Beer: My Observations. Love, Wavy G

>>>>> Strohs spelt backwards is Shorts

>>>>> Which is what they filtered it through.

>>>> Beats Miller, which is what you pee after you drink real beer.

>>> We won't go into Schitz, err, Schlitz

>> If you've ever been on a "budget" you'd eat those words, Aratzio.

We've all lived on tight budgets. It's just some of have
higher standards than others.

>> I lived on Schlitz for a whole summer, wonce. Then I moved onto
>> Lowenbrau, which, if you could imagine, was even cheaper. THEN,
>> all of a sudden, Lowenbrau went up to, like, 8 BUCKS a six-pack.

I am smiling and at the same time shaking my head in pity.
Was it Schlitz or Lowenbrau that caused you grammar and
spelling deficiencies.

>> Wha??? How the hell did Lowenbrau become popular overnight?

> Simple economics. You were the only won desperate enough to drink the
> Lowenbrau, single-handedly lowering the supply and creating the demand
> at the same time. It's only logical that you should have to pay more
> for it. Better you should drink Black Label when low on beer money.

For those who have no standards, try Schlitz Malt Liquor.

Dear, "Pearly Soames": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( )

>Wavy G wrote:
>> Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>> Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>>>> If you've never been to an Irish "pub" and had the "Stella Artois" on
>>>>>> draught, and then later tried the bottled Stella Artois, I can only warn
>>>>>> you that after tasting the draught first, it's like drinking carbonated
>>>>>> water (with a skunky aftertaste reminiscent of the aroma of an empty
>>>>>> "White Castle" hamburger box with cold onions stuck to the bottom). I
>>>>>> don't know how there could be such a difference in flavour, but this
>>>>>> definitely confirms my theory that draught beer always beats bottled
>>>>>> beer, hands down.
>>>>>> Beer bitches try to argue with me on the subject, stating that "draught
>>>>>> beer is crap beer" (oh, tee hee, how droll), but if you were me
>>>>>> (believe me, it's no easy job, so back the **** off), you would know
>>>>>> where I'm coming from. So go on and drink your bottled "Bud Light" and
>>>>>> titter about the "headache" I'm supposed to have in the morning (draught
>>>>>> beer supposedly causes headaches to inexperienced drinkers). Don't
>>>>>> worry about me; I'll wake up tomorrow, clear-headed and refreshed, and
>>>>>> laughing about the sour, sterilized "beer" you consumed last night at
>>>>>> 2.75 a pop, which you could have purchased at any grocery store.
>>>>>> My only hope is that people who haven't tried it yet have the
>>>>>> opportunity to try it the other way around: drink a six-pack of bottled
>>>>>> Stella, and then go out to an Irish pub (I mean a real Irish pub, not
>>>>>> just won of those places that have Guinness and Bass on tap with a spoon
>>>>>> hanging off the spout) and try the Stella draught. I don't know, but
>>>>>> you might just experience a "beergasm" (LOL? that's a term I just
>>>>>> invented which is a "portmanteau" of two unrelated terms "beer" and
>>>>>> "orgasm"). Oh, and try the "boxty" or the "bangers and champ" while
>>>>>> you're there.
>>>>>> This is Wavy G, your food and drink consultant, signing off.
>>>>> 1) Draft beer sucks.
>>>>> 2) You are not an Irish pub expert.
>>>>> 3) You obviously had a major headache as you composed that.
>>>>> 4) I don't see you as a beer epicurean.
>>>>> 5) "Beergasms" do not exist.
>>>> Now I know why Hillstrom plonked you.
>>> That's it? No wittily crafted, verbosely expounded upon retort? That's not
>>> your style, Gravy Wee. Only one reason: I am correct.
>>> I win! AGAIN!!!

>> DAMNIT!!! Okay, fine. You win. You're getting your clever retort out
>> of me, like it or not!
>> 1) Does NOT.
>> 2) I've been to quite a few Irish pubs in the Cincinnati/Dayton area.
>> Expert I am indeed!

>I lived in Dayton for a summer a while ago. Is that place still there?
> You know. And do they still put cinnamon in their chili?

What place? Are you mocking me? I can't tell, because the jerks around
here like to make fun of my home town and our famous chili. Please give
me some kind of information to let me know if you're on the "up-and-up."

"Wavy G, you are a crappy person."
--My friend "Bobo Bonobo" sums up my
personality in won (1) concise sentence.
Dear, "Dick Adams": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>>>> Strohs spelt backwards is Shorts

>>>>>> Which is what they filtered it through.

>>>>> Beats Miller, which is what you pee after you drink real beer.

>>>> We won't go into Schitz, err, Schlitz

>>> If you've ever been on a "budget" you'd eat those words, Aratzio.

