Blacks and Whites in the Big Easy


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2004
Has anyone else noticed in all of the news coverage of the flooding/mayhem in New Orleans that all of the looters are black? Has anyone else noticed that all of the victims are black? Has anyone else noticed that all of the rescue workers are white?

I would expect the demographics to be more even.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Has anyone else noticed in all of the news coverage of the flooding/mayhem in New Orleans that all of the looters are black? Has anyone else noticed that all of the victims are black? Has anyone else noticed that all of the rescue workers are white?

I would expect the demographics to be more even.

It's the racist media man, c'mon. Haven't you learned anything? The whites have been looting like crazy. The racist media won't show that footage. :D
Correction: They were ******s, not Blacks. The Blacks left like all the other smart people. The ******s waited around to steal **** that can't even use. :cool:
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Has anyone else noticed in all of the news coverage of the flooding/mayhem in New Orleans that all of the looters are black? Has anyone else noticed that all of the victims are black? Has anyone else noticed that all of the rescue workers are white?

I would expect the demographics to be more even.

have you ever been to New orleans?

or did i miss the sarcasm?
I've been to New Orleans and I'm here to tell you the girls have five o'clock shadows and maybe the blacks are whites dressing up like Amos and Andy?
I've been to New Orleans a few times recently.

The poverty is obvious and overwhelming. Most of the blacks are very poor.

I think it is more a classs issue than a race issue. When you are dirt poor, raised by dirt poor parents (most undereducated)....chances are that you could grow up to be a scumball.

And, no not every poor person is a scumball. It's just easier if you haven't been taught better.
That's very true. That's a lot of people's problem EVERYWHERE. It's not just in times like this either. People that are like that will always be like that regardless of the situations around them.
So I've heard. Lol. Louisiana not much better though. These people are pitiful..Like walking..ummm..people with no brains! :confused:
Livin just south of the mason dixion line (i.e. Kentucky) I gotta wonder if what they say is really true about being in the deep south. The ******s stay in their side of town and the krackers on their side, or is that just rumor?
Around here they do. I don't know why. People are scared on both sides and it's not like anyone's going to say something to the other one's face.
Its all the same here in dirty south GA. I mean i know there is KKK in a town about 20 miles from here but we all live the same together cause this is a military town. I do admit there is a GHETTO and mostly blacks live there but there are whites who are just too lazy to get a job ..they like living off the govt.too much like on the movie million dollar baby.
GREEDY BITCHES but other then that we all live together
Your All ****ing Idiots !!!! I Expect More From Off Topic Forum Posters, Your All ****ing Retarded !!!!

This Is Not A White/ Black Thing Stop Feeding Into The Media Hype Suck Ass's
OmegaManiac said:
Your All ****ing Idiots !!!! I Expect More From Off Topic Forum Posters, Your All ****ing Retarded !!!!

This Is Not A White/ Black Thing Stop Feeding Into The Media Hype Suck Ass's

Your right, angry but right.

Personaly I don't feel it had anything at all to do with race OR class. Just red tape a mile long. Extracting the poor bastards from their homes is an almost unimaginable task, and I dont blame anyone for the duration it is taking to extract them.
The ****ed up thing was how long it took to get started with providing relief to the areas clustered with tens of thousands of people. Just seemed logisticaly pretty simple to drop food and water to nationaly broadcast locations with such despair.

I am taken back by the crybaby bullshit though. Its the worst disaster in U.S. history combined with the fruition of the worst case scenario in New Orleans. Do you think next time an evacuation is ordered, the people will listen? Its like if there was a hole in the ground in front of you and someone warned you about it just before you got to it, then you fall in and bitch cuz it took to long to get you out.
I suppose once you have been there and llived in teh chaos, it is hard not to say more should have been done faster. The truth is I don't think anyone was prepared for THIS. On paper it is easy to say you do this you do that but reality changes everything. If I were there and stuck as those people I am sure I would be crying foul as well as I watched people die of dehydration or infection or as I watched trucks pass by, hellicopter fly by passing me up for whatever reason. The govt concedes there were errors in jusdgement made and eventually those will be fixed (god forbid this ever happen again) but just for a second imagine that you are a person stuck in NO or that you are a reporter watchig al of this from within with little comunication to the world and no way of knowing what is happening behind the scenes. It is very different to live it than to watch it.