Beer vs. Weed

What's Worse?

  • Beer (alcohol)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Weed (marijuana)

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
wez said:
So, about 3 months ago, I just happen to find myself in the posession of a small seed. So I throw it in a pot and lo and behold, it starts to grow.. I had no idea what it was.. :rolleyes:

I figured once the weather got nice I'd just go stick it in the ground outside somewhere and see what happens later in the fall. Never attempted to grow one before and thought, what the hell.

My mom stops over today and it's sitting on my table, about 12 inches high now, and she says, "is that marijuana"? :eek:

Yep.. sure is.. hahahahaha.. Poor mom. Where did she go wrong? :D

"Well what do you plan to do with it?" Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Admire it's beauty?

She then tells me to go put it on my dads deer hunting land up north.. "I don't want you getting in trouble!" Nice to know someone will bail me out of jail when the cops bust my door down.... :D
You should listen to your mother. Get off the pot - they drug test for hiring nurses you know.
atlantic said:
You should listen to your mother. Get off the pot - they drug test for hiring nurses you know.

I'm clean.. It's been months. ;)

emkay64 said:
I guess when he shows up bald for the drug test they can be sure what he has been up to.

Is that how they test? Hair?

Guess I should just do coke, heroin, crack and drink like a fish.. be out in a couple days. :rolleyes:
wez said:
I'm clean.. It's been months. ;)

Is that how they test? Hair?

Guess I should just do coke, heroin, and crank.. be out in a couple days. :rolleyes:
Some of the new tests will detect trace for much longer.
Old Salt said:
Some of the new tests will detect trace for much longer.

Good lordy.. Looks like I'll have to sniff glue..

Perhaps they're unaware of my poppyseed muffin addiction.. :D
Or gasoline. Just depends on how many brain cells you want left.:D Then there's always paint thinner.
wez said:
I'm clean.. It's been months. ;

That may be, but possesion is still prosecutable. (hint-hint) Digital trail. Don't screw up your future for a stupid pot plant :D
atlantic said:
That may be, but possesion is still prosecutable. (hint-hint) Digital trail. Don't screw up your future for a stupid pot plant :D

Good advice sweetie.. ;)

I think I will go lovingly place it back into the Earth from wence it sprang this weekend. :p

It's getting nice out. I'll forget all about it til I happen to spot it on a nature walk this fall by accident. :rolleyes:
For the average person- alcohol (I say that because I personally don't get a good/pleasant high with weed.) Anyway, you don't see many weed-smoking related driving accidents, fights, acts of violence and asshattery as you do with alcohol abuse.
Anna Perenna said:
I think this article might help answer that question:

However, that being said, the effects of marijuana on the brain can be serious:


I loved this comment concerning the article:

I smoked pot straight now since I was 13 years old Im 25 now I smoke it everyday literally through a Bong. I do not smoke well im at work but as soon as im off and for the remainder of the evening till I end up going to bed I do smoke. Now I read your page about the effects pot has on short term memory and brain function, Since I started smoking pot my asthma has vanished my grades went up in school my mind learns at quicker rates and my short term memory is far from gone There isnt much I forget about, unless it is because of my selective memory. Were the people that you tested on already marijuana smokers and also there are diff things to be taken into consideration when testing a substance for example the way it was grown marijuana has to be grown with nutrients and fertalizers to become potent enough to smoke for a high but when people use these fertilizers and such they sometimes do not leech the foods out from the plants which could lead to all kinds of bad side effects Im wondering if this kind of inforamtion is taken into consideration when giving test subjects marijuana to smoke or ingest.

I have no side effects other than a burnt out feeling after smoking all nite, and in teh morning of course but no brain problems like teh ones your website describes ... Chris, 7 July 2006

Of course, he might have been stupid at thirteen.
Anna Perenna said:
I've never met anyone with alcohol-induced schizophrenia ......

The article you posted says nothing about marijuana induced schizophrenia. It says those whom already have schizophrenia should avoid the use of marijuana as it may cause relapses. Please note the anecdotal nature of any study such as this. An eloquent combination of medical fact, big 'ol confusing words and suppositions.

If marijuana had any chance of causing such debilitating mental disease, I would be nuttier than squirrel sh t by now.
I do know booze can cause dementia.. and other amnesia disorders like Korsakoff's psychosis..

Korsakoff?s syndrome is a condition that mainly affects chronic alcoholics. It is due to the direct effects of alcohol or to the severe nutritional deficiencies that are associated with chronic alcoholism, and has been seen in association with vitamin B deficiency. The syndrome also occurs in other severe brain disturbances, e.g. paralysis, dementia, brain damage, infections and poisonings. In chronic alcoholism the condition usually occurs following delirium tremens.

The syndrome is characterized by a severe memory defect, especially for recent event, for which the patient compensates by confabulation - the reciting of imaginary experiences. Psychologists working with these patients often have great problems sorting out what is truth and what is lies of what patients say - this is story-telling on a high level. Other symptoms may include delirium, anxiety, fear, depression, confusion, delusions and insomnia; painful extremities, sometimes bilateral wrist drop, more frequent bilateral foot drop with pain or pressure over the long nerves. Confabulation, a requisite for the classic syndrome, is not always present in mild conditions. With or without polyneuropathy. Korsakoff?s description of 1887 was of a case with polyneuritis.
It all depends how weed personally affects you. I've told this story before, but I got high at Great America once and it was HORRIBLE. I was going crazy for a while, will not do that again. And no, the weed was not laced because others smoked from the same crap and they were not wigging out like me.

About the memory thing, I used to live with a bunch of potheads for a while, they would smoke allll of the time, day & night. I used to have an excellent memory before then, now I'm like a freakin' Alzheimer's patient after living with those losers for a short amount of time and just breathing in the second hand smoke.