cc Terrorism



On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 05:35:20 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:

> mimus wrote:


>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 20:41:09 -0800, pscissons wrote:


>>> "mimus" <> wrote in message



>>>> On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 01:47:16 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:


>>>>> mimus wrote:


>>>>>> I've been helping a friend with some semi-legal difficulties over the

>>>>>> last year or so involving a fairly heavy traffic in letters written

>>>>>> in what I call "light legalese", which project has finally culminated

>>>>>> in among other things a massive multiple mailing to multiple US

>>>>>> Attorneys, FBI Offices and the US Department of Justice's Criminal

>>>>>> Division's Organized Crime and Racketeering Section involving major

>>>>>> enclosures and so on (aka "dropping The Bomb"-- "Just drop it and sit

>>>>>> back with a clear conscience and watch what happens"), and I've

>>>>>> become greatly enamored of the "cc:" entry at the end of such

>>>>>> letters, which has a power, even a terroristic power, that I'd never

>>>>>> really considered before, of letting every recipient of such a letter

>>>>>> know that everyone else on that list knows they've received it and

>>>>>> they'd better not try to slide by or **** off.


>>>>>> And then there's that nasty little item which should end every cc

>>>>>> list, "; file" ("You know the sonofabitch is keeping copies of

>>>>>> _everything_!").


>>>>>> Muahahahahahaha!


>>>>>> <whump>


>>>>> More detail, you bastage! You do this all the time. Post an overview

>>>>> of something of interest, then refuse to say anything more about it.


>>>> It's art, man. Pure art. Always leave 'em beggin' for more.


>>>>> I'm warning you... NOW SPILL! Or I'm going to hunt you down and

>>>>> thrash you with the jawbone of an ***!


>>>> Maybe later, if it gets really good and majorly public.


>>>> I have great hopes it will, since there's both a Small Option and a

>>>> Large Option involved-- basically, we presented the absolutely-tight

>>>> drop-dead fish-in-a-barrel Small Option, and then at the end dangled

>>>> the possibility with some immediate partial proffer of evidence of the

>>>> Large Option where people (well, guvment lawyers) might start

>>>> salivating over it.


>>>> Bark bark bark!


>>> I love yer twisty mind, mimus!


>> <blush>


>>> I've done similar things in my battles with lawyers (spit).


>> I hear that. We just ran into one. And gigged the ***** good, in a sort

>> of side-show, since we got a letter from The Other Side in which they

>> _accidentally enclosed_ (the dumbasses) a copy of a one-page legal opinion

>> from her to a principal on The Other Side in which she _libeled my friend_

>> (we cced her a copy of the response to that letter, but not her opinion,

>> without letting her know exactly how we knew she was involved--heh).


>> My friend intends to take up that little matter with her later, during the

>> civil process, not expecting much (lawyers arrange the law to protect

>> lawyers), but just, again, as a side-show and additional gigging.


>>> You DO send everything registered, return-receipt-requested, don't you?

>>> And keep the receipts.


>>> Smee


>> Absolutely. The paper-trail is critical. Notarized and certified.

>> Everything by the book. And all kept in a nice "chrono file".


>> The project I'm talking about runs to about eight drawer-inches right now,

>> of absolutely mind-snapping (and frequently darkly-hilarious) stuff

>> (since we had a bit of fun now and then gigging the idiots in question

>> in most hoitily-toitily legalistic ways-- see above), which is really

>> about as big as it will get, since it's no longer in my friend's and my

>> hands.


> Now, what does THAT mean? It sounds like you've given them the option to

> 'fess-up or you'll... do something.

Go back and re-read the OP (quOTeD abOVe).

As in "<whump>".

Ball-game over.


smeeter 11 or maybe 12

mp 10

mhm 29x13

I never got to shoot my rifle.

< _Jarhead_



On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 00:45:05 -0500, in the land of

alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

got double secret probation for writing:

>On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 21:30:42 -0800, Aratzio wrote:


>> On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 00:07:21 -0500, in the land of

>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

>> got double secret probation for writing:


>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 20:40:25 -0800, Aratzio wrote:


>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 23:24:58 -0500, in the land of

>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

>>>> got double secret probation for writing:


>>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 20:10:46 -0800, Aratzio wrote:


>>>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 23:01:48 -0500, in the land of

>>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

>>>>>> got double secret probation for writing:


>>>>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 19:39:55 -0800, Aratzio wrote:


>>>>>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 22:17:42 -0500, in the land of

>>>>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

>>>>>>>> got double secret probation for writing:


>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 18:52:29 -0800, Aratzio wrote:


>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 21:12:10 -0500, in the land of

>>>>>>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

>>>>>>>>>> got double secret probation for writing:


>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 01:47:16 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>> mimus wrote:


>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've been helping a friend with some semi-legal difficulties over the last

>>>>>>>>>>>>> year or so involving a fairly heavy traffic in letters written in what I

>>>>>>>>>>>>> call "light legalese", which project has finally culminated in among

>>>>>>>>>>>>> other things a massive multiple mailing to multiple US Attorneys, FBI

>>>>>>>>>>>>> Offices and the US Department of Justice's Criminal Division's Organized

>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crime and Racketeering Section involving major enclosures and so on (aka

>>>>>>>>>>>>> "dropping The Bomb"-- "Just drop it and sit back with a clear conscience

>>>>>>>>>>>>> and watch what happens"), and I've become greatly enamored of the "cc:"

>>>>>>>>>>>>> entry at the end of such letters, which has a power, even a terroristic

>>>>>>>>>>>>> power, that I'd never really considered before, of letting every recipient

>>>>>>>>>>>>> of such a letter know that everyone else on that list knows they've

>>>>>>>>>>>>> received it and they'd better not try to slide by or **** off.


>>>>>>>>>>>>> And then there's that nasty little item which should end every cc list, ";

>>>>>>>>>>>>> file" ("You know the sonofabitch is keeping copies of _everything_!").


>>>>>>>>>>>>> Muahahahahahaha!


>>>>>>>>>>>>> <whump>


>>>>>>>>>>>> More detail, you bastage! You do this all the time. Post an overview of

>>>>>>>>>>>> something of interest, then refuse to say anything more about it.


>>>>>>>>>>> It's art, man. Pure art. Always leave 'em beggin' for more.


>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm warning you... NOW SPILL! Or I'm going to hunt you down and thrash you with

>>>>>>>>>>>> the jawbone of an ***!


>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe later, if it gets really good and majorly public.


>>>>>>>>>>> I have great hopes it will, since there's both a Small Option and a

>>>>>>>>>>> Large Option involved-- basically, we presented the absolutely-tight

>>>>>>>>>>> drop-dead fish-in-a-barrel Small Option, and then at the end dangled

>>>>>>>>>>> the possibility with some immediate partial proffer of evidence of the

>>>>>>>>>>> Large Option where people (well, guvment lawyers) might start

>>>>>>>>>>> salivating over it.


>>>>>>>>>>> Bark bark bark!


>>>>>>>>>> Is there an option where you hire my sevices and I get to KILL KILL KILL?


>>>>>>>>> Um. No.


>>>>>>>>> You might want to go work out some-a that in a gym or something.


>>>>>>>> You suck.


>>>>>>> There's some people around who would agree with that one hundred and

>>>>>>> one percent already, if they knew I was the one engineering much of the

>>>>>>> torture they've endured over the last year-- boxing them in where the

>>>>>>> only way out that they could see was to commit multiple Federal

>>>>>>> "white-collar" felonies to cover up their previous misdeeds-- and they

>>>>>>> don't even know the worst yet. Heh.


>>>>>>> It's what they get for bein' crooks. If only they had done things by

>>>>>>> the book from the start, instead of bein' petty-- well, mid-level--

>>>>>>> crooks and then tryin' to cover up, and in most bastardly ways, nuthin'

>>>>>>> like what's about to happen would've ever happened.


>>>>>> No, you suck because I don't get to use my brand new brass knuckles to

>>>>>> adjust these peoples attitudes. They won't let me have John Yew so I was

>>>>>> hoping you had someone worth my effort..


