mimus wrote:
> On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 04:10:32 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:
>> mimus wrote:
>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 19:39:55 -0800, Aratzio wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 22:17:42 -0500, in the land of
>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <tinmimus99@hotmail.com>
>>>> got double secret probation for writing:
>>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 18:52:29 -0800, Aratzio wrote:
>>>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 21:12:10 -0500, in the land of
>>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <tinmimus99@hotmail.com>
>>>>>> got double secret probation for writing:
>>>>>>> On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 01:47:16 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>>>>>> mimus wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I've been helping a friend with some semi-legal difficulties over
>>>>>>>>> the last year or so involving a fairly heavy traffic in letters
>>>>>>>>> written in what I call "light legalese", which project has finally
>>>>>>>>> culminated in among other things a massive multiple mailing to
>>>>>>>>> multiple US Attorneys, FBI Offices and the US Department of
>>>>>>>>> Justice's Criminal Division's Organized Crime and Racketeering
>>>>>>>>> Section involving major enclosures and so on (aka "dropping The
>>>>>>>>> Bomb"-- "Just drop it and sit back with a clear conscience
>>>>>>>>> and watch what happens"), and I've become greatly enamored of the
>>>>>>>>> "cc:" entry at the end of such letters, which has a power, even a
>>>>>>>>> terroristic power, that I'd never really considered before, of
>>>>>>>>> letting every recipient of such a letter know that everyone else
>>>>>>>>> on that list knows they've received it and they'd better not try
>>>>>>>>> to slide by or **** off.
>>>>>>>>> And then there's that nasty little item which should end every cc
>>>>>>>>> list, "; file" ("You know the sonofabitch is keeping copies of
>>>>>>>>> _everything_!").
>>>>>>>>> Muahahahahahaha!
>>>>>>>>> <whump>
>>>>>>>> More detail, you bastage! You do this all the time. Post an
>>>>>>>> overview of something of interest, then refuse to say anything more
>>>>>>>> about it.
>>>>>>> It's art, man. Pure art. Always leave 'em beggin' for more.
>>>>>>>> I'm warning you... NOW SPILL! Or I'm going to hunt you down and
>>>>>>>> thrash you with the jawbone of an ***!
>>>>>>> Maybe later, if it gets really good and majorly public.
>>>>>>> I have great hopes it will, since there's both a Small Option and a
>>>>>>> Large Option involved-- basically, we presented the absolutely-tight
>>>>>>> drop-dead fish-in-a-barrel Small Option, and then at the end dangled
>>>>>>> the possibility with some immediate partial proffer of evidence of
>>>>>>> the Large Option where people (well, guvment lawyers) might start
>>>>>>> salivating over it.
>>>>>>> Bark bark bark!
>>>>>> Is there an option where you hire my sevices and I get to KILL KILL
>>>>>> KILL?
>>>>> Um. No.
>>>>> You might want to go work out some-a that in a gym or something.
>>>> You suck.
>>> There's some people around who would agree with that one hundred and one
>>> percent already, if they knew I was the one engineering much of the
>>> torture they've endured over the last year-- boxing them in where the
>>> only way out that they could see was to commit multiple Federal
>>> "white-collar" felonies to cover up their previous misdeeds-- and they
>>> don't even know the worst yet. Heh.
>>> It's what they get for bein' crooks. If only they had done things by
>>> the book from the start, instead of bein' petty-- well, mid-level--
>>> crooks and then tryin' to cover up, and in most bastardly ways, nuthin'
>>> like what's about to happen would've ever happened.
>> This smacks of blackmail.
> Not at all. Absolutely by-the-book all the way (my insistence). As
> opposed to The Other Side. And they were forced into worse and worse
> misdeeds to try to fend off the absolutely by-the-book procedures being
> invoked. It's been classic. If you're into the study of (staggering)
> "white-collar" stupidity.
Proving my point, this only makes me more curious.
>> And if they find out you've been doing it, your life might be in danger.
>> You best be careful, there. However, if you can get some folks to
>> 'fess up to their ill-gotten bootie and such, I'd be interested in
>> knowing the outcome.
> It's not a matter of bootie, at least not really, although there's
> certainly an intent to invoke civil process once the criminal part is over
> (at which point the civil process becomes fish-in-a-barrel stuff, and will
> never go to court-- ka- ching ).
That's good, but I want numbers.
>> But, you'd have to SPILL for that to happen.
>> Which you won't do.
> Only once she blows.
Time frame? So I won't bother asking about it too soon.
>> Which means you suck.
>> (like ratz said)
> See reply to Aratzian charge of suckdom.
I saw.
Tim Weaver
"Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea - massive,
difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-
boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it."
- Gene Spafford, 1992