Car Dealership Service Departments Piss Me Off!

Cogito Ergo Sum

Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2005
Crooks! Plain and simple. I feel bad for the unwise who don't know any better.

A little story...

I have a couple of cars, a 2003 VW Eurovan (the War Pig), used for road traveling, and a 2000 Ford Focus Sedan (The Runabout) mostly used for local trips. I acquired the Runabout from my sister when she purchased her new Honda Element and needed a sob-story sucker to buy it from her (another story) and that was me.

The Ford has been okay for the most part. It has 64,000 miles and gets good gas mileage. Everything works and it receives regular oil changes and maintenance from me in my garage. It doesn't see hardly any freeway travel nor engine speeds above 4,000 RPM's. This was not so good.

Well, the Runabout was coughing and sputtering last week, and I wasn't sure why. My handy dandy diagnostic code reader said a misfire detected on Cylinder #1. Okay. Replaced the plugs, checked the coils, cap, rotor, all the usual stuff but couldn't figure out what it was. Perhaps it was an intermittent fuel injector problem, something for which I do not have a diagnostic computer capable of detecting that.

Instead of buying parts that I might not need, I said, WTF, take it to the nice big FORD dealer here in Findlay, Ye Olde Findlay Ford. Pay them to tell me what was wrong and I would fix it. $76.00 diagnostic charge. Fine.

The next day, the bimbo with great **** (how ever did she qualify for her job?) from the service department calls me and gives me the BIGGEST song and dance routine I have ever heard. I just played stupid. This girl was lucky just to know how to turn an engine on, let alone how one worked but in her defense, she had great ****. At the end of this babble, she says with a straight face, $1,450 for a new head and valves. The mechanic said that the exhaust valve on cylinder one was sticking open. Bingo. This matches my diagnostic readout. In addition, it seems that there is a service bulletin from FORD that this engine, the 2.0 SPI 4 cylinder had a design characteristic which made it prone to excessive carbon buildup around the valve stem and seat especially when not driven above 4,000 RPM's on a regular basis and that they now have a different head and valves for replacement (at $1,450). Hmm.

Well, I asked the big boobs bimbo, "Is there any other thing that we could try first before dropping $1,400 on the engine, and she said "No. You need a new head."

I thought to my self, "I wouldn't give you $1,400 if you personally gave me head 3 times a day for a year, Bitch" and politely told her that I would pick up the car in 30 minutes.

Carbon buildup around the valve stem huh? Okay. Off to the Auto parts store. Purchase 1 bottle of Super Strength Chevron Techron designed for 20 gallons, (The Runabout only holds 10 gallons of gas) for $10, and 1 bottle of Marvel Mystery Oil for $3.00 making my total outlay to be $13.00 plus tax.

Go home, enjoy rum and coke and start fresh in the morning.

Step one, drain 1 quart of the freshly changed oil (I had the Ford people change the oil while it was there just because it was there) and replace with 1 quart of Marvel Mystery Oil (10 minutes in my garage). I had to lie down on my back to loosen the drain plug. Wow.

Regarding Marvel Mystery Oil, if you have never used this stuff, believe me it works. I have used it to loosen seized pistons before and they use it in the military for certain applications as well and this is where I learned about it. I'm no chemist but basically it is an extremely high quality mineral oil and Benzene, a very good solvent which breaks down carbon but does not strip away the protective film of oil on metal surfaces. Good stuff. This stuff will clean up valve stems, valve guides, piston skirts, rings, bottom end, everything that your motor oil touches. Safe to use and won't hurt a thing so long as you don't OVERFILL your crankcase. You must drain some oil out equal to what amount of MMO you are going to put back in!

Step two, add Techron to gas tank and fill with gas. (3 minutes at gas station)

Step 3, drive vehicle on freeway for 3 hours with overdrive off so as to increase RPM's above 4,000 mark and dump maximum amount of fuel into induction system. (More fuel = more cleaner passing over the valve = cleaner valves faster.) Enjoy scenery and allow Techron and Marvel Mystery Oil to do their thing!

Step 4, drive past Ford dealer while offering the one finger salute as car hums down the road without so much as even a hiccup.

Bottom line is, no wonder car dealers have the reputation they have. What a collection of crooks they are.

Let's see, $13.00 and a few hours time versus $1,450... Hmm...I'll take door #1 Monty, Thank You!.

I've said this many times before, the only good use for a dealership service department is factory recall work, and diagnostic work to find a problem which you cannot or do not want to isolate yourself. Anything else, and they are going to bend you over and **** you hard in the ass without any lube.


Phreak says: Dammit C.E.S., Another ****ing font color **** up I had to fix !!! Dick !!
When I was back in Texas over the holidays I took my truck by the dealership I originally bought it from and they were ****in idiots I have to say. I have lost confidence in them as well.
I also found a problem that was caused by an accident I was in a couple years back (old bitch rear-ended up me HARD). I told her insurance company I was taking my truck to the local Ford House, stupidly thinking I would get good service there. The Ford House managed to entirely miss the fact the bitch that hit me, hit me so hard it spliced off the wiring harness needed to pull a trailor. Fast forward to me trying to get my U-haul trailor hooked up. I had thought it was tucked up underneath or something, NO it had been completely spliced off. I had made sure to tell the idiot here at my Ford House to put it up on the rack because she had hit me so hard but he managed to miss the fact my wiring thing was completely missing. What ass holes. Of course I had to pay to have it fixed when the problem was found in Texas which meant another delay in returning home...
I wish I knew of a good place to take my car around here but I don't and I worry that alot of places will take advantage of a female bringing in a car for service.
yeah that marvel stuff is the ****. my '86 Cutty was starting to smoke like bob marley and my boy Dirty Ray told me to try some. cleared it right up. Ray-ray said something about gaskets getting too hard or old or something. it's been running fine for like 10 months since.
Hugh G. Rekshun said: did he happen to mention she had great cans !!:eek:

I never said anything about her ass (can), but now that you mention that, it was pretty nice too, nice small round and bubbly, but the ****, those were great!:p

I really really really hope that Ford contacts me regarding my recent service experience so I can tell them "My Service Advisor had great **** and a nice ass!" :eek: