Bleed It Out single tracks samples (30 Seconds)

It's already uploaded...just look at the first post

and yeah it's not AOL sessions

It's probably the one from Best Buy or Stripped
Weren't the Best Buy downloads from the AOL session?

"3rd Encore Studios" is where Linkin Park rehearsed for their tour. It doesn't have anything to do with the recordings for AOL, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, etc.
Weren't the Best Buy downloads from the AOL session?

"3rd Encore Studios" is where Linkin Park rehearsed for their tour. It doesn't have anything to do with the recordings for AOL, Best Buy, Wal-Mart, etc.

one of this performances came from third encore

and no best buy sessions and AOL sessions have not been the same..

I think it was the Walmart that was from third encore
Best Buy offered free *audio* downloads with Minutes To Midnight. I have NO IDEA what this Jeezy guy is talking about. The Best Buy downloads were the AOL performances . . .
Best Buy offered free *audio* downloads with Minutes To Midnight. I have NO IDEA what this Jeezy guy is talking about. The Best Buy downloads were the AOL performances . . .

No, it isn't, when the first WID live performance came out we thought it was AOL, but it was Best Buy, and later we still got the AOL performance, so no, they're not the same
ahaha, yea AOL and Best Buys are ttwo COMPLETELY differnt entities, hence different shows, not to mention differnt backgrounds....hell i mean they may sound similar(given they were performed roughly same time), but its clear theyre DIFFERENT

if its free audio download when you buy the album from best buys...then its not free, you had to buy the album to get the download,had people not had to buy the album to get te download, THEN it is free...well its free if someone had bought it and put it up and then we just download it...

"i myself have no idea what this Mister Saint Laurent guy is on about"

actually...i figure on this one