Give it up Snaf, they see what they want to see, not what is there.
A mixed couple could for example try to raise their child in a community more accepting of children with mixed heritage for example, not in areas that tend to be less accepting, this was my point and all of these people are capable of understanding that is what I meant snaf, but they don't want to understand, all they want is to attack.
More often than not children end up paying for the lack of planning and responsibility of their parents, that was the other point.
Consider that all of them come down on me like a ton of bricks over something taken out of context, but Hugo attacks my dead mother and not one person said one thing negative to hugo, not even negative rep for what he said, they are all hypocrits.
Yep.. and if they just moved and stayed on their own side of the tracks to raise their kids outside communities that are less accepting TJ wouldn't have to kill them.. Wont they ever learn personal responsibility? Sheesh..Give it up Snaf, they see what they want to see, not what is there.
A mixed couple could for example try to raise their child in a community more accepting of children with mixed heritage for example, not in areas that tend to be less accepting, this was my point and all of these people are capable of understanding that is what I meant snaf, but they don't want to understand, all they want is to attack.
More often than not children end up paying for the lack of planning and responsibility of their parents, that was the other point.
Consider that all of them come down on me like a ton of bricks over something taken out of context, but Hugo attacks my dead mother and not one person said one thing negative to hugo, not even negative rep for what he said, they are all hypocrits.
Yes, "Not Racist Times", everyone is jumping to conclusions based on your disdain for mixed-race people having children in the second paragraph and are supposed to ignore that you also stereotyped black and latino men in the first paragraph, that were from the same post.
I was very bad. I negative repped myself and paid Chi and merc $100 each to spank me.Consider that all of them come down on me like a ton of bricks over something taken out of context, but Hugo attacks my dead mother and not one person said one thing negative to hugo, not even negative rep for what he said, they are all hypocrits.
I'd have done it for free, but since you offered.... I went shopping. Got some really cute dresses. Thanks, hugo!I was very bad. I negative repped myself and paid Chi and merc $100 each to spank me.Consider that all of them come down on me like a ton of bricks over something taken out of context, but Hugo attacks my dead mother and not one person said one thing negative to hugo, not even negative rep for what he said, they are all hypocrits.
I am sure she looks better in them dresses than I would have.I'd have done it for free, but since you offered.... I went shopping. Got some really cute dresses. Thanks, hugo!I was very bad. I negative repped myself and paid Chi and merc $100 each to spank me.Consider that all of them come down on me like a ton of bricks over something taken out of context, but Hugo attacks my dead mother and not one person said one thing negative to hugo, not even negative rep for what he said, they are all hypocrits.![]()
I have a disdain for people who do things that hurt children, period.Yes, "Not Racist Times", everyone is jumping to conclusions based on your disdain for mixed-race people having children in the second paragraph and are supposed to ignore that you also stereotyped black and latino men in the first paragraph, that were from the same post.
I have a disdain for people who do things that hurt children, period.Yes, "Not Racist Times", everyone is jumping to conclusions based on your disdain for mixed-race people having children in the second paragraph and are supposed to ignore that you also stereotyped black and latino men in the first paragraph, that were from the same post.
I don't have anything against any race of people, but I have real issues with irresponsibility from any person. I am also in the business world and the only real color to be concerned with is green.
Your all trying to impose "your" racist concepts on me, because you can't see how I can make these kinds of decisions without hate, because you all make your decisions because of hate. You act this crazy and twist everything I say because you hearts are filled with hatred and you can't consider any other way to behave because this hate must be served, even if you have to lie about me.
But, unlike all of you I never give up on you guys because I don't hate, so let me try a completely different way of trying to describe my possition on things like this:
If a patient went to a doctor with a cancer that needed to be surgically removed, would it matter what his race was? No, why? Because the doctor should see the problem outside of any other considerations and deal with the problem. This is what I do, I ignore all politically correct issues completely. I don't care that some people are more concerned with "looking good" or "making friends", that is not why I discuss or debate topics. I am not here to be popular, I am here to tell the truth as I see it and be exposed to what other people see as truths. Both of our sides will have areas we miss, that is the point of talking about things. If we were perfect there would be no need to talk with each other.
On the surface there is absolutely nothign wrong with people of different races making babies, I never said that it was wrong, I simply said it was wrong not to plan for the needs of that child they produced and most don't. Most ignore the fact that their rash decision caused a lifetime of pain.
That lifetime of pain was my point, not the two people who made the life, but your all too blind to see past what you don't want to see, if you were honest you would admit my comment had nothing to do with hating the race of a single person. If you were honest you would admit I am talking about causing harm and pain to children. If you were honest though you would not be scouring my old posts trying to find something you can twist it's meaning to attack me with either.
Speaking of, that $100 bill was fake!! Good thing I had Wez take over and do the spanking for me, he seems to have enjoyed it.I was very bad. I negative repped myself and paid Chi and merc $100 each to spank me.