>We've all lived on tight budgets. It's just some of have
>higher standards than others.
>>> I lived on Schlitz for a whole summer, wonce. Then I moved onto
>>> Lowenbrau, which, if you could imagine, was even cheaper. THEN,
>>> all of a sudden, Lowenbrau went up to, like, 8 BUCKS a six-pack.

>I am smiling and at the same time shaking my head in pity.
>Was it Schlitz or Lowenbrau that caused you grammar and
>spelling deficiencies.
>>> Wha??? How the hell did Lowenbrau become popular overnight?

>> Simple economics. You were the only won desperate enough to drink the
>> Lowenbrau, single-handedly lowering the supply and creating the demand
>> at the same time. It's only logical that you should have to pay more
>> for it. Better you should drink Black Label when low on beer money.

>For those who have no standards, try Schlitz Malt Liquor.

About five or so years ago, my roommates had a "rock and roll" music
band, and won day they hired a coloured fellow to play "bass guitar" for
them. Every Saturday for band practice (bands must practice together in
order to hone their sound before playing in front of audiences), the
coloured fellow would bring over "Steel Reserve." Well, won day, he let
me try it, and well, now I know why those people (coloured people) drink
"malt liquor." I've thought about buying some for myself since then,
but I was always afraid that store clerks would laugh at me and think of
me as an uptight "white" guy. So anyways, the end.

"Wavy G, you are a crappy person."
--My friend "Bobo Bonobo" sums up my
personality in won (1) concise sentence.
Wavy G wrote:
> Dear, "Pearly Soames": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( )
> NO:
>> Wavy G wrote:
>>> Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>>> Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>>>>> If you've never been to an Irish "pub" and had the "Stella Artois" on
>>>>>>> draught, and then later tried the bottled Stella Artois, I can only warn
>>>>>>> you that after tasting the draught first, it's like drinking carbonated
>>>>>>> water (with a skunky aftertaste reminiscent of the aroma of an empty
>>>>>>> "White Castle" hamburger box with cold onions stuck to the bottom). I
>>>>>>> don't know how there could be such a difference in flavour, but this
>>>>>>> definitely confirms my theory that draught beer always beats bottled
>>>>>>> beer, hands down.
>>>>>>> Beer bitches try to argue with me on the subject, stating that "draught
>>>>>>> beer is crap beer" (oh, tee hee, how droll), but if you were me
>>>>>>> (believe me, it's no easy job, so back the **** off), you would know
>>>>>>> where I'm coming from. So go on and drink your bottled "Bud Light" and
>>>>>>> titter about the "headache" I'm supposed to have in the morning (draught
>>>>>>> beer supposedly causes headaches to inexperienced drinkers). Don't
>>>>>>> worry about me; I'll wake up tomorrow, clear-headed and refreshed, and
>>>>>>> laughing about the sour, sterilized "beer" you consumed last night at
>>>>>>> 2.75 a pop, which you could have purchased at any grocery store.
>>>>>>> My only hope is that people who haven't tried it yet have the
>>>>>>> opportunity to try it the other way around: drink a six-pack of bottled
>>>>>>> Stella, and then go out to an Irish pub (I mean a real Irish pub, not
>>>>>>> just won of those places that have Guinness and Bass on tap with a spoon
>>>>>>> hanging off the spout) and try the Stella draught. I don't know, but
>>>>>>> you might just experience a "beergasm" (LOL? that's a term I just
>>>>>>> invented which is a "portmanteau" of two unrelated terms "beer" and
>>>>>>> "orgasm"). Oh, and try the "boxty" or the "bangers and champ" while
>>>>>>> you're there.
>>>>>>> This is Wavy G, your food and drink consultant, signing off.
>>>>>> 1) Draft beer sucks.
>>>>>> 2) You are not an Irish pub expert.
>>>>>> 3) You obviously had a major headache as you composed that.
>>>>>> 4) I don't see you as a beer epicurean.
>>>>>> 5) "Beergasms" do not exist.
>>>>> Now I know why Hillstrom plonked you.
>>>> That's it? No wittily crafted, verbosely expounded upon retort? That's not
>>>> your style, Gravy Wee. Only one reason: I am correct.
>>>> I win! AGAIN!!!
>>> DAMNIT!!! Okay, fine. You win. You're getting your clever retort out
>>> of me, like it or not!
>>> 1) Does NOT.
>>> 2) I've been to quite a few Irish pubs in the Cincinnati/Dayton area.
>>> Expert I am indeed!

>> I lived in Dayton for a summer a while ago. Is that place still there?
>> You know. And do they still put cinnamon in their chili?

> What place? Are you mocking me? I can't tell, because the jerks around
> here like to make fun of my home town and our famous chili. Please give
> me some kind of information to let me know if you're on the "up-and-up."

