Callout: Phreakwars

de kannibaal

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2006
So, my pink frocked little moderator fairy, I thought it would be highly entertaining if we were to go toe to toe in one thread, let's say for one week, with unlimited posts, and I will systematically dismember you textually, and then relegate you to a future of keeping you for use as my personal pissoir.

I shall screencap every post I make in order to stop you from cheating with your assinine -and stupidly foolish- predilection for abusing your panel.

I am afraid you will be compelled to keep it honest in this one, son.

So, are you able to dance with the big boys for real or are you going to be a hopelessly inept chicken **** and humiliate yourself in front of your valuable fully paid smirk members?

A fiver says you don't have the bollocks, princess.
I'll see that bet and raise you twenty! I can't speak for Phreakwars, but I, for one, am getting sick and tired of dumbasses like you posting your insane drivel and polluting the boards with this type of crap. Why don't you go back to raping your same-sex cousin like the perverted little pedophile that you really are assmunch!? You and all of your cerebrally deficient kind make me wanna puke!
Your personal attacks on the mods only proves that you are a totally idiotic lower lifeform that definitely evolved from the extremely shallow edge of the Gene Pool! What little intelligence you seemingly have is more evidence that you have little to no Humanity whatsoever. In fact, an inbred KKK-supporting, terrorist-admiring, pedophilic POS like you aren't even worthy of being insulted by Phreakwars and the other mods on this board!

Hell, pigeon manure has far more intelligence than you do, you sorry-ass no-good excuse for a living organism! Your "brain" is an appaling dungheap of jumbled, disorganized cancer cells occupying what passes for your head! The ONLY way a lifeform like yourself can even count yourself as a human being is the unfortunate fact that you were born into this species, rather than inflicting your own distorted genes into other lifeforms by forced fornication with mountain goats. But, an uninformed, mindless supporter of Islamic fundamentalism and sexual perversions of all kinds wouldn't heed my advice. Go on, get into a war with Phreakwars and see if he doesn't hand you your head (if you can call it that) back to you. I know I'll enjoy watching Phreakwars walk all over your sorry ass and I'll thoroughly enjoy raking you over the coals!
:D :D
Your entertaining with your sad presumptiouns bullshit...Phreak is a better man then you will ever be. It doesn't matter if he accepts your challenge or not...

Your no better then a drug addicted, piece of common trash who still seems to think he matters in the world...Your Momma clearly didn't beat you enough as a child.

Go twitch somewhere else...your boring and bring nothing to the board that is helpful...other then the subliminal message to do all we can to NOT be like you.
Kryptonite Man said:
I'll see that bet and raise you twenty! I can't speak for Phreakwars, but I, for one, am getting sick and tired of dumbasses like you posting your insane drivel and polluting the boards with this type of crap. Why don't you go back to raping your same-sex cousin like the perverted little pedophile that you really are assmunch!? You and all of your cerebrally deficient kind make me wanna puke!
Your personal attacks on the mods only proves that you are a totally idiotic lower lifeform that definitely evolved from the extremely shallow edge of the Gene Pool! What little intelligence you seemingly have is more evidence that you have little to no Humanity whatsoever. In fact, an inbred KKK-supporting, terrorist-admiring, pedophilic POS like you aren't even worthy of being insulted by Phreakwars and the other mods on this board!

Hell, pigeon manure has far more intelligence than you do, you sorry-ass no-good excuse for a living organism! Your "brain" is an appaling dungheap of jumbled, disorganized cancer cells occupying what passes for your head! The ONLY way a lifeform like yourself can even count yourself as a human being is the unfortunate fact that you were born into this species, rather than inflicting your own distorted genes into other lifeforms by forced fornication with mountain goats. But, an uninformed, mindless supporter of Islamic fundamentalism and sexual perversions of all kinds wouldn't heed my advice. Go on, get into a war with Phreakwars and see if he doesn't hand you your head (if you can call it that) back to you. I know I'll enjoy watching Phreakwars walk all over your sorry ass and I'll thoroughly enjoy raking you over the coals!
:D :D

Brushes Kryptonite Man's meltdown off of his finely tailored suit and chuckles to himself

So tell me KM, what other function do you perform for the mods in addition to swallowing? You iron too?

