Canadian Writer Compares Present Obamamania In U.S With Trudeaumania In 1968 Canada

In article
"It's Americans OR Democrats" <> wrote:

> And we all know where this kind of adulation leads. Trudeau almost
> destroyed Canada's economy with his insane communist initiatives. He
> also, against the welfare of the country, centralized power as much as
> he could, a typical tyrant.

Unlike, for instance, George W. Bush?
Jerry Kraus <> used a stick in the sand to babble
>On Mar 25, 7:27
"Leftists = traitors" <> used a stick in the sand
to babble
>On Mar 26, 12:38 pm, Jerry Kraus <> wrote:
>> On Mar 26, 11:33 am, "It's Americans OR Democrats"
>> <> wrote:
>> > And we all know where this kind of adulation leads. Trudeau almost
>> > destroyed Canada's economy with his insane communist initiatives. He
>> > also, against the welfare of the country, centralized power as much as
>> > he could, a typical tyrant.

>> You sound like someone who doesn't like paying taxes.

>High taxes = high unemployment which we suffered throughout Trudeau's
>reign of terror. But there was far more to it than that. What do you
>expect, the guy's pals were Fidel Castro and Jamaica's Michael Manley.

Enjoy spending your oil money!