Er, it was just down from the Wright Bros. Museum(?). I liked my chili

"Has anyone seen my bigger knife?"
Wavy G wrote:
> Dear, "Dean T": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>"Wavy G" <> wrote in message
>>>Dear, "Joel": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>>Wavy G <Wavy G> wrote:
>>>>>My only hope is that people who haven't tried it yet have the
>>>>>opportunity to try it the other way around: drink a six-pack of bottled
>>>>>Stella, and then go out to an Irish pub (I mean a real Irish pub, not
>>>>>just won of those places that have Guinness and Bass on tap with a spoon
>>>>>hanging off the spout) and try the Stella draught.
>>>> Oh, aye, because a real Irish pub naturally sells Stella
>>>>Artois, that bastion of Irish brewing. In fact, isn't "Stella
>>>>Artois" Gaelic for "the best, most authentic Irish ale ever?"
>>>All right, smart guy. I've never been to "Ireland," so I'm limited to
>>>the American examples of "Irish" culture, such as "Irish" themed pubs
>>>and "Stella Artois" beer. Alls I know is, you can't get "Stella Artois"
>>>on draught at a regular bar, so yeah, outside of driving to Ireland, you
>>>have to go to IRISH PUBS to get it. So UP YOURS, buddy!

>>You are talking from your arse...Stella Artois isn't even from Ireland, you
>>The simpleton know-alls on Usenbet abound.....

> Oh? Then why do they sell it at Irish pubs, hmm? I'd like to think I'm
> a bit of an expert on the subject. You may want to think twice before
> you get into a debate with me. I'm pretty quick on the draw, so you
> better be prepared to be "put in your place."

Wavy G,

Use Google. I can get Stella on tap (not that I would, a decent light
beer for the wife, but frankly, I prefer real ales.) at an Italian
restaurant, an Ethiopian restaurant, and at a bar featuring 132 beers on
tap whose theme is, well, beer. If in your area its featured at "Irish"
style pubs, fine, but don't assume its Irish or only available the way, Guiness is available on tap at places that aren't
Irish themed too.
Wavy G wrote:
> If you've never been to an Irish "pub" and had the "Stella Artois" on
> draught, and then later tried the bottled Stella Artois, I can only warn
> you that after tasting the draught first, it's like drinking carbonated
> water (with a skunky aftertaste reminiscent of the aroma of an empty
> "White Castle" hamburger box with cold onions stuck to the bottom). I
> don't know how there could be such a difference in flavour, but this
> definitely confirms my theory that draught beer always beats bottled
> beer, hands down.
> Beer bitches try to argue with me on the subject, stating that "draught
> beer is crap beer" (oh, tee hee, how droll), but if you were me
> (believe me, it's no easy job, so back the **** off), you would know
> where I'm coming from. So go on and drink your bottled "Bud Light" and
> titter about the "headache" I'm supposed to have in the morning (draught
> beer supposedly causes headaches to inexperienced drinkers). Don't
> worry about me; I'll wake up tomorrow, clear-headed and refreshed, and
> laughing about the sour, sterilized "beer" you consumed last night at
> 2.75 a pop, which you could have purchased at any grocery store.
> My only hope is that people who haven't tried it yet have the
> opportunity to try it the other way around: drink a six-pack of bottled
> Stella, and then go out to an Irish pub (I mean a real Irish pub, not
> just won of those places that have Guinness and Bass on tap with a spoon
> hanging off the spout) and try the Stella draught. I don't know, but
> you might just experience a "beergasm" (LOL? that's a term I just
> invented which is a "portmanteau" of two unrelated terms "beer" and
> "orgasm"). Oh, and try the "boxty" or the "bangers and champ" while
> you're there.
> This is Wavy G, your food and drink consultant, signing off.

There is one that New Amsterdam has on tap called Oak Tree that I really
like. Stella is good too. Oak Tree is much darker and richer, imo.

Per - user23ATgmailDOTcom
mhm 24x23 icq: 6047688
Dear, "Larry Swain": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:

>Wavy G wrote:
>> Dear, "Dean T": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>"Wavy G" <> wrote in message
>>>>Dear, "Joel": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>>>Wavy G <Wavy G> wrote:
>>>>>>My only hope is that people who haven't tried it yet have the
>>>>>>opportunity to try it the other way around: drink a six-pack of bottled
>>>>>>Stella, and then go out to an Irish pub (I mean a real Irish pub, not
>>>>>>just won of those places that have Guinness and Bass on tap with a spoon
>>>>>>hanging off the spout) and try the Stella draught.
>>>>> Oh, aye, because a real Irish pub naturally sells Stella
>>>>>Artois, that bastion of Irish brewing. In fact, isn't "Stella
>>>>>Artois" Gaelic for "the best, most authentic Irish ale ever?"
>>>>All right, smart guy. I've never been to "Ireland," so I'm limited to
>>>>the American examples of "Irish" culture, such as "Irish" themed pubs
>>>>and "Stella Artois" beer. Alls I know is, you can't get "Stella Artois"
>>>>on draught at a regular bar, so yeah, outside of driving to Ireland, you
>>>>have to go to IRISH PUBS to get it. So UP YOURS, buddy!
>>>You are talking from your arse...Stella Artois isn't even from Ireland, you
>>>The simpleton know-alls on Usenbet abound.....

