I can't see it that way because we ourselves have told them to cease and desist their nuclear weapons ambitions, or else.. as we sit on a massive stockpile of WMD.. as do our buddies in Israel..Sorry wez, gotta agree with these guys. And no, it's NOT telling Iran what to do. I see it more as 2 sovereign nations dealing with each other without us picking a side.
Compare it to 2 school yard kids getting in a fight after school. One of the guys is your best friend, but, since it ain't your beef, you just step back to the side and let them go at it.
Obviously, the mindset if the Iranian people is NOT the mindset of Akmadinijad<sp so I doubt taking on his military bases would be an aggression against the people... actually, it might even encourage them to take a bigger stand against the dictator if his army toys get all blowed up.
That was our entire excuse for invading Iraq.. WMD.. So .. if it's ok for us.. why not Iraq? They might threaten us like we do them? Well.. boo f ckin' hoo..
Not to mention.. wonder who helped Israel aquire them.. and their other hardware for that matter..