Big Bang= Impossible Evolution=Stupid

One thing I never understood in my science lessons was how stupid people can be. How can people people believe that this universe came to be with a bang,
Muhammed (pbuh) is loved by all Muslims, but it doesn't mean we believe that he is devine...

We love Muhammed (pbuh) for the great gift that he has set upon us Muslims. The Qur'an.

To look at this from a non-Islamic point of view.

Arabs, known as "Middle Men" during the 13th century and much before were looked down upon as disgusting, non-Religious, and trashy folk. Many people who lived in the Medditeranean Region who were Arab were not welcome to join Christianity or Judiasm. God (swt) sent down angel Gabriel to Muhammed (pbuh) who eventually introduced people to the Qur'an.

Muhammed (pbuh) suffered much pain when chased by Christians and Jews, he himself never fought back but because people had so much love for him, they defended Muhammed (pbuh) when he was attacked.

The really nice thing about Muhammed (pbuh) is that he united all Muslims. The Sunnah, which is Model practices, customs and traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), it followed by all, good Muslims out in the world. The ones who are Shiite, yes, they are Muslims, and they are accepted and many of them pray together with Sunni Muslims in a lot of Mosques, however they do not believe in the power system, now known to us as Democracy, like Muhammed (pbuh) did. When Muhammed (pbuh) died, the majority of the Muslim community, including Muhammed (pbuh), wanted Muhammed's (pbuh) best friend, Abu Bakr Sadiq to take leadership. A small group, wanted Muhammed's closest relative to do so, known as Ali. Shiite really only began after Ali died.

The man difference is that Shiites believe that Ali is holy just like Muhammed (pbuh), even though he is not mentioned that way in the Qur'an, not even Abu Bakr Sadiq is. They also don't pray like us, and they believe in the divinity of Imams. We believe no man is divine, no man can physically/verbally speak to God (swt), and no man should be praised.

And, since the Qur'an is the only book, according to the Qur'an itself, that should be followed religously for Muslims, and also Sunnah should be followed, according to the Qur'an once again, this is why Shiites are viewed as Muslims, but mis-guided Muslims by some people.

The Qur'an doesn't care how you follow the Qur'an, so long you follow it according to.. the Qur'an. Shiites claim to be Muslim however they don't follow the Qur'an. They follow it MUCH differently than what Sunnah do. However, they are Muslim, and they are our brothers and sisters.

For example, It's like saying I am a Christian buy I get all my advice and religious teachings from the Qur'an. It doesn't make sense.

I hope someone learned something.
Hamza123 said:
Muhammed (pbuh) is loved by all Muslims, but it doesn't mean we believe that he is devine...
Mohammed(may piss be upon him) was a perverted pedophile who went into a cave and spoke with some arch-demon servant of satan who gave hime the satanic verses... of course he isn't devine!

Hamza123 said:
We love Muhammed (pbuh) for the great gift that he has set upon us Muslims. The Qur'an.
You love the guy who brought you satan's manual for death and destruction and you hate everyone else!

Hamza123 said:
To look at this from a non-Islamic point of view.
Stop lying! You pig-**** worshippers don't have any other point view.

Hamza123 said:
Arabs, known as "Middle Men" during the 13th century and much before were looked down upon as disgusting, non-Religious, and trashy folk.
Here's a news flash ... THEY STILL ARE!

Hamza123 said:
Many people who lived in the Medditeranean Region who were Arab were not welcome to join Christianity or Judiasm. God (swt) sent down angel Gabriel to Muhammed (pbuh) who eventually introduced people to the Qur'an.
Now that is bunch of crap... They were simply pagan.

Hamza123 said:
Muhammed (pbuh) suffered much pain when chased by Christians and Jews, he himself never fought back but because people had so much love for him, they defended Muhammed (pbuh) when he was attacked.
More lies of your god (satan).

Hamza123 said:
The really nice thing about Muhammed (pbuh) is that he united all Muslims.
Wait a minute... first he(may piss be upon him) created the pig-**** religion, then he had to unite it! What the ****... I somehow doubt that he created that fake bull-**** religion (war machine) splintered so he had to go and unite it afterwards... what a crock of ****, Ham!