>> Oh? Then why do they sell it at Irish pubs, hmm? I'd like to think I'm
>> a bit of an expert on the subject. You may want to think twice before
>> you get into a debate with me. I'm pretty quick on the draw, so you
>> better be prepared to be "put in your place."

>Wavy G,
>Use Google. I can get Stella on tap (not that I would, a decent light
>beer for the wife, but frankly, I prefer real ales.) at an Italian
>restaurant, an Ethiopian restaurant, and at a bar featuring 132 beers on
>tap whose theme is, well, beer. If in your area its featured at "Irish"
>style pubs, fine, but don't assume its Irish or only available
> the way, Guiness is available on tap at places that aren't
>Irish themed too.

Now I know you're full of it. "Ethiopian restaurants"? Yeah. Sure.
Those people on TV who we have to send food to because they're STARVING?
And you want me to believe that people who DON'T EVEN HAVE FOOD have
their own restaurants??? Ha, ha. Good won, buddy.

Oh yeah, I can see tit now:

"Honey, what do you feel like tonight?"

"Oh, I had a late lunch today; I'm thinking something kind of light."

"Heh, okay, how about...'Ethiopian'?"

"PHHFFTT, cut it out, you! Always kidding!"

"That's why you married me, ha-ha!"

Yeah, but seriously, even if there were "Ethiopian restaurants," I would
just feel bad eating there. The whole time I'd be thinking, "Man, maybe
I shouldn't order anything. That way, at the end of the night, maybe
this guy can take something home to his family."

Seriously, good joke, but it's kind of in bad taste.

"Wavy G, you are a crappy person."
--My friend "Bobo Bonobo" sums up my
personality in won (1) concise sentence.
Dear, "Pearly Soames": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( )

>Wavy G wrote:
>> Dear, "Pearly Soames": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( )
>> NO:
>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>> Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>>>> Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>>>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>>>>>> If you've never been to an Irish "pub" and had the "Stella Artois" on
>>>>>>>> draught, and then later tried the bottled Stella Artois, I can only warn
>>>>>>>> you that after tasting the draught first, it's like drinking carbonated
>>>>>>>> water (with a skunky aftertaste reminiscent of the aroma of an empty
>>>>>>>> "White Castle" hamburger box with cold onions stuck to the bottom). I
>>>>>>>> don't know how there could be such a difference in flavour, but this
>>>>>>>> definitely confirms my theory that draught beer always beats bottled
>>>>>>>> beer, hands down.
>>>>>>>> Beer bitches try to argue with me on the subject, stating that "draught
>>>>>>>> beer is crap beer" (oh, tee hee, how droll), but if you were me
>>>>>>>> (believe me, it's no easy job, so back the **** off), you would know
>>>>>>>> where I'm coming from. So go on and drink your bottled "Bud Light" and
>>>>>>>> titter about the "headache" I'm supposed to have in the morning (draught
>>>>>>>> beer supposedly causes headaches to inexperienced drinkers). Don't
>>>>>>>> worry about me; I'll wake up tomorrow, clear-headed and refreshed, and
>>>>>>>> laughing about the sour, sterilized "beer" you consumed last night at
>>>>>>>> 2.75 a pop, which you could have purchased at any grocery store.
>>>>>>>> My only hope is that people who haven't tried it yet have the
>>>>>>>> opportunity to try it the other way around: drink a six-pack of bottled
>>>>>>>> Stella, and then go out to an Irish pub (I mean a real Irish pub, not
>>>>>>>> just won of those places that have Guinness and Bass on tap with a spoon
>>>>>>>> hanging off the spout) and try the Stella draught. I don't know, but
>>>>>>>> you might just experience a "beergasm" (LOL? that's a term I just
>>>>>>>> invented which is a "portmanteau" of two unrelated terms "beer" and
>>>>>>>> "orgasm"). Oh, and try the "boxty" or the "bangers and champ" while
>>>>>>>> you're there.
>>>>>>>> This is Wavy G, your food and drink consultant, signing off.
>>>>>>> 1) Draft beer sucks.
>>>>>>> 2) You are not an Irish pub expert.
>>>>>>> 3) You obviously had a major headache as you composed that.
>>>>>>> 4) I don't see you as a beer epicurean.
>>>>>>> 5) "Beergasms" do not exist.
>>>>>> Now I know why Hillstrom plonked you.
>>>>> That's it? No wittily crafted, verbosely expounded upon retort? That's not
>>>>> your style, Gravy Wee. Only one reason: I am correct.
>>>>> I win! AGAIN!!!
>>>> DAMNIT!!! Okay, fine. You win. You're getting your clever retort out
>>>> of me, like it or not!
>>>> 1) Does NOT.
>>>> 2) I've been to quite a few Irish pubs in the Cincinnati/Dayton area.
>>>> Expert I am indeed!
>>> I lived in Dayton for a summer a while ago. Is that place still there?
>>> You know. And do they still put cinnamon in their chili?

>> What place? Are you mocking me? I can't tell, because the jerks around
>> here like to make fun of my home town and our famous chili. Please give
>> me some kind of information to let me know if you're on the "up-and-up."

>Er, it was just down from the Wright Bros. Museum(?). I liked my chili

Okay, it appears that you are not a "troll" or a prankster just out for
a laugh, and that you genuinely mean what you say. You see, I have to
"filter" people's comments sometimes, because when it comes to
Cincinnati, most people have nothing but stinging jabs to make at my
expense. Now that I see you are "legit," I will answer your query. In
Cincinnati, (and probably some of the Dayton area), there is a local
"restaurant" chain called "Skyline."

Skyline is a local "chili" franchise which specializes in what is known
as "Cincinnati style chili." This brand of "chili" is very different to
the styles of chili which are served in most areas of the country. It
is thin, runny, extremely rich in flavour, and unusually seasoned. The
general consensus is that the unique taste is derived from the addition
of the unusual ingredients: cocoa and cinnamon.

The other thing that causes much dissention amongst the national
chili-eating community is that Cincinnati style chili is often served
atop spaghetti. Yes, that's correct: Chili on spaghetti. Wops and
goombahs everywhere are in a constant uproar about this local defecation
of their sacred, ubiquitous noodle. "Chili on spaghetti ?," they cry.
"What's next, Hawaiian pizza? Hmm? Oh, there already is Hawaiian
pizza? Well, ****! Oh, Mother Mary, forgive me..."

While I admit it is unusual, I must point out to Italian-Americans and
other idiots around the country, that Cincinnati style chili is nothing
more than a derivative of Greek chili, which originated that unique
flavour and often served it atop spaghetti noodles (which, by the by,
were not invented by Italians, but rather, the Chinese). So it is
actually derived from the "old country" cuisine, JUST LIKE ITALIAN FOOD.
****ing morons.

So anyway, sorry about this long rant, but I have to make this
information public about three times a year, or else people get all
"uppity" and "in my face" on the issue, until I have to, wonce again,
put them in their proper places.

Thank you for your time and support.

"Wavy G, you are a crappy person."
--My friend "Bobo Bonobo" sums up my
personality in won (1) concise sentence.
Wavy G wrote:

> Dear, "Pearly Soames": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( )
> NO:
>>Wavy G wrote:
>>> Dear, "Pearly Soames": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES (
>>> ) NO:
>>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>>> Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( )
>>>>> NO:
>>>>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES (
>>>>>>> ) NO:
>>>>>>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>>>>>>> If you've never been to an Irish "pub" and had the "Stella
>>>>>>>>> Artois" on draught, and then later tried the bottled Stella
>>>>>>>>> Artois, I can only warn you that after tasting the draught
>>>>>>>>> first, it's like drinking carbonated water (with a skunky
>>>>>>>>> aftertaste reminiscent of the aroma of an empty "White Castle"
>>>>>>>>> hamburger box with cold onions stuck to the bottom). I
>>>>>>>>> don't know how there could be such a difference in flavour, but
>>>>>>>>> this definitely confirms my theory that draught beer always
>>>>>>>>> beats bottled beer, hands down.
>>>>>>>>> Beer bitches try to argue with me on the subject, stating that
>>>>>>>>> "draught beer is crap beer" (oh, tee hee, how droll), but if
>>>>>>>>> you were me (believe me, it's no easy job, so back the ****
>>>>>>>>> off), you would know where I'm coming from. So go on and drink
>>>>>>>>> your bottled "Bud Light" and titter about the "headache" I'm
>>>>>>>>> supposed to have in the morning (draught beer supposedly causes
>>>>>>>>> headaches to inexperienced drinkers). Don't worry about me;
>>>>>>>>> I'll wake up tomorrow, clear-headed and refreshed, and
>>>>>>>>> laughing about the sour, sterilized "beer" you consumed last
>>>>>>>>> night at 2.75 a pop, which you could have purchased at any
>>>>>>>>> grocery store.
>>>>>>>>> My only hope is that people who haven't tried it yet have the
>>>>>>>>> opportunity to try it the other way around: drink a six-pack of
>>>>>>>>> bottled Stella, and then go out to an Irish pub (I mean a real
>>>>>>>>> Irish pub, not just won of those places that have Guinness and
>>>>>>>>> Bass on tap with a spoon hanging off the spout) and try the
>>>>>>>>> Stella draught. I don't know, but you might just experience a
>>>>>>>>> "beergasm" (LOL? that's a term I just invented which is a
>>>>>>>>> "portmanteau" of two unrelated terms "beer" and "orgasm"). Oh,
>>>>>>>>> and try the "boxty" or the "bangers and champ" while you're
>>>>>>>>> there.
>>>>>>>>> This is Wavy G, your food and drink consultant, signing off.
>>>>>>>> 1) Draft beer sucks.
>>>>>>>> 2) You are not an Irish pub expert.
>>>>>>>> 3) You obviously had a major headache as you composed that.
>>>>>>>> 4) I don't see you as a beer epicurean.
>>>>>>>> 5) "Beergasms" do not exist. Now I know why Hillstrom plonked
>>>>>>>> you.
>>>>>> That's it? No wittily crafted, verbosely expounded upon retort?
>>>>>> That's not your style, Gravy Wee. Only one reason: I am correct.
>>>>>> I win! AGAIN!!!
>>>>> DAMNIT!!! Okay, fine. You win. You're getting your clever retort
>>>>> out of me, like it or not!
>>>>> 1) Does NOT.
>>>>> 2) I've been to quite a few Irish pubs in the Cincinnati/Dayton
>>>>> area. Expert I am indeed!
>>>> I lived in Dayton for a summer a while ago. Is that place still
>>>> there?
>>>> You know. And do they still put cinnamon in their chili?
>>> What place? Are you mocking me? I can't tell, because the jerks
>>> around here like to make fun of my home town and our famous chili.
>>> Please give me some kind of information to let me know if you're on
>>> the "up-and-up."

