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Tonz;494793']i dont like smoking
but eh, its ur choice on how you want to live or die

Me either. I dont like smoking and when I'm out to have some fun with my friends I really hate when I go back to my home smelling smoke in each part of me and my clothes!! uagg:-! It's awful!! Fortunately none of my friends smoke.. we're healthy people :)

About the second sentence, well, if you're right in a way, but, I hope you can apologize me if I differ with you about it:eek:f course you can choose how you want to live... but die, well, there are some cases when the death comes, you want or you dont. I think in all those children who have a terminal cancer and they're going to die without know what life is... It's a horrible reality (as others as well) and for this reason people hurt me when they comment they would like to be died when they dont know how to save a problem. :(



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I'm so glad they do that No-Smoking. If you want to smoke, do it on your own time. I'm not against people smoking when they kill themselves, but when they start killing other me...I get a little more irritated. At a concert-like thing with tons of smokers, one of my friends got so sick it was almost as bad as pneumonia, in bed for days, hacking up constantly. So smart move LP.


New member
Chester smokes frequently and I've seen Mike with a cig in his mouth at a FM concert in Australia. No idea about the rest.

Closed because noone in LP has cancer obviously, so you can make a new thread that talks about them smoking or whatever, but not in this thread :p

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