Hamza123 said:
The Sunnah, which is Model practices, customs and traditions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), it followed by all, good Muslims out in the world. The ones who are Shiite, yes, they are Muslims, and they are accepted and many of them pray together with Sunni Muslims in a lot of Mosques, however they do not believe in the power system, now known to us as Democracy, like Muhammed (pbuh) did. When Muhammed (pbuh) died, the majority of the Muslim community, including Muhammed (pbuh), wanted Muhammed's (pbuh) best friend, Abu Bakr Sadiq to take leadership. A small group, wanted Muhammed's closest relative to do so, known as Ali. Shiite really only began after Ali died.
As the old saying goes "shitte happens"

Hamza123 said:
The man difference is that Shiites believe that Ali is holy just like Muhammed (pbuh), even though he is not mentioned that way in the Qur'an, not even Abu Bakr Sadiq is. They also don't pray like us, and they believe in the divinity of Imams. We believe no man is divine, no man can physically/verbally speak to God (swt), and no man should be praised.
So which is it? Is the pig-****er (may piss be upon him) holy or not?

Hamza123 said:
I hope someone learned something.
Me, too.
The idea of a supreme being is irrarional fancy created by a bunch of primitives to provide an explanation for a universe they couldn't comprehend.
It's the 21st century.............not the 1st!
stayhuman said:
The idea of a supreme being is irrarional fancy created by a bunch of primitives to provide an explanation for a universe they couldn't comprehend.
It's the 21st century.............not the 1st!
Amoebas, rocks and monkeys don't believe in a supreme being either...
Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
MRIH's pointless ass post..

Take a course in Islamic history perhaps... Going to unversity helps you know. So does High School...

Read a book?

Learn history before you try to create it for others in a spin of lies.

MRIH replied with no evidence of anything he has said ??


But hey, don't take it from me....

Take it from Jesus!
For me...The "big bang" makes just about as much sense as the creation theory...

Neither are solid...neither are proven...and both are pretty far out there...

on the other hand...the big bang theory makes more sense than some "creator" in some heavenly toyshop creating us in a matter of days. There is just too much life and too complicated to just buy that story..

then if a creator created us...why bother with the entire universe...why bother with our fragile ecosystem...why bother with fossiles of the dinosours...why bother with anything questionable....

Why would someone create all these things (and i left out a ton mind you)..all in the name of some stupid test...or some stupid faith issue?!?! It makes ZERO sense...So if we have a creator who feels the need to play mind games with us...he/she shouldnt be upset when we dont believe or could care less about their existence..

Soo that brings me back to big bang...who is to say that the universe doenst create and destroy life at its beck and call by random events??!?!!? Can we prove it? No...we can proove its destruction because thats easy...the creation...another story. Who is to say life doesnt start by a combination of cosmic events in the solar systems?!?!!?!? We as human beings certainly cant replicate how can we know for sure?!?!

lastly...suppose the universe was created by a "being" and he/she just let the universe go to see what happens...meaning "god" created the universe to do these things...and randomly...but us humans just have to put ourselves first to think we are the chosen blah blah blah and feel that we were hand crafted like a pristine toy and feel obligated to our "maker" and worship them...blah blah blah...

thats all for now...

ps.....why would our creator throw us on such a hostile planet with only brains to protect us from preditors and weather only to figure out how to deal with it, eventually domiate THEN being in submission to it..

why bother..

either god is just stupid...bored...or that uncaring....

at this point...the big bang makes much more sense to me!
Vortex said:
For me...The "big bang" makes just about as much sense as the creation theory... Neither are solid...neither are proven...and both are pretty far out there...
Until we can find someone who was actually there we will never know
ToriAllen said:
I feel that most of the Bible was written figuratively. Most Christians do not believe the Universe was created in seven days.

Actually Tori, there are quite alot of surveys out there, I think Hardvard did one, which reveal that 50-something% of Americans believe the earth is 6 thousand years old and was created in 7 days, strict biblical literalism. Something like 37% believe in the big bang and evolution, but they believe a creater started things. And then the remaining 10% or so suscribe to a strictly scientific outlook.

As for theories like the big bang not being able to be proven, just because they can't be now, what makes people so certain they won't be able to be proven in 10 years? or 20, or 50, or 250. Science advances with every day that goes by, religion doesn't.

And sorry if my grammars a little ****ed, keyboards over here in Germany are all...differentish.
ToriAllen said:
Do you make it a point to get liquored up before you come on here now?

No....but when have i not since the moment i arived??? The problem is every time a topic rolls around i feel strong enough to reply to it just happens to be at that time.....

