it's coming to me in bits and pieces... i rewrote the guitar part, and used the guitars from Points of Authority and One Step Closer, modified them (speeding/slowing, basically) To come out with the rewritten place for my head heavier riff, you'll see why, think P5hng Me A*wy. Then, i used a midi program to create the Bass, converted it to MP3 when i thought it sounded alright enough, and then just... improvised.
Still looking for real sounding drums, the best I can come up with are midi, and I can't record my own (i'm a drummer, i can tell whats real and what's not) formatting the papercut beat didn't work, but that's not saying I didn't do that ;-)) nothing really seemed to work, so if anybody has just drum sounds, I'd love to use them. and believe you me, i can. ^_^
Also, what would be appreciated is a Place for my Head A capella. I know thats going to be impossible, but if anybody can just make an instrumental out of nowhere, they should be able to make a capella versions of this, right? Reasons are obvious, correct? And, when you listen to this preview, you should be able to see why I need them, because I'm planning on doing every verse, so I'd like to be able to use the same background sound for all of them. Also I can't do the second verse because I've modified the Guitars in the song, so if you look at it like that, I'm screwed.
Not to be concieted or anything, but I think that the reanimation version of Place for my Head is going to have nothing on this.... thoughts?
Anyway, the reason why this post is so much longer than what you'll see from me is because I'm waiting for this file to get uploaded onto, and I'm really bored. Please excuse me if reading this makes you want to listen to Linkin Park.
Another thing. Listen to this song as loud as you can, because it's just not going to sound good. If you have a car, with a nice sound system, crank it up in there. that's how loud you want this.
So... any objections to me doing Place for my Head?