?!?!?! :p I love it ^___^
Mike Shinoda's Gurl said:
I love that picy!!

Where did you get it!!?!?!?! :p I love it ^___^

Hmmm, i'm not quite sure i remember, i think it might have been @ . I check and get back to you on that one.

I love this thing


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... nope, I have no idea where i got that pic from sorry.
Here are some pics from the lp ss philippine site, i hope they don't mind, i just thought yall might like 'em.
Januray 14 2005
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Jaymeee said:
Do you think they name their guitars and instruments, i've heard of ppl who do, not neccessarily LP but those who have guitars.
I think they're crazie enough guys to name them quite odd names.(J/K)
on Much Music (a canadian tv station if you didnt know) they have this show called Fandemonium and on a LP episode thingy, there was a trivia question about what Brad calls his i think it was like black 7 string guitar or somthing..i dunno...but anyways, it said that he called it Satan
Hmmm, yes i know MuchMusic, i'm actually from canada, fancy that! lol! :)
'Satan' huh?! That interesting... so he does name is guitars! I knew it... lol.