Boring sex?


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2005
I hate admit this but i've been having some really not interesting sex lately.

it's... redundant almost...

anybody else going through this? is it the summer heat?

or just stress?

by the way, i'm not married. Just my gf... of a year.

What defines a boring sex anyway?
My first husband...he defined boring sex !!!
I used to catch myself watching TV over his shoulder...or over his head depending on the activity. It got to the point where I thought all the hype about sex was just bullshit because sex was SO bad with him and I was young and had not had really good sex yet.
After my divorce I met this guy who had Natural talent ( ;) ) and he could go for ages, I could barely walk for a week, thats when the light went on and I realized what all the hoopla was about. One day he was headed to work, I grabbed him before he could leave and had him over the end of the bed, he didn't have time to get his shoes off...he always had a extra bounce in his walk when he was with me. Thats how sex should be.

I am one of the few women who will say I do beleive some people are not sexually compatible and you should never buy the cow before you have tasted the milk or buy the car before taking it out on the test track and then the endurance race.
I have been married four years and haven't had boring sex yet. Are you sure you aren't bored of the girl?
My first husband was the true defintion of BORING SEX!
IT was just a chore. I really didnt want to do it but if it didnt get done...Id have to do it sooner or later. But with my husband now ..HOLY ****!!!
Its awesome....I mean i do have my times when i am not in the "mood" but when i am ....DAMN! 4th of July ..OVER AND OVER again, LOL
I don't know, I've had some really awesome sex, some mediocre sex, and some ehh... sex. I was with this one girl for like a month, well we weren't dating, we were ****buddies, anyway, after about 3 weeks of having sex everyday, I was bored. I couldn't believe it, I had sex with another girl for 2 years exclusively before I started with this one, and had not once found myself bored. Hell, before this girl, I was always wantin to ****.... Hell, now I want to **** all the time.... I guess it was just her, or maybe the love factor played in some here....
RegisteredAndEducated said:
I don't know, I've had some really awesome sex, some mediocre sex, and some ehh... sex. I was with this one girl for like a month, well we weren't dating, we were ****buddies, anyway, after about 3 weeks of having sex everyday, I was bored. I couldn't believe it, I had sex with another girl for 2 years exclusively before I started with this one, and had not once found myself bored. Hell, before this girl, I was always wantin to ****.... Hell, now I want to **** all the time.... I guess it was just her, or maybe the love factor played in some here....

Sounds to me like the girl for a month was just a rebound girl. I have never really had boring sex myself, but some has been border line if I wasn't "really in the mood" like if I was tired as hell or pissed of at something. Other than that... Bring on the pootie tang!
Sex with my b/f is good sometimes great...but it is pretty much always the same, I enjoy it everytime. I just wish we did something that would drive me insane. You know what I mean? and it's pretty hard to do that now that Im pregnant and my stomach gets in the way and I get tired 10 times as fast... ugh :( .
Is my sex life ever gonna be great again, even after the baby is born? :confused: ...any tips from the experienced people out there?
From what my girl says it gets better

that 6 weeks after you have to wait makes it better because (maybe different for some) I hated waiting that long and your homones won't be right for like a year....

So don't despair everything gets better with time
Nazz, if your girl thinks Sex is dirty then your probably not going to see a change unless she gets some counseling. She either thinks that because something has happened to her or the person who raised her programmed her to think that way. My Mom tried to program me to think Sex was dirty but it didn't work. My sister on the other hand can't stand sex, she is really out of whack emotionally.
Nazz feel sorry for her thought process on Sex. Sex is the glue that holds a relationship together. I found that when I was getting enough good sex, nothing he did was as annoying. BUT when I wasn't getting sex, everything he did annoyed me.
Unless you are willing to stay with her and work through her psychological problems (a lengthy, painstaking process) then I would find a new girlfriend, its not likely to change on its own.
When you said "stealing the *****" that drove home how awful this be for you.
When two folks are married and have different sex drive levels, it creates a problem, but you do not ruin a wonderful marriage over it. Mine high, hers low. Probably why I gained so much weight over the years. Then, I woke up one morning, eating a snickers bar and coke for breakfast, and decided I was going to DIE if I did not change something now. I just work out allot, after losing 160 pounds to better my life (now weigh 175..used to weigh 335). I dress well, eat right, alwasy make sure I look my best in public, and be the best damn husband and father I can be. I feel better about myself, and let the frustration of very infrequent sex, go. I do get allot of married women in my town now stopping me to talk to me and tell me how freat I look etc..that part is fun, and I can fantisize about that, and smile. Most guys in town now hate me. I have no apologies. I worked my A#$ # off to lose the weight...if I can do it, anyone can. Ok, how did this reply get into weight loss...sorry folks.
Vaness said:
Sex with my b/f is good sometimes great...but it is pretty much always the same, I enjoy it everytime. I just wish we did something that would drive me insane. You know what I mean? and it's pretty hard to do that now that Im pregnant and my stomach gets in the way and I get tired 10 times as fast... ugh :( .
Is my sex life ever gonna be great again, even after the baby is born? :confused: ...any tips from the experienced people out there?

How far along are you???
I'm 5 months, and sex hasn't become a problem yet. I don't want it quite as often because I am so tired by the end of the day, but my drive is FAR from gone, and the belly is big, but not too big yet (Thank god!)
Well I have 11 wks till my due date. Im not big and the belly still doesn't get in the way for basic positions, but Im not as it takes time to do position transition. Sometimes I dont want anything but I give in real quick to my b/f and its all worth it. I can sleep better afterwards :D ....Im so excited and it feels like I've been preg. forever and still have forever to go. :rolleyes:
Hey kids are a lot of fun. Mine's 6 month's old on Sat and I would not give anything for him. It changed things a lot, but I'm glad we had him while we were young because now I can stay young myself! I get to play with toys and **** again... I like it.