>>Er, it was just down from the Wright Bros. Museum(?). I liked my chili

> Okay, it appears that you are not a "troll" or a prankster just out for
> a laugh, and that you genuinely mean what you say. You see, I have to
> "filter" people's comments sometimes, because when it comes to
> Cincinnati, most people have nothing but stinging jabs to make at my
> expense. Now that I see you are "legit," I will answer your query. In
> Cincinnati, (and probably some of the Dayton area), there is a local
> "restaurant" chain called "Skyline."
> Skyline is a local "chili" franchise which specializes in what is known
> as "Cincinnati style chili." This brand of "chili" is very different to
> the styles of chili which are served in most areas of the country. It
> is thin, runny, extremely rich in flavour, and unusually seasoned. The
> general consensus is that the unique taste is derived from the addition
> of the unusual ingredients: cocoa and cinnamon.
> The other thing that causes much dissention amongst the national
> chili-eating community is that Cincinnati style chili is often served
> atop spaghetti. Yes, that's correct: Chili on spaghetti. Wops and
> goombahs everywhere are in a constant uproar about this local defecation
> of their sacred, ubiquitous noodle. "Chili on spaghetti ?," they cry.
> "What's next, Hawaiian pizza? Hmm? Oh, there already is Hawaiian
> pizza? Well, ****! Oh, Mother Mary, forgive me..."
> While I admit it is unusual, I must point out to Italian-Americans and
> other idiots around the country, that Cincinnati style chili is nothing
> more than a derivative of Greek chili, which originated that unique
> flavour and often served it atop spaghetti noodles (which, by the by,
> were not invented by Italians, but rather, the Chinese). So it is
> actually derived from the "old country" cuisine, JUST LIKE ITALIAN FOOD.
> ****ing morons.
> So anyway, sorry about this long rant, but I have to make this
> information public about three times a year, or else people get all
> "uppity" and "in my face" on the issue, until I have to, wonce again,
> put them in their proper places.
> Thank you for your time and support.

Just make sure you keeps your cows securely locked up. You don't want
another "cow on the loose" incident.
Tim Weaver

"Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea - massive,
difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-
boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it."

- Gene Spafford, 1992
Wavy G wrote:
> Dear, "Larry Swain": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>Wavy G wrote:
>>>Dear, "Dean T": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>>"Wavy G" <> wrote in message
>>>>>Dear, "Joel": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:
>>>>>>Wavy G <Wavy G> wrote:
>>>>>>>My only hope is that people who haven't tried it yet have the
>>>>>>>opportunity to try it the other way around: drink a six-pack of bottled
>>>>>>>Stella, and then go out to an Irish pub (I mean a real Irish pub, not
>>>>>>>just won of those places that have Guinness and Bass on tap with a spoon
>>>>>>>hanging off the spout) and try the Stella draught.
>>>>>> Oh, aye, because a real Irish pub naturally sells Stella
>>>>>>Artois, that bastion of Irish brewing. In fact, isn't "Stella
>>>>>>Artois" Gaelic for "the best, most authentic Irish ale ever?"
>>>>>All right, smart guy. I've never been to "Ireland," so I'm limited to
>>>>>the American examples of "Irish" culture, such as "Irish" themed pubs
>>>>>and "Stella Artois" beer. Alls I know is, you can't get "Stella Artois"
>>>>>on draught at a regular bar, so yeah, outside of driving to Ireland, you
>>>>>have to go to IRISH PUBS to get it. So UP YOURS, buddy!
>>>>You are talking from your arse...Stella Artois isn't even from Ireland, you
>>>>The simpleton know-alls on Usenbet abound.....
>>>Oh? Then why do they sell it at Irish pubs, hmm? I'd like to think I'm
>>>a bit of an expert on the subject. You may want to think twice before
>>>you get into a debate with me. I'm pretty quick on the draw, so you
>>>better be prepared to be "put in your place."