This topic has been one i have wanted to start lately (since watching that video on evolution). aig just beat me too it....
Crazywumbat said:
Actually Tori, there are quite alot of surveys out there, I think Hardvard did one, which reveal that 50-something% of Americans believe the earth is 6 thousand years old and was created in 7 days, strict biblical literalism. Something like 37% believe in the big bang and evolution, but they believe a creater started things. And then the remaining 10% or so suscribe to a strictly scientific outlook.

As for theories like the big bang not being able to be proven, just because they can't be now, what makes people so certain they won't be able to be proven in 10 years? or 20, or 50, or 250. Science advances with every day that goes by, religion doesn't.

And sorry if my grammars a little ****ed, keyboards over here in Germany are all...differentish.
What can I say...People are inherently stupid. Seriously, most of the Christians I know do not take the Bible literally. I was raised to look at religion and science objectively. Maybe it is the older crowd of Christians. My grandmother and I have been round and round about a few things, but she usually ends up seeing it my way, until some TV preacher tells her different. I think it also has a lot to do with denomination and religiosity.

Just out of curiosity, where is Hardvard? Is that one of those D
ToriAllen said:
Admit it. That is the only way you can put up with us.

What is your best Vodka theory? How did we end up here? first 6 months on this board was when i worked for at&t wireless...i think i was on here more than working...and still was the top producer on my team...


Honestly...any debate forum is technically the taboo of any drunk conversation. Any topic that you can never win at (religion, abortion etc) is pretty much how i look at this forum as......In otherwords...let it out...get it out...and run with it! Tell us whats really good!

NOW..back on the topic of hand...

creation vs big bang....

Think back into your mind...think real hard. Remove all your upbringing and realize one pr two things. Both are very far fetched...both are is is science...neither are proven..neither are proven false.....explain to your own mind why each is far out there...and why each is close to your heart. Grasp on to logic...and realize that we will never in our lifetime know the truth about life, about the universe, about where we came from, about where we will go, about where we may not go....and come to the groundbreaking fact (yes this is new stuff for some people...cripes) ...

...that we will never know. So look inside yourself and realize what your life and actions will be when you leave this world....will you be proud of them? Will you stand behind them...will you look back and think that you were a good person for yourself and your fellow man(or woman :) ) ...will you creator(if there is one) condone your life or will they cast you down. Keep in mind just because your voice sais its because of your creator doesnt mean it is what they really meant.

Look deep inside...and believe that you did the right thing....because any nastyness you harbor deep inside could be your downfall...there are far too many faiths in this world for you to be wrong.......

im so done with this tonight.....later!!!!
creation vs big bang....

Why is it when this topic is discussed, Christians never lend a thought towards maybe their god created the big bang? Is it the fear of dating the event, thus contradicting the time line of creation set forth by the biblical authors? The big-bang is simply a theory contrived from what we know of star creation. Gases and various matter swirl together forming a mass, until the energy contained within the mass becomes to great, and bang. **** flies everywhere and the universe is spawned, ever expanding. This does nothing to explain what created the gases and matter before hand. Was it god? Was it Zagnor the great spider king of Navarious 9?

Posted by:Vortex
Both are very far fetched...both are is is science...neither are proven..neither are proven false.....explain to your own mind why each is far out there...

But....but Vorty, What would become of the multi-billion dollar religion industry if people let go of mans explanation of creation, be it Xtian, Muslim, Hindu? What if mankind did not posses this strange inherent trait of needing the answer now, here in life? Blind faith pulls along the followers of religion. To question it is heresy, a crime once punishable by death. I've said it before and I suppose I'll say it again. To truly know about something, whether it be an ideology, religion, or otherwise. Look at where it started from. Go back in history and uncover what really happened in the dawn of organized religion. See the power derived and the territories conquered, under the pretense of religion. How about the world state in this day and age? Can anyone think of how the insistence on a specific belief system is causing death and war, horror brought to 'innocent people' under the guise of religious faith? Why will there never be peace in the middle east? Insistence on continuing the practice of blind faith, which predetermines your alliance.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
That's what I meant by the phrase "someone had to light the fuse."

http://Off Topic

Makes sense to me. An object doesn't move itself. Something has to apply energy in order to stir it up. Despite my inability to subscribe to religion, I can't say "there is no god". To me the best possible explanation for it all is likely a combination of ideals extracted from creationism (minus the Christian rhetoric), and sound scientific fact. After all, Science and 'god' probably have much in common.

