Breaking up is hard to do? Off Topic Forum does it best.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
I guess for the most part, I'm just in the mood to rant a bit. Too many damn religious topics as of late... UGH... we need a mind set change here on GF.

First of all, before I start this topic off, I want some of you to realize WHERE GF stands on the internet.

When it comes to saying it like it is, GF GETS TOP PICKS on Google and other search engines. Bob has friends in high places and for what its worth GF will be the premiere place on the internet one day to speak your mind. Type in key phrases like I HATE MUSLIMS, or just plain ISLAM, and chances are you will see a URL leading to one of all our members posts here on GF.


So the reason I started this topic is so we can all give the GF version of how to break up with someone.

The tell it like it REALLY is no bullshit guide for alleged lovers and soul mates.

Chances are your storys here will be seen on google when key words are typed. For instance type ( Islam pissed off ), in a search engine like google, and:





So I'll start it with a VERY WEAK start and let it pick up from here.

I think personally, the ones that are hardest to shake loose are the ones who ****ing obsess over you for YEARS and always try some crazy **** to get you to have them back... I'd prefer to lettem give me head, then ditch em somewhere.... but of course.. that was before marriage... but even so, I know my marriage is pretty damn strong, so I have no problems at all, but yet, I see others in my age group like RO, and fullauto who were divorced... I always wonder, how does this **** happen ?? I would think by being with someone for say 5 years or more your pretty much attached at the hip anyway.. So what goes wrong ??
phreakwars said:
So what goes wrong ??.

Sex complicates everything and so does malcontent and warmongering.

The first thing I found out about my two exwives were our incapability to agree on anything. From there the problems unfolded and got complicated. Finally it ended in divorce, claiming "irreconcilable differences".

I will elaborate more on this later... right now exhaustion has taken me.
I find leaving town and planting root somewhere else seems to put an end to any and all headaches! :D
I have noticed that most topics that are either non-religious or non-terrorist related just slide of the page. I have started many different types of threads and they get dropped off the page pretty quick.

The redundancy level is way to high. I have been touring discussion boards for quite a while and when I found this board it was a natural fit. There are few boards out there in which you can speak your mind without censorship. I have been banned from many sites for mickey mouse bullshit.

I have also been posting links to GF on many other sites and I think the others should do the same. It would help to widen the scope of topics here.

As for breaking up. Try masturbating at the dinner table, works everytime.
Since I'm generally ignored by most people, I'm 21 and never had a GF, didn't get laid until I was 20, I guess it's my duty how to spread the gospel on lose that chick

1. Conform (or pretend to) to an alternative subculture if the girl is one of those anal-retentive conservative types. This works miracles. And if she is a bit of a rebel, start carrying a bible and tell her that everything she does is immoral and satanic, you refuse to have pre-marital relations, etc

2. Belch the theme to any of your favorite TV shows. I recommend "Family Guy" or "The Simpsons"

3. Tell her that that shirt DOES make her look fat

4. Get really stoned one day and start prattling about something COMPLETELY stupid

5. Tell her that you're going to take her out for drinks. She'll probably expect a classy ****tail lounge or some **** like that, so instead go to a goth/industrial night club or a headbanger cabaret.

6. remember this: There's nothing more passionate when she puts her head on your shoulder - to yell into the clown during a dinner date

7. When she says "get me anything for my birthday", buy her a socket set

8. She wants some romantic mood music? Well put on "Hampster dance"

9. During sex do the following. She takes off her clothes, start making howling and making shrill noises in your throat.
During sex, yell out UH HUH!! UH HUH!! WHO'S YOR DADDY!
Squeeze her breasts and yell HONK!!! HONK!!!
Grab her ass and yell OOOH YEA!! DADDY LIKE!! (do this when you're NOT having sex as well, such as when you're watching movies together, walking down the street, at her parent's for dinner, at her grandmother's funeral, etc)
During oral: Insist that she wears her hair in pigtails, and grab onto them, twist side to side and make motorcycle noises

10. If you're shopping with her, go to the toy section and play with the toys that make sounds, and beat up the stuffed animals.

