And that non thrash versatility ruined metallica.. and they lost reputation so rapidly, and they become synonim for doing everything for money. You don't want LP to become that too, do you?
well, you know, after all, before or later most of the biggest bands as Metallica or singers as, I dont know, Ozzy Osbourne, for example, become synonims, as you've said it, of something.. you know, people say about Metallica they did a treat with the Devil to get success and, for example, there is a urban legend (that's A LEYEND) that tells Marylin Manson take out some bones of his thoracic box, or well, some ribs 'cos he'll be more flexible to do by himself some things.... well, you know it
... besides, he or she, 'cos people say too that he did another treat with the devil (as I can see the devil is busy doing treats with everyone here) to be his girlfriend (you know, Marylin Manson is the devil's girlfriend)
Anyway, talking about the bones's case, he didnt say anything about it (and I'm sure that as he is, he'vent said it 'cos he is shy
) at the end, it's just urban legends!!:thumbsup: