boy cot v-day


New member
I say boy cot v-day! y? cuz its stupid. if you cant celebrate the love you share with someone on any other day then why wait for feb 14th? and what about the single people? wheres there holiday? so until they make a holiday for single people then we should boycot this stupid holiday. I will be wearing black on feb 14th.


1st- flowers depressing

2nd- chocolate melts and rots your teeth


whos with me?



New member
I agree it's kind of a stupid date but why make it a day depression?

We need more posetive days, Valatines day although spun up by Hallmark and Co is at least a day about love. Why turn a day about love into a day about sadness and depression? Makes no sense to me



New member
i think that v-day is too comercial. but i think its nice to dedicate a day to love and what not but especailly when its durring school all it does is become this thing where the popular people can point out about how much more "loved" they are and things where its not about love but about how much **** and stuff you get.


New member
We shouldn't celebrate Thanksgiving anymore, because everyone should be thankful everyday instead of just one day? Because what's Thanksgiving to people without families?

1st - millions of turkeys die for the prior weeks before thanksgiving

2nd - the average calorie intake on thanksgiving is double the daily recommendation

3rd - its a day based on when the Indians saved the pilgrims from starving, and in return the pilgrims killed them off and started a chain that would eventually take over their land and make their ethnicity extinct

Your reasoning can be used for any holiday of the year, not just V-day... And i know you guys celebrate some kind of holiday every year.



New member
i love valentines day, but thats because i'm stupidly in love with the man of my dreams and he asked me to marry him a year ago on valentines day, so its kind of our anniversary.


New member
I boycot Valentine's Day every year anyway lol so well this year yeah no cards, flowers, no nothing

I have two reasons:

It's a foreign thing, I'm not a fan of globalisation that much. I don't think for instance, that my country should absorb every friggin foreign "holiday".

And, it's like someone mentioned, too commercial.



New member
I'm boycotting<sp?> it too.... i'm wearing all black and dressing weird-like... dunno... me and my friends might all do it or just me... Hmm


New member
It is stupid...its all commercial. Every year i go looking normal and **** (all black lmao) and i still get cards. I just rip them infront of the persons face....its a pointless celerbration.


New member
We shouldn't celebrate Thanksgiving anymore, because everyone should be thankful everyday instead of just one day? Because what's Thanksgiving to people without families?
1st - millions of turkeys die for the prior weeks before thanksgiving

2nd - the average calorie intake on thanksgiving is double the daily recommendation

3rd - its a day based on when the Indians saved the pilgrims from starving, and in return the pilgrims killed them off and started a chain that would eventually take over their land and make their ethnicity extinct

Your reasoning can be used for any holiday of the year, not just V-day... And i know you guys celebrate some kind of holiday every year.

I agree once again.



New member
Well I know I would actually like v-day this year, cause I have a boyfriend and yea. So I hated v-day when I didnt have a date or something, yea its commercialized and all but its just a holiday. Its just like halloween or something. Yea you can get mad at me if you want, its just my opinion.


New member
XrockinfreakX has a point...i mean i hate it cuz of the theme love. I didnt mind it when i was with some one...didnt really think about it.


New member
I like Valentiens cause you can buy funny cards with little kid things on them. & you get all your guy friends to buy you chocolate. Haha. No real meaning to it though.


New member
I get into the argument about there being a 'Singles Day' to make up for having a Valentine's Day with my friends all the time. Because I say that all the couples don't need another day to celebrate their 'love'. They already have their anniversary. And all it does is make the single people feel bad [well most of the ones I know]. And then my friends [that actually like valentines day] say that it's not necessarily about celebrating couples but it's about celebrating 'love' altogether. Which is true, but most people don't celebrate it for anything else but their boyfriend or girlfriend, especially at school. There's already enough making out at school.. I don't want to see more.

But then again, I probably only feel this way because I don't have someone to celebrate it with. I usually wear black and boycot v-day but I think this year I'm gunna try to make it as normal as possible for me. I'll pretend like it's just another day..

Wow that was alot..



New member
We shouldn't celebrate Thanksgiving anymore, because everyone should be thankful everyday instead of just one day? Because what's Thanksgiving to people without families?
1st - millions of turkeys die for the prior weeks before thanksgiving

2nd - the average calorie intake on thanksgiving is double the daily recommendation

3rd - its a day based on when the Indians saved the pilgrims from starving, and in return the pilgrims killed them off and started a chain that would eventually take over their land and make their ethnicity extinct

Your reasoning can be used for any holiday of the year, not just V-day... And i know you guys celebrate some kind of holiday every year.

All you people who are 'boycotting' Valentines day are just ****** off because you don't have anyone to celebrate it with. Which is understandable, but it doesn't mean you have to try to ruin it for everyone else.

Grow up.



New member
Ouch misery...that hurt. Maybe you are right, but I think boycotting v-day is a great idea. Im not saying that because i happen to not be with someone this year, but because love is so superficial now. No one knows what it really is, and unlike alot of holidays, i find it second to be most commercial, just below christmas.


New member
Ok, before I say anything else, I must ask. In countries like USA, UK, Canada, and Australia, is this a big deal? Does everyone feel like they have to do something on that day? Is one a social outcast if one does nothing on Valentine's day? Is that true?


New member
well thank you everyone for your opnions. but actually i do have a bf for valentines day. so im not boy cotting it because of that. i am boy cotting because of what LPtheory88 had said. my friends every year are sad cuz they dont have anyone. and my one friend almost commited suicde cuz she felt so down about being alone. it puts people down. i have always had someone on v-day and i still never liked it. my bf now ( who i love) agrees with me. we will not be celebrating it. but i respect everyone who will be. but if some of us choose not to then you shouldnt put us down by telling us to grow up. we have a choice to celebrate what we want and with the way we want. thank you.
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