On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 05:35:20 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:
> mimus wrote:
>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 20:41:09 -0800, pscissons wrote:
>>> "mimus" <tinmimus99@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:_o-dnRqgMeGuQqTUnZ2dnUVZ_qjinZ2d@giganews.com...
>>>> On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 01:47:16 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>>> mimus wrote:
>>>>>> I've been helping a friend with some semi-legal difficulties over the
>>>>>> last year or so involving a fairly heavy traffic in letters written
>>>>>> in what I call "light legalese", which project has finally culminated
>>>>>> in among other things a massive multiple mailing to multiple US
>>>>>> Attorneys, FBI Offices and the US Department of Justice's Criminal
>>>>>> Division's Organized Crime and Racketeering Section involving major
>>>>>> enclosures and so on (aka "dropping The Bomb"-- "Just drop it and sit
>>>>>> back with a clear conscience and watch what happens"), and I've
>>>>>> become greatly enamored of the "cc:" entry at the end of such
>>>>>> letters, which has a power, even a terroristic power, that I'd never
>>>>>> really considered before, of letting every recipient of such a letter
>>>>>> know that everyone else on that list knows they've received it and
>>>>>> they'd better not try to slide by or **** off.
>>>>>> And then there's that nasty little item which should end every cc
>>>>>> list, "; file" ("You know the sonofabitch is keeping copies of
>>>>>> _everything_!").
>>>>>> Muahahahahahaha!
>>>>>> <whump>
>>>>> More detail, you bastage! You do this all the time. Post an overview
>>>>> of something of interest, then refuse to say anything more about it.
>>>> It's art, man. Pure art. Always leave 'em beggin' for more.
>>>>> I'm warning you... NOW SPILL! Or I'm going to hunt you down and
>>>>> thrash you with the jawbone of an ***!
>>>> Maybe later, if it gets really good and majorly public.
>>>> I have great hopes it will, since there's both a Small Option and a
>>>> Large Option involved-- basically, we presented the absolutely-tight
>>>> drop-dead fish-in-a-barrel Small Option, and then at the end dangled
>>>> the possibility with some immediate partial proffer of evidence of the
>>>> Large Option where people (well, guvment lawyers) might start
>>>> salivating over it.
>>>> Bark bark bark!
>>> I love yer twisty mind, mimus!
>> <blush>
>>> I've done similar things in my battles with lawyers (spit).
>> I hear that. We just ran into one. And gigged the ***** good, in a sort
>> of side-show, since we got a letter from The Other Side in which they
>> _accidentally enclosed_ (the dumbasses) a copy of a one-page legal opinion
>> from her to a principal on The Other Side in which she _libeled my friend_
>> (we cced her a copy of the response to that letter, but not her opinion,
>> without letting her know exactly how we knew she was involved--heh).
>> My friend intends to take up that little matter with her later, during the
>> civil process, not expecting much (lawyers arrange the law to protect
>> lawyers), but just, again, as a side-show and additional gigging.
>>> You DO send everything registered, return-receipt-requested, don't you?
>>> And keep the receipts.
>>> Smee
>> Absolutely. The paper-trail is critical. Notarized and certified.
>> Everything by the book. And all kept in a nice "chrono file".
>> The project I'm talking about runs to about eight drawer-inches right now,
>> of absolutely mind-snapping (and frequently darkly-hilarious) stuff
>> (since we had a bit of fun now and then gigging the idiots in question
>> in most hoitily-toitily legalistic ways-- see above), which is really
>> about as big as it will get, since it's no longer in my friend's and my
>> hands.
> Now, what does THAT mean? It sounds like you've given them the option to
> 'fess-up or you'll... do something.
Go back and re-read the OP (quOTeD abOVe).
As in "<whump>".
Ball-game over.
smeeter 11 or maybe 12
mp 10
mhm 29x13
I never got to shoot my rifle.