Bet you look smashing in your pink frock, the matching ribbons in your hair are likely a nice touch too. Satin I'll wager.
de kannibaal said:
Brushes Kryptonite Man's meltdown off of his finely tailored suit and chuckles to himself

So tell me KM, what other function do you perform for the mods in addition to swallowing? You iron too?

Bet you look smashing in your pink frock, the matching ribbons in your hair are likely a nice touch too. Satin I'll wager.

In other words, you got OWNED like the little sorry ass bitch you really are. Deny it all you like, but you were still owned. :D
de kannibaal said:
So, my pink frocked little moderator fairy, I thought it would be highly entertaining if we were to go toe to toe in one thread, let's say for one week, with unlimited posts, and I will systematically dismember you textually, and then relegate you to a future of keeping you for use as my personal pissoir.

I shall screencap every post I make in order to stop you from cheating with your assinine -and stupidly foolish- predilection for abusing your panel.

I am afraid you will be compelled to keep it honest in this one, son.

So, are you able to dance with the big boys for real or are you going to be a hopelessly inept chicken **** and humiliate yourself in front of your valuable fully paid smirk members?

A fiver says you don't have the bollocks, princess.

So is all this nonsense going off an assumption that Mods here are picked based on their excellent debating ability and you, wishing to demonstrate the size of your online ****, feel the need to go after what would seem to you to be the head honcho in an effort to prove your worth?

If this is the case I'm sorry to inform you that Mods aren’t necessarily the best debaters on the forum, they are chosen for other reasons. Phreak not only fits our Mod profile but he is a very knowledgeable fellow when it comes to these computer gizmos. ERGO he is a kind enough lad to give his time to the maintenance as well as the moderation (or otherwise lack of) of this forum.

There isn't anybody here who is going to get in a tizzy over a challenge or the results of a challenge. Its a debate forum, not a pissing contest. If your reality is so insignificant as to make the online world so important to you than I'm afraid you've stumbled across a community of folk who generally don't give a ****. We've got bills to pay and babes to lay, this community isn't the end all be all.

Online machoism has got to be one notch closest to the botom of the barrel. :rolleyes:
What I have to say will probably provoke a response from Mr. De Kannibaal. He may label me "vexatious" or even "amoral". I realize and accept that as a consequence of what I am about to say. However, I do hope that De Kannibaal will read everything I have to say before labeling me. Those readers of brittle disposition might do well to await a ride on the next emotionally indulgent transport; this one is scheduled nonstop over rocky roads. As soon as you're strapped in, I'll announce something to the effect of how most of you reading this post have your hearts in the right place. Now follow your hearts with actions. My dream is for tired eyes to open and see clearly, broken spirits to find new energy, and weary arms to find the strength to investigate the development of feudalism as a concept. My prediction that De Kannibaal would erode constitutional principles that have shaped our society and remain at the core of our freedom and liberty came true so quickly, so brutally, so horribly, that even I was stunned by the magnitude and viciousness of it all. For brevity, I won't comment further on that, but rather on the way that from secret-handshake societies meeting at "the usual place" to back-door admissions committees, his habitu
Ladies and gentlemen, it is a rare sight indeed where a gimp self owns himself so severely before a match is even started as we have just seen Phreakwars do, in the most unfortunate but humourous matter.

First he has a diversionary gaggle of low grade spastics try and run interference for him until he can craft his ridiculous answer.

When the gimp finally shows up to the thread,what does he do? He plagiarizes content from someone else and runs and Find and Replace function with it sticking in my name to replace who it was written about.

So he put on his best party dress and came to the thread and the most the feeble little excuse for a man could accomplish was to rip off someone else in a heinously desperate act of impulsive stupidity.

Round one to me. Let me know if there is any point in doing this further or if you would like to save yourself further shame and hapless embarssment.
Don't like the idea I can keep up with your meager attempt to give us the impression you are witty by using large words ?? You obviously underestimate me. If I am plagiarizing, by all means... show me where I am plagiarizing from.