>>Wavy G,
>>Use Google. I can get Stella on tap (not that I would, a decent light
>>beer for the wife, but frankly, I prefer real ales.) at an Italian
>>restaurant, an Ethiopian restaurant, and at a bar featuring 132 beers on
>>tap whose theme is, well, beer. If in your area its featured at "Irish"
>>style pubs, fine, but don't assume its Irish or only available
>> the way, Guiness is available on tap at places that aren't
>>Irish themed too.

> Now I know you're full of it. "Ethiopian restaurants"? Yeah. Sure.
> Those people on TV who we have to send food to because they're STARVING?
> And you want me to believe that people who DON'T EVEN HAVE FOOD have
> their own restaurants??? Ha, ha. Good won, buddy.
> Oh yeah, I can see tit now:
> "Honey, what do you feel like tonight?"
> "Oh, I had a late lunch today; I'm thinking something kind of light."
> "Heh, okay, how about...'Ethiopian'?"
> "PHHFFTT, cut it out, you! Always kidding!"
> "That's why you married me, ha-ha!"
> Yeah, but seriously, even if there were "Ethiopian restaurants," I would
> just feel bad eating there. The whole time I'd be thinking, "Man, maybe
> I shouldn't order anything. That way, at the end of the night, maybe
> this guy can take something home to his family."
> Seriously, good joke, but it's kind of in bad taste.

Wow, what an ignorant sod....I tried to treat you as a human being, but
I perceive now that you are a neanderthal. If I recall you said
something about being in the Dayton area, you might have checked just
down the road near Cincinnatti where's there are several. BUt oh no, a
rube like you is just too knowledgeable about the world to do that.
Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( ) NO:

>Wavy G wrote:
>> Dear, "Pearly Soames": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( )
>> NO:
>>>Wavy G wrote:
>>>> Dear, "Pearly Soames": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES (
>>>> ) NO:
>>>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>>>> Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES ( )
>>>>>> NO:
>>>>>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dear, "Tim Weaver": Do you like me? Please check a box ( ) YES (
>>>>>>>> ) NO:
>>>>>>>>> Wavy G wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> If you've never been to an Irish "pub" and had the "Stella
>>>>>>>>>> Artois" on draught, and then later tried the bottled Stella
>>>>>>>>>> Artois, I can only warn you that after tasting the draught
>>>>>>>>>> first, it's like drinking carbonated water (with a skunky
>>>>>>>>>> aftertaste reminiscent of the aroma of an empty "White Castle"
>>>>>>>>>> hamburger box with cold onions stuck to the bottom). I
>>>>>>>>>> don't know how there could be such a difference in flavour, but
>>>>>>>>>> this definitely confirms my theory that draught beer always
>>>>>>>>>> beats bottled beer, hands down.
>>>>>>>>>> Beer bitches try to argue with me on the subject, stating that
>>>>>>>>>> "draught beer is crap beer" (oh, tee hee, how droll), but if
>>>>>>>>>> you were me (believe me, it's no easy job, so back the ****
>>>>>>>>>> off), you would know where I'm coming from. So go on and drink
>>>>>>>>>> your bottled "Bud Light" and titter about the "headache" I'm
>>>>>>>>>> supposed to have in the morning (draught beer supposedly causes
>>>>>>>>>> headaches to inexperienced drinkers). Don't worry about me;
>>>>>>>>>> I'll wake up tomorrow, clear-headed and refreshed, and
>>>>>>>>>> laughing about the sour, sterilized "beer" you consumed last
>>>>>>>>>> night at 2.75 a pop, which you could have purchased at any
>>>>>>>>>> grocery store.
>>>>>>>>>> My only hope is that people who haven't tried it yet have the
>>>>>>>>>> opportunity to try it the other way around: drink a six-pack of
>>>>>>>>>> bottled Stella, and then go out to an Irish pub (I mean a real
>>>>>>>>>> Irish pub, not just won of those places that have Guinness and
>>>>>>>>>> Bass on tap with a spoon hanging off the spout) and try the
>>>>>>>>>> Stella draught. I don't know, but you might just experience a
>>>>>>>>>> "beergasm" (LOL? that's a term I just invented which is a
>>>>>>>>>> "portmanteau" of two unrelated terms "beer" and "orgasm"). Oh,
>>>>>>>>>> and try the "boxty" or the "bangers and champ" while you're
>>>>>>>>>> there.
>>>>>>>>>> This is Wavy G, your food and drink consultant, signing off.
>>>>>>>>> 1) Draft beer sucks.
>>>>>>>>> 2) You are not an Irish pub expert.
>>>>>>>>> 3) You obviously had a major headache as you composed that.
>>>>>>>>> 4) I don't see you as a beer epicurean.
>>>>>>>>> 5) "Beergasms" do not exist. Now I know why Hillstrom plonked
>>>>>>>>> you.
>>>>>>> That's it? No wittily crafted, verbosely expounded upon retort?
>>>>>>> That's not your style, Gravy Wee. Only one reason: I am correct.
>>>>>>> I win! AGAIN!!!
>>>>>> DAMNIT!!! Okay, fine. You win. You're getting your clever retort
>>>>>> out of me, like it or not!
>>>>>> 1) Does NOT.
>>>>>> 2) I've been to quite a few Irish pubs in the Cincinnati/Dayton
>>>>>> area. Expert I am indeed!
>>>>> I lived in Dayton for a summer a while ago. Is that place still
>>>>> there?
>>>>> You know. And do they still put cinnamon in their chili?
>>>> What place? Are you mocking me? I can't tell, because the jerks
>>>> around here like to make fun of my home town and our famous chili.
>>>> Please give me some kind of information to let me know if you're on
>>>> the "up-and-up."
>>>Er, it was just down from the Wright Bros. Museum(?). I liked my chili