The question "When did time start" has long puzzled me. It's a riddle wrapped in an enigma with conundrum sauce all over it. I feel that 'god' is an entity completely separated from influence over mankind. He/she/it is not a judge. Our lives are not a morality game in which winners and losers are determined. No ****ing way could someone/something of omnipotent and omnipresent being, with such great power and influence have any part of constructing a universe so vast, merely for the judgment of souls.

The idea of god is subjective. To some effect, if you were to stand over an ant hill and watch the little creatures live out there daily lives, make judgments upon those whom you see fit. You could destroy them all, or merely some of them that you have chosen. You could move them to a sterile laboratory and monitor every aspect of their being. Controlling all in their world. Are you not god then?
Jhony5 said:
Why is it when this topic is discussed, Christians never lend a thought towards maybe their god created the big bang? Is it the fear of dating the event, thus contradicting the time line of creation set forth by the biblical authors? The big-bang is simply a theory contrived from what we know of star creation. Gases and various matter swirl together forming a mass, until the energy contained within the mass becomes to great, and bang. **** flies everywhere and the universe is spawned, ever expanding. This does nothing to explain what created the gases and matter before hand. Was it god? Was it Zagnor the great spider king of Navarious 9?

Posted by:Vortex

But....but Vorty, What would become of the multi-billion dollar religion industry if people let go of mans explanation of creation, be it Xtian, Muslim, Hindu? What if mankind did not posses this strange inherent trait of needing the answer now, here in life? Blind faith pulls along the followers of religion. To question it is heresy, a crime once punishable by death. I've said it before and I suppose I'll say it again. To truly know about something, whether it be an ideology, religion, or otherwise. Look at where it started from. Go back in history and uncover what really happened in the dawn of organized religion. See the power derived and the territories conquered, under the pretense of religion. How about the world state in this day and age? Can anyone think of how the insistence on a specific belief system is causing death and war, horror brought to 'innocent people' under the guise of religious faith? Why will there never be peace in the middle east? Insistence on continuing the practice of blind faith, which predetermines your alliance.

Nice post....I have nothing further to comment at this time but i picked up the keyword in your post....

and that is "blind"....

If i had some golden arches tattooed on my rear id be singing you the "im lovin it" ballad :)
Outlaw2747 said:
I find it funny that the bible does not acknowledge the existence of prehistoric animals.

The bible also never mentions Boy George.
The Bible also never mentions NASCAR

I find it funny that the bible does not acknowledge the existence of prehistoric animals.

What the bible doesn't mention is irrelevant. What it does mention is what should have impact on the rational mind. Fantastic fairy tales of the garden of eve. World flood events that NEVER happened. i.e. The great flood occurred about 4500 years ago, according to biblical lore, during the time that the Chinese were building parts of the wall and the Egyptians were building the pyramids. How did neither civilization notice the flood? They were alive before the date of the flood, and then after the date of the flood. How? Rationally one must question all of the bibles claims once such inaccuracies are realized.

If any part of the bible is proven incorrect, then the whole thing must be dismissed.

Yet so many hold fast to the stories of nevermore.

Technology and cyberspace will become a new religion just like scientology, when the lab guys get the interfaces down and we can go create Matrix like digital worlds, when we can start living through our dreams will that not be considered magical at some point,

Its all about perspective. Take a battery powered light bulb back in time 500 years and you'll get burned at the stake for your "magic".

There is a time when dealing with men that you must put your faith in God because only God can explain why men do what they do

God is merely a ready explanation for the unexplainable. For example, god was once credited for severe thunderstorms and droughts. Now that science has explained these occurrences with rational data, god is no longer needed for this.

Evolution is a fact, it is all around you everyday, evolution requires millions and millions of years

Not necessarily. If you took a few cheetahs, male and female, and kept them locked in a small cage. Then took their offspring and did the same thing. After several generations you will see the effects manifest in the form of evolution. The evolved Cheetahs will no longer be the fastest mammals on earth. Rather something quite different.
And we can also hypothesize that since man has made things so cozy for himself that the need to evolve has dwindled and slowed down. Perhaps the only thing rapidly evolving is our inability to exist in nature.

I so agree with ya on this one. Mankind is weakening itself through modern conveniences. The hunter-gatherer instinct is being whittled down to whats on the dollar menu at McDonald's. Another 50 years of modern innovation, and our exercise will be limited to shitting and ****ing.