Brandon's Journal

Haha Ill have the screaming thing up soon, its nothin great but ill put it up!

Oh in the meantime, I finished shooting this and editing it inone night. For thoseof you who have seen Cloverfield heres our sorta version haha. My first movie done in a while, I think the hardest part was the close editing and sound effects!

Cloverfield: Files -
Haha I suggested more energy in Escape the Mind just beacuse of your post and the band agreed, we wanna throw guitar in there but were trying to make it fit now, some sort of combination.

Anywho...prom is coming up in about a week and a couple days..have not made any arrangements yet, haha I think im behind! I basically wanna go have fun, I went last year as a Junior and spent rediculous amounts of money and diddnt really have a crazy time..this year im putting a little more fun approacr, havent figured out what but we'll see!
Haha we take any ideas we can get!

Hmmm well prom is this Friday so this week will be full of working, homework, and tests, and whatever else hits me, I just know its not going to be an easy week at all. I finished my final for my film class which is due techer told me to do it on my band so I came up with this:
I hope he likes it, its a month worth of filming and planning, most ive ever done effort wise into a project and im still not happy with it! Theres about 15 minutes of extra footage cause the most time you can have is 7 minutes long. Grrr...teachers
Haha glad ya like it! I got an A on it in class today! Thank god I needed it, I pretty much love my film class anyways haha.

Well we did a little bit of work on Escape the Mind and tried adding a little energy in the chorus like ya wanted Untitled haha. Its horrible quality but this is what it sounds like so far:
Sorry I kinda dissapeared, had stuff to do! Glad you guys like the changes! We're gonna play it live again on the 30th woohoo!

Well Ive been busy with prom and suff i'll showcase some pictas!
Ivana and Me!

Me and my best friend and drummer in the band Jordan!

Flight by Midnight invades prom?

Me and her by the fountains:

After a long night...

A kiss?