I should have been suspicious when she insisted I wear a blindfold.Speaking of, that $100 bill was fake!! Good thing I had Wez take over and do the spanking for me, he seems to have enjoyed it.I was very bad. I negative repped myself and paid Chi and merc $100 each to spank me.
maybe the title of this post should be changed to
"Louis is a Racist"
Interpreted is the correct word, instead of seeing what is there, people are inserting their own interpretations on top of my words and then getting angry about what "they" changed the words into.Ignorant people blame their own shortcomings on hatred, instead of bothering to try to understand how their statements may be interpreted differently than the way they sounded inside one's own head.
Hey moron, when did I EVER say that the "only" reason any of you have a problem with illegal immigration is because you are racist? I know there are a ton of reasons, which I myself know and many other reasons have also been pointed out. I did, however, point out that you can't say race is never an issue with this. That I did call bullshit on.Interpreted is the correct word, instead of seeing what is there, people are inserting their own interpretations on top of my words and then getting angry about what "they" changed the words into.Ignorant people blame their own shortcomings on hatred, instead of bothering to try to understand how their statements may be interpreted differently than the way they sounded inside one's own head.
My point was always the results of what the parents have done.
Take Chi's point that the "only" reason any of us have issues with illegal immigration is because we are racists, is that true just because Chi says it? Does our issue with illegal immigration stem from our dislike for Mexicans only and the law is only an excuse to give Mexicans a hard time?.....................Of course not, I would not care what race was invading America, we have a serious problem and that problem needs to be addressed. Children who grow up never fitting into society because they have no racial identity is also a big problem, they tend to do worse in school, more issues with the law, and are less likely to stay in a lasting relationship. These are real problems, problems society deals with and the problem is caused by "adults" who don't think these things through before subjecting their children to that kind of life.
Psychological abuse is every bit and sometimes more damaging than physical abuse. My point is about the abuse the children grow up enduring, not any one or two races in specific, just like my problem with illegal immegration has nothing to do with any race but instead with the problem caused to society by that illegal immigration.
IWS, there was no stereotype to address, I offered my own observations from real life, I even ended my comment with "I guess" Joe, do you know what a guess is?
Your acting like one of the race pimps now Joe, your trying to twist everything you can into a claim of racism, none of my possitions in life has anything to do with race itself but is instead based on actions and in this case the action is the lifetime of pain the mixed kids must endure because of a lack of planning or even caring from the parents who created them.
While the only thing your concerned with is playing "gotcha" with me even if you have to take my words out of context and overlay your own meanings on top of my words to give you an excuse.
And maybe eddo is right, maybe you should change the title of the thread, **** change the title to all the threads into being all about your personal "thing" some of you have for me because you guys never want to discuss the topics any firther than you can come up with an excuse to attack me. Almost every thread is about how you can twist something into a personal attack on me in some way while you completely ignore the topics. What does this thread have to do with my observations for what people like thicker girls? What part of this thread has to do with my belief that it is wrong to intentionally subject children to massive amounts of psychological abuse no matter even if it is the parents themselves causing it?
You guys need to get your own "I hate Louis" tee shirts, lol.
IWS, there was no stereotype to address, I offered my own observations from real life, I even ended my comment with "I guess" Joe, do you know what a guess is?
Your acting like one of the race pimps now Joe, your trying to twist everything you can into a claim of racism, none of my possitions in life has anything to do with race itself but is instead based on actions and in this case the action is the lifetime of pain the mixed kids must endure because of a lack of planning or even caring from the parents who created them.
While the only thing your concerned with is playing "gotcha" with me even if you have to take my words out of context and overlay your own meanings on top of my words to give you an excuse.
Well you do see mexican and black guys with the big white girls more than white guys with big white girls........I know blacks and mexicans do like their women to be thicker on average than white guys so I understand that....and maybe that is the same thing that has the big white girls looking to other races if the white guys don't really tend to like them....I guess.
Then why do you care and see the need to give yourself positive rep everytime you log on?I don't care that some people are more concerned with "looking good" or "making friends", that is not why I discuss or debate topics. I am not here to be popular, I am here to tell the truth as I see it and be exposed to what other people see as truths.
Interpreted is the correct word, instead of seeing what is there, people are inserting their own interpretations on top of my words and then getting angry about what "they" changed the words into.
I see Louis has his full on, lie/excuse machine running today...
Your trying to make my words into something they are not, it is you who is being false, so that means your lie/excuse machine is running, not mine Joe.A lie (also called prevarication, falsehood) is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement, especially with the intention to deceive others,
I flat out gave my opinion of what I have witnessed myself, and the "I guess" was for the entire comment, you trying to spin my comments into what they are not is the lie Joe.You flat out stereotyped the male segments of two minority groups. You said, "I know" in regards to this stereotype. The, "I guess" was in regards to fat white girls, in your opinion, having to settle for the stereotyped men, not the stereotyped men themselves.
Nice spin/lie.
My words are what I said, what your trying to twist them into meaning is not what I said.At this point you can continue to spin/lie about your meaning, but it will be wasted as it's pretty obvious what you said.