11. leave some circa 1975 hairy lesbien porn out. (I have a whole stack of hustler magazines from the 70's that I found after cleaning out a reletive's basement)

12 if she asks what you want to do today, try these (hell do these everyday), 1. Hang out at the mall all day for no reason, 2, get some dope and hide out in a back alley, park or abandoned building and get stoned 3. Stay up all night playing videogames and watching stupid comedies and adult cartoons 4. Spend all your money on Top 40 music, X-Box games, Crappy clothes, beer, junk food, weed, posters and novelties for your room/house and car 5. Take up hackey sack and/or skateboarding,

13. Sit on an Internet chatroom all day. Cybersex is highly reccomended here

14. And for pete's sake, make good and sure that your TV is constantly tuned to the Cartoon network or the playboy channel

15. when watching movies with her on those quiet evenings either stick with war or cyberpunk movies or pornos that involve the following: German people, backdoor entry, gerbils, Anime characters, and handicapped migets
Breaking up is tuff indeed, but there really is no one way you can do so for every case. The problem is that god only knows what kind of freakshow you've tangled yourself in with, but then again it may be somebody pretty cool that you've found you nolonger have feelings for. Also, lets not forget person style and personality. For some you might want to take the Maddox route and headbutt your girlfriend in the **** (or in the pills pending the sex of your mate) and then leave, brutish but effective. But there are sensative wieners like myself who try and make things as easy as possible whomever i may be breaking up with.

One thing i make a point to do is make sure it's in person, (This is prolly after i've had a pint or 6 to loosen me up, if you can maintain your composer then why not?) The idea of doing it over the phone dosn't appeal to me as it very impersonal and breaking up is certainly a personal matter. Its also been good for me (in my few cases mind you) since i've yet to HATE anyone i've been involved with, maybe becasue i'm careful who i enter a relationship with but i still feel bad if i'm hurting them and due my best to make them comfortable because i know how incredably shitty this **** can leave you and would not wish it upon somebody else.

I think a relationship should not be left in malice, if you come to hate your partner then maybe you need to be more careful who you kanoodle with. Now i have sadly left relationship where neither of us really talk alot anymore (Which sucks because it means i lost a good friend) but theres not really hate harboured, hate just makes **** worse. Be honest, but not brutal when you talk to people, spare their feelings a little and even if YOU'RE pissed, try and keep it under control, chances are this person never made you terribly angry BEFORE you were together and letting the heat of the moment burn you both will do nothing good for either of you.

Ah, it's good to post again. Breathes :p
My daughter's father was obssesive, possesive and abusive. Once my pregnancy and post prego hormones wore off I just simply ended it. One time on the phone, about ten seconds after he apologized, said he loved me and swore he would change, he started back in. I said goodbye, hung up the phone and just ended it. Not a great story, but if you had gone through what I had, being abused and taking him back again (I swear when you are prego you have very little control over emotions and you have very little rational ability) just ending it was a huge step in my life and actually a pretty scarry one (ya I know that makes no sense now but then it was scarry as hell). I hope his current wife doens't have to go through the same crap I did. For me, he held the fact that the place we were living in was his (though I payed ALL the ****ing bills) over my head and for his wife, he can hold the fact that she is not a us citizen and the only reaason she is here is because of their marriage, over her head. He is just a preick. I have never met the wife so I have no idea what kind of person she is, but I hope she is a strong one
Thems is the nasty cases, nobody should ever allow themselves to be abused, stay the **** away form the nut cases! (Not that i'm blaming the victims here)

sigh tizz stories alway make me sad. :( Atleast your cool now, how did that date of yours go anyhow? (I disappeared before i could ask, PM or something so we don't derail the thread.)
Gentilhomme said:
Thems is the nasty cases, nobody should ever allow themselves to be abused, stay the **** away form the nut cases! (Not that i'm blaming the victims here)

sigh tizz stories alway make me sad. :( Atleast your cool now, how did that date of yours go anyhow? (I disappeared before i could ask, PM or something so we don't derail the thread.)

