Breaking the Habit


Mar 1, 2005
This is most definitely the best LP music video ever. The anime style art and stuff is really cool.
I didn't really like the video that much. From the Inside has to be my favorite with the awesome riot. Papercut is pretty cool though too. Rob's just sitting there on the couch, not drumming and just watching everything. :D Anyways, all LP videos are good to me.
twilightcrimson7 said:
each one of their videos is unique...I love that
I really like the anime in BTH tho its so awesome
yea, even the live in texas ones they released (lying from you and numb, i think) are pretty amazing. but thats partly cuz the songs are so unique and amazing :D
OK, video is cool but I hate it cuz I saw it probably thousand times... And the song...this song is the most (skomercializirana- in my language) comercional (I think this isnt write written) and this is why I dont like it so much. But when I heard that its the best for chester then I started to apressiate it more...Lyrics are great, and I heard that chaz often cries while listening or singing it.