< _Jarhead_
> mimus wrote:
>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 20:41:09 -0800, pscissons wrote:
>>> "mimus" <tinmimus99@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>> news:_o-dnRqgMeGuQqTUnZ2dnUVZ_qjinZ2d@giganews.com...
>>>> On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 01:47:16 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:
>>>>> mimus wrote:
>>>>>> I've been helping a friend with some semi-legal difficulties over the
>>>>>> last year or so involving a fairly heavy traffic in letters written
>>>>>> in what I call "light legalese", which project has finally culminated
>>>>>> in among other things a massive multiple mailing to multiple US
>>>>>> Attorneys, FBI Offices and the US Department of Justice's Criminal
>>>>>> Division's Organized Crime and Racketeering Section involving major
>>>>>> enclosures and so on (aka "dropping The Bomb"-- "Just drop it and sit
>>>>>> back with a clear conscience and watch what happens"), and I've
>>>>>> become greatly enamored of the "cc:" entry at the end of such
>>>>>> letters, which has a power, even a terroristic power, that I'd never
>>>>>> really considered before, of letting every recipient of such a letter
>>>>>> know that everyone else on that list knows they've received it and
>>>>>> they'd better not try to slide by or **** off.
>>>>>> And then there's that nasty little item which should end every cc
>>>>>> list, "; file" ("You know the sonofabitch is keeping copies of
>>>>>> _everything_!").
>>>>>> Muahahahahahaha!
>>>>>> <whump>
>>>>> More detail, you bastage! You do this all the time. Post an overview
>>>>> of something of interest, then refuse to say anything more about it.
>>>> It's art, man. Pure art. Always leave 'em beggin' for more.
>>>>> I'm warning you... NOW SPILL! Or I'm going to hunt you down and
>>>>> thrash you with the jawbone of an ***!
>>>> Maybe later, if it gets really good and majorly public.
>>>> I have great hopes it will, since there's both a Small Option and a
>>>> Large Option involved-- basically, we presented the absolutely-tight
>>>> drop-dead fish-in-a-barrel Small Option, and then at the end dangled
>>>> the possibility with some immediate partial proffer of evidence of the
>>>> Large Option where people (well, guvment lawyers) might start
>>>> salivating over it.
>>>> Bark bark bark!
>>> I love yer twisty mind, mimus!
>> <blush>
>>> I've done similar things in my battles with lawyers (spit).
>> I hear that. We just ran into one. And gigged the ***** good, in a sort
>> of side-show, since we got a letter from The Other Side in which they
>> _accidentally enclosed_ (the dumbasses) a copy of a one-page legal opinion
>> from her to a principal on The Other Side in which she _libeled my friend_
>> (we cced her a copy of the response to that letter, but not her opinion,
>> without letting her know exactly how we knew she was involved--heh).
>> My friend intends to take up that little matter with her later, during the
>> civil process, not expecting much (lawyers arrange the law to protect
>> lawyers), but just, again, as a side-show and additional gigging.
>>> You DO send everything registered, return-receipt-requested, don't you?
>>> And keep the receipts.
>>> Smee
>> Absolutely. The paper-trail is critical. Notarized and certified.
>> Everything by the book. And all kept in a nice "chrono file".
>> The project I'm talking about runs to about eight drawer-inches right now,
>> of absolutely mind-snapping (and frequently darkly-hilarious) stuff
>> (since we had a bit of fun now and then gigging the idiots in question
>> in most hoitily-toitily legalistic ways-- see above), which is really
>> about as big as it will get, since it's no longer in my friend's and my
>> hands.
> Now, what does THAT mean? It sounds like you've given them the option to
> 'fess-up or you'll... do something.
Go back and re-read the OP (quOTeD abOVe).
As in "<whump>".
Ball-game over.
smeeter 11 or maybe 12
mp 10
mhm 29x13
I never got to shoot my rifle.
< _Jarhead_