The date went great BTW. We met up and just spent the evening getting to know each other a bit. He left two days later for a week for work so I haven't gotten a chance to talk to him again. I am hoping to talk to him tonight. I am hoping for another date with him soon. I am also taking to a few other people but he is teh only one I have met. I have been mad busy with birthdays this month including me daughter's. She is the reason I am so picky now. No longer is it just my life that will be affected by my choices but hers too. EEP! So much pressure LOL. I get lonely but I love being a parent and though I would love to make changes in my life, I am not unhappy. I have learned from my past, gotten over being bitter and I am ready to move on to whatever comes next. I have found that I am a pretty adaptable person and I can find a way to make myself happy in most stituations. (my daughter is a big help there!)

I made a mistake stayig as long as I did with her father, but if I had regrets about it it would mean i regretted teh joy that is my little girl. ( I must say I was happy when she ended up looking more like me though. If I had to look at a little clone of him all the time it might be alittle harder ;) )
Much like Komrade, I am generally ignored but I have had 4 girlfriends and all of them went haywire. I do realize my mistakes and learn from them but the problem is does your partner realize theirs? And are they willing enough to fix those mistakes? The problem is alot of people (especially women, no offense ladies) expect WAY TOO MUCH from their partners. And as soon as a problem arises, two things automatic breakup (there is always someone out there BETTER than you), or skepticism comes along. That basically means less tolerance for you. It goes both ways, guys or girls. Alot of people have such high expectations that if "good behavior" is kept up for a while and then a slip up occurs, it is the end of the world.

Now I have never been married, but I was talking to this dude, he's in his 40's and never been married. But he told me what marriage was like back in the day. Back then it was held with such respect and high regard. If a problem occured, just for the sake of their families, they would get through it no matter how hard it became. There were alot less divorces back then. And eventually they would get through it, still sleep in the same bed, still eat together, that kinda stuff. Nowadays, marriage is just seen as an easy way to get over on people, claim property, children, all that heinous stuff. That is what is wrong with people today. Too much high expectations, and too much materialism put into marriages. It seems like the love factor is only there just to get through the front gate of marriage and then it is not even important after a while.

If only I could rewind time, I would un**** the mistakes I made with my past exs but it would probably be in vain because my partners could give a ****. Just my two cents, I know I am young but that's as much as I can conjure up I guess.
RoyalOrleans said:
I've found taking a **** in her purse and raping her dog a sure way to lose a girl.

I tried that once to get this one obsessed girl off my case, and I found out the hard way it didn't work. In fact the bitch got even more obsessed with me
I've found the best method is to always be yourself from day one. The relationship will last longer if the other person knows what type of person you are from the start. My problem has been getting rid of the ones who think I'm a nice guy, EVEN AFTER I have been a total dick to them... guess they just love the **** or something. Hell I have one now that STILL wants me to **** her, even though she knows damn well I have been happily married for almost 10 years.... stupid bitch..

So now what is a gorl to do with the obsessed man? I have had my share and the only saving grace is ending up 1000 miles or more away from them
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I tried that once to get this one obsessed girl off my case, and I found out the hard way it didn't work. In fact the bitch got even more obsessed with me

Next time, try dipping masturbating with a cheese grater and clean yourself up with a gin soaked rag.
RoyalOrleans said:
Next time, try dipping masturbating with a cheese grater and clean yourself up with a gin soaked rag.
You both are a couple of FREAKS you know that. No wonder your women leave you, ****in rednecks.
Tizz, don't know what to tell ya. My ex broke into my house, twice when I was out, once when I was sleeping (my new bf was there also) and TWO AM because he wanted his ****ing PLAYSTATION. Then a few days later he kidnapped my cat. I moved 30 miles, changed my phone number, stopped hanging out all the places I used to...and he STILL asks about where I am, a year later. He was verbally, emotionally, mentally abusing. Only thing he didn't do was hit me, but I swear it was just as bad. I had left him a bunch of times, and always took him back. Psychos are impossible to get away from.