Berlin Live Show 2007.04.28 REVIEWS/CLIPS

That sounds like an amazing setlist. The only thing I'd change is to have Don't Stay first...

But uh... bootleg? Will there be one?

Plus I'd love to see them perform Don't Stay like this. That is probably one of my favorite LP songs.

EDIT: Here is a vid with good sound quality of In The End and the freestyle on faint - it's the lyrics form There They Go!
I just can tell you the show was freaking amazing

I've been there...front row...

They did a great light show...with blue, yellow, white and red light...I think also a little green

everything was just perfect...and the crowd was singing all the songs...well except the 2 new ones...

but the best thing was the meet and greet..

Phoenix talked some german...which was cool...

Mike actually took my demo cd...(well his bodyguard did) but he said that Mike will listen to it...

Chester was just relaxed...not really talking a lot...some random info...he was wearing Calvin Kline

Rob was great...he actually said "nice to meet you" before I was able to say it...

Joe was joking around...the only thing coming out of his mouth was: "nak-nak"...crazy

Brad was also cool...and he had his hair not in the afro style...he had it tied back...looked better
I actually told him that I like this style more....only negative thing is that he's doing a really small and tiny signature now

that's the story so far

there has also been a camera team from MTV...but they just recorded stuff from the meet and greet

and oh yeah...Mike didn't really freestyle on was all planned before...

Warner didn't allow to actually bring I couldn't do any pics...

but here's some stuff

my signed Meteora


and the meet and greet thingy

Yeah i miss Qwerty, and the one i'm really missing is APFMH, i really want them to play that song again, and OSC first and Faint last..?
Oh well, i'm pretty sure that the setlist will change after the album drops:)
I can't wait for the full bootleg
they've got so many songs now that they're bound to switch up the setlists some
so I mean...APFMH will be played this summer I'm sure
I actually think OSC was better than With You as an opening song.

But Don't Stay pwns. As long as it stays on the setlist I'm happy.

Actually the song that I am mourning is Figure.09. That was one of my favorite LP songs, and it was a great live song :(