Best Albums of 2006!

Ys by Joanna Newsom imo was the best album. The Life Pursuit and Age of Winters by Belle/Sebastian and The Sword where two of my favorites, but yea, Ys is just amazing and beautiful.
Slayer - Christ illusion

In flames - Come clarity
Wintersun - selftiteld special edition

can't think of anything else
Three Days Grace - One X

I am only saying that because not really any album caught my eye this year I bought a bunch of albums this year and that is only one from '06 and wasn't even worth money so my truthful decision if it would count would be....NONE!
Avrils new stuff isnt that good, it sounds so forced and fake!
Yeah..what happened to her?...and she also dances choreos now...she changed so much...the only thing that changed in a good way is her look
Also I forgot to mention Belle & Sebastian

its so happy but its a musical marvel!

Not to mention the deadly surreal, yet wonderful 'Silent Shout' by 'The Knife truely something different in my music collection, its brilliant!
I thought Avril was supposed to have become more grown up..... she's got even more childish I reckon! She's a married woman ffs she shouldn't be doing little dance routines and singing about wanting to be someones girlfriend....... bah!