I can't let de kannibaal's misinformation and misguided arguments about credentialism go by without comment. The following paragraph is intended as an initial, open-ended sketch of how bad the current situation is. I myself see two problems with his smears on a very fundamental level. First, people who agree with his agendas are either stupid, drunk, on drugs, paid off by him, or are sententious dorks. And second, De Kannibaal labels anyone he doesn't like as "churlish". That might well be a better description of him. Let me leave you with one last thought: We live in a deeply troubled society
My dearest little lad, I shake my head in astonishment as I try to countenance how someone who has been backed into a corner like yourself, offers me a scenario where I win no matter what.

Now I know that you are not necessarily rowing with all your oars in the murky water that you call your brain, so I will spell it out for you.

You have plagiarized that irrelevant post from one or more sources in a vain attempt to sound intelligent and desire to articulate yourself in some misguided agenda of cretinous misfortune.


You actually crafted that verbose and grandiloquent post, and in doing so, stupidly destroyed any remaining vestige of supposed credibility, as clearly it is neither topical nor is it even remotely relevant to the established dialogue.

You see cupcake, in either scenario I suggested, you have posted up an obtusely spurious spew of preposterous non-topical conjecture and have made a complete and utter fool of yourself.

Best you start hiding behind that fancy panel of yours, princess, you are simply ill prepared to make anything but a graceless spectacle of yourself when you post.

Round two to me....
So, let's get straight to the point here bitch, what exactly is your argument in this topic, and what do you hope to gain ??

And why do you call me a cupcake, and princess ??? Seems only a **** stabber would call me such a name.

Would you like to **** me or something ?? I won't make fun of you for being gay, we do have other gay members here.

And you STILL haven't answered the question I posed, as to WHERE I am plagiarizing from, since your so sure I am.

I see your now claiming I am doing it from multiple sources... so SURELY, you could at least find 1.

Google is your friend.
Tsk tsk, the sign of a weakened mind, all your constant edits. Tell you what, from now on, why don't you post, edit and add to the post as you need, and PM me when you are FINALLY finished with editing it. It will save us all some time.

Now, my quivering little panel flamer, after I have textually disembowelled you by allowing you to continuously destroy your credibility by foolishly posting your irrational musings that accomplish nothing but proving what an unheralded bonehead of a stooge you are, the best you can conjure up is you are gay.

My dear lad, I have seen your pic in the members gallery, and it is ill advised for a man who wears as much mascara as you do and who plucks his eyebrows to such masculine smirk perfection, to lamely call others gay when clearly your appearance is demonstrative of someone who couldn't look more like a second rate homo-erotica fluffer boy even if he were to prance around with a fluffy white dog with a rhinestone collar.

Now, I will leave you to rummage through your purse for inspiration for your next reply, however, before you get too foolhardy and obtusely insist for sources for plagiarism, may I remind you that whether you copied the post or you conjured it up in the bogs you call your brain, that the fact that the post was blatantly off topic and so full of mindless drivel that you should be ashamed for even posting it.

That's round three to me....I suppose I could give you best of 7, if you think there is any possibility of you putting up a better showing for yourself.
A showing ?? Sigh...:rolleyes:

Tell you what I'm gonna do about you...

I'm going to get up to go take a healthy ****, I am then going to wash my hands and proceed to go to my car, and drive down to get me some breakfast at the local diner while the kids are in school, and the old lady is at work, I'm then going to be off to buy a pack of smokes, and come home for a nap and enjoy my day off... Once that is done, I will pick up the kids from school, greet my bitch... maybe **** her, then cook supper..

I'll then return to the Internet, play a couple games of spades, then help my son with his homework.. after which, I'll settle in and watch a couple hours of the evening news.... once I get extremely bored, I will then sign back on to GF and check up on your complaints about me... chuckle a bit, then post on my local message board... after this I MIGHT come back and enlighten you with a few more witty comments that you can claim were plagiarized.... until then, I bid you farewell
Well done, your surrender speech was the best material you posted yet, even if it was just slightly hysterical and dramatic. Of course one would expect drama from someone who maintains such an oddly feminine appearance.

Right, GF, any other poor schmucks want to play?