Bots Insulting LP and closing link to chat???

We will just have to wait for them to fix it.
In a way, its comforting to know so many people used the chat. I thought it was a waste of space until this thread popped up.
Hopefully it will be up and running soon.
Rusu_luvs_LP_4ever said:
Lol dont appologize use the edit and delete buttons :p Sorry I had too...back on topic I haven't been on lpf chat since they took out the sounds...those things rocked...

I'm latino, I'm lazy. :p
Yeah, I tried again just now. Still can't get in.
Why would anyone hack into a website just to say linkin park suck!? It's just pointless. Whoever it is really needs a day job. or a girlfriend/boyfriend.. lol
Yeah, no one is ever in the chat at the same time except on ocasion. When the new chat came a lot of people did it for a while though.
Mine says,

Closing Link: Vash_the_Stampede[]
(User has been banned from WinChat([jon]stupid linkin park bots.))
--Stillwater.OK.US.WinChat.Net-- *** You are banned from WinChat ([jon]
stupid linkin park bots.)
Closing Link: everLP_Shinoda[] (User has
been banned from WinChat ([jon] stupid linkin park bots.))

That was what mine said which is basically the same that Vash posted.