...But we love Chef...:(

I kinda think Issac over reacted. I mean south park has made fun of everything and in that sense does not discriminate. The creators, who are mormons, even make fun of their own beliefs. That episode last night was pretty funny though.
OK and since that article came out I have also read that Hayse actually had a stroke and quit by way of voice and memory problems from the stroke. I am not sure what is the truth on this one, but who cares. Scientology digs are going to be the new "they killed Kenny" LOL I wonder how they will work it into each episode HEHE
I seen the southpark ep on Scientology. It was funny as hell ,as for Isaac Hayes. I can see why he is pissed but mocking religious beliefs is somthing our culture has been doing far before southpark came along. In fact ,I would say that it is a religion of its own.;) He is offended clearly ,ok whatever next bitch case......
The "Return of Chef" episode was funny as hell. They just used sound bites of Isaac Hayes from other episodes and instead of Scientology they called his group the Super Adventure Club. The club's premise was that they went around the world having sex with children.

If you didn't see it, and like SP, you can see how they dig at both Chef and Scientology. Matt and Trey are some funny ****ers.
It pisses me off that he did this mainly because he is being hypocritical...

South Park has made fun of everything...I don't know why the **** he cares so much now that it is HIS religion...bullshit...

But scientology is so ****ing easy to make fun of...mainly because it is based on a SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL!!!

Read about it HERE
I think South Park is hilarious.
If you can't take a little poking fun then whatever...

I especially enjoyed the one with the Virgin Mary, good stuff.

As far as Scientologists are concerned, these people in my opinion are a cult, I worry that they will try and control things like what we watch because they don't want a light shown on how ****ed up they are.

I am an adult, I won't want my viewing to be monitered or slashed up so that some bible beater can feel better about what is on TV...this is just another way that someone is trying to shove their beliefs down my throat.
I think Hayes is wrong and that he's just over-reacting because they finally hit on something that is close to him, instead of close to everybody else. I loved his voice talent on the show, but if he's going to be like that, then he can just go **** himself.

Every time I hear about Scientology, I honestly wonder if it's a joke. I cannot understand how grown men and women can be lured into something like that. I mean.....it's just retarded.
I love the episode where the kid says "don't be mad at Chef, be mad at the people who lured him into their little club". Cracks me up.

Scientology is a joke. A very rich joke. Anytime a cult becomes so rich and about money, it's time to rethink membership.
Lethalfind said:
I think South Park is hilarious.
If you can't take a little poking fun then whatever...

I'm not going to say anything here. I'll just leave this open for whoever missed it.:rolleyes:
They say this cat Ron is a bad mother
I'm talkin' 'bout L.Ron Hubbard
South Park's sole purpose is to piss take and make jokes about absolutely everything.

It's all just a joke.

All the scientologists need to pull the stick out of their ass and get the hell over it.
Can I attack Bob for no reason and have the post stand? Lets find out? lol

Bob I don't know you that well,but you seem like a major asshole! Suck dick in hell ,ya bastid!