>> Okay, it appears that you are not a "troll" or a prankster just out for
>> a laugh, and that you genuinely mean what you say. You see, I have to
>> "filter" people's comments sometimes, because when it comes to
>> Cincinnati, most people have nothing but stinging jabs to make at my
>> expense. Now that I see you are "legit," I will answer your query. In
>> Cincinnati, (and probably some of the Dayton area), there is a local
>> "restaurant" chain called "Skyline."
>> Skyline is a local "chili" franchise which specializes in what is known
>> as "Cincinnati style chili." This brand of "chili" is very different to
>> the styles of chili which are served in most areas of the country. It
>> is thin, runny, extremely rich in flavour, and unusually seasoned. The
>> general consensus is that the unique taste is derived from the addition
>> of the unusual ingredients: cocoa and cinnamon.
>> The other thing that causes much dissention amongst the national
>> chili-eating community is that Cincinnati style chili is often served
>> atop spaghetti. Yes, that's correct: Chili on spaghetti. Wops and
>> goombahs everywhere are in a constant uproar about this local defecation
>> of their sacred, ubiquitous noodle. "Chili on spaghetti ?," they cry.
>> "What's next, Hawaiian pizza? Hmm? Oh, there already is Hawaiian
>> pizza? Well, ****! Oh, Mother Mary, forgive me..."
>> While I admit it is unusual, I must point out to Italian-Americans and
>> other idiots around the country, that Cincinnati style chili is nothing
>> more than a derivative of Greek chili, which originated that unique
>> flavour and often served it atop spaghetti noodles (which, by the by,
>> were not invented by Italians, but rather, the Chinese). So it is
>> actually derived from the "old country" cuisine, JUST LIKE ITALIAN FOOD.
>> ****ing morons.
>> So anyway, sorry about this long rant, but I have to make this
>> information public about three times a year, or else people get all
>> "uppity" and "in my face" on the issue, until I have to, wonce again,
>> put them in their proper places.
>> Thank you for your time and support.

>Just make sure you keeps your cows securely locked up. You don't want
>another "cow on the loose" incident.

Yeah, that could get to be embarrassing by the third time.

"Wavy G, you are a crappy person."
--My friend "Bobo Bonobo" sums up my
personality in won (1) concise sentence.
Wavy G wrote:

> Okay, it appears that you are not a "troll" or a prankster just out for
> a laugh, and that you genuinely mean what you say. You see, I have to
> "filter" people's comments sometimes, because when it comes to
> Cincinnati, most people have nothing but stinging jabs to make at my
> expense.

I am the most sincere person on Usenet, so you can trust me. Also, I
saw the BHS at Gilly's.

"Do you think God is going to come down here and save you for being
stupid? He doesn't save stupid people, Abel. "
Wavy G wrote:

> Yeah, but seriously, even if there were "Ethiopian restaurants," I would
> just feel bad eating there. The whole time I'd be thinking, "Man, maybe
> I shouldn't order anything. That way, at the end of the night, maybe
> this guy can take something home to his family."

What do you call an Ethiopian with a sesame seed on his head?

A quarter pounder.

"Do you think God is going to come down here and save you for being
stupid? He doesn't save stupid people, Abel. "
Wavy G <> wrote:
>Okay, it appears that you are not a "troll" or a prankster just out for
>a laugh, and that you genuinely mean what you say.

Too bad the same can't be said for you.

Joel Plutchak "Beer doesn't stain, if it's a light pilsner."
$LASTNAME at - Sheldon Miller