blackout's first gen build...

still lookin for a left case and Ill be good to go. Just trying to keep the cost down, but don't rant on my idea...say I buy a new piston and crank and don't get them balanced together? Ive talked to a lot of guys who just drop them in and forget it. I know it keeps down vibrations etc, but if I went with an OEM crank and CP piston would I be in the safe zone?
sweet sounds good. Getting that head done too once Im in there. Going to start polishing cases once the shop is opened up. Once I get all the parts in for the engine, I got a pile of stuff the get powdered. Then I get to have the fun of putting it all back together!...yippy lmao...I still think Im going to go a stroker crank and bite the bullet and get it all balanced. An extra few hundred now will save me tons down the road...
I decided to say piss on the idea of a HR stroker crank. Going to get a new updated OEM crank, and drop in a high comp CP pistons and use the saved money elsewhere, since I wont be getting this balanced and welded. I don't see a point if its OEM to get it should perform the same as factory or a little off being it has a CP piston on top. I just cant justify the extra $$ for balancing and getting ripped on shipping. Plus as chronic stated, it took two months! I cant have it apart for that long extra.
I think Im going to go a decent high comp. I have race fuel available now, so I would be fine with mixing it 50/50 with premium. Thanks Mamito, I was just wondering because I seen a lot of nice gasket kits on eBay but didn't know what every one else was using
I think Im going to go a decent high comp. I have race fuel available now, so I would be fine with mixing it 50/50 with premium. Thanks Mamito, I was just wondering because I seen a lot of nice gasket kits on eBay but didn't know what every one else was using
not a problem bro.. but since ill be a race machine you need to buy quality parts. also try to buy all the parts new or in good condition. because if you put a new parts with an "old worn out parts" you know where ill brake .

also remember if you put a high comp piston your reliability for endurance racing will be affected(ex Baja 250+ miles per race) if you don't have this issue then don't worry. also remember that if you need race gas to ride it youll need to take some with you when you go out of state to ride..
This will be more of a trail quad so I will keep the compression reasonable. And everything will be for sure new and good quality. No "off" brand parts here. Just trying to keep my costs reasonable on this build aswell
my FREE steering stem came in today. Houser plus 2 I was told. Also through on a set of renthal 7/8, pro taper grips, and rigged up some mounts to hold it until I get the right ones. Trying to spend money on the things I need for this build I spent an hour and jimmy rigged some bar mounts up.
Other things I got was the throttle, and rear axle, hubs, and sprocket. Big shout out to NEFLU from the org for the great deal on parts.


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