>>>>>WhoTF is John Yew and why do you want to adjust his attitude(s)?


>>>> Okay it was Yoo.


>>>> "The Torture Memo"




>>> Ah. Throw Alberto "No One Expects the Spanish Inquisition" Gonzales in

>>> while yer at it.


>>> He's the one who submitted a brief, as White House Counsel, that since

>>> (a) the Senate imposed a reservation on our adherence to the Geneva

>>> Treaties that that adherence could not conflict with our Eighth

>>> Amendment banning cruel and unusual punishment (torture), and (b) the

>>> Supreme Court later ruled that our Constitutional protections do not

>>> extend outside the boundaries of the US and its territories, that ©

>>> the Senate's reservation with regard to the Geneva Conventions

>>> justified the US' use of torture outside those boundaries.


>>> And was appointed Attorney-General as a reward for his legal acumen,

>>> succeeding the equally luminous Ashcroft.


>>> BTW, Supreme Court Justice Scalia argues publicly that the Eighth

>>> Amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment only applies to

>>> punishment after conviction and not to, say, police and military

>>> interrogations-- that is, that we can Constitutionally do things to

>>> suspects and military prisoners that would be banned with regard to

>>> mere convicts-- so schedule him for adjustment, too.


>>> Every generation in every country brings forth its fresh crop of

>>> savages, eh?


>> I want to be in charge of Karma for each and everyone of those *******.


>> Washington Post "Matthew Alexander"


>> Read it and find out just how many have died because of Yoo and the rest

>> of the cowardly *******.


>Well, you usually don't find such people's kids in the military, and if

>they are it's in cushy positions far from any danger other than (at

>worst) short artillery rounds, so it's no concern of theirs.

3 of the four Pres/VP candidates have military kids and I am pretty

sure at least 3 of the 4 are in Iraq or on the way.

McCain: 2 kids

Biden: 1 kid

Palin: 1 kid

So there are a few that have kids serving. Granted Beau Biden is a JAG

so combat is unlikely.

Carter: US Navy

Reagan: US Army (movies in Hollywood.)

G.H. Bush: USN Aviator (shot down)

Clinton: Did not serve.

George H.W. Bush: Air National Guard (we won't get into all that)

Barack Obama: Did not serve.

McCain, Gore and Kerry were all Viet Nam vets.

It has a lot to do with the parents with the rich/power kids. If Dad

was military the kids are more likely to have served. There is also

the justified perception that the rich/power will insure their kids

get the right jobs if they do go into the military (and I said I

would not go there).


Tim Weaver

mimus wrote:

> On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 05:35:20 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:


>> mimus wrote:


>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 20:41:09 -0800, pscissons wrote:


>>>> "mimus" <> wrote in message



>>>>> On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 01:47:16 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:


>>>>>> mimus wrote:


>>>>>>> I've been helping a friend with some semi-legal difficulties over

>>>>>>> the last year or so involving a fairly heavy traffic in letters

>>>>>>> written in what I call "light legalese", which project has finally

>>>>>>> culminated in among other things a massive multiple mailing to

>>>>>>> multiple US Attorneys, FBI Offices and the US Department of

>>>>>>> Justice's Criminal Division's Organized Crime and Racketeering

>>>>>>> Section involving major enclosures and so on (aka "dropping The

>>>>>>> Bomb"-- "Just drop it and sit back with a clear conscience and

>>>>>>> watch what happens"), and I've become greatly enamored of the

>>>>>>> "cc:" entry at the end of such letters, which has a power, even a

>>>>>>> terroristic power, that I'd never really considered before, of

>>>>>>> letting every recipient of such a letter know that everyone else

>>>>>>> on that list knows they've received it and they'd better not try

>>>>>>> to slide by or **** off.


>>>>>>> And then there's that nasty little item which should end every cc

>>>>>>> list, "; file" ("You know the sonofabitch is keeping copies of

>>>>>>> _everything_!").


>>>>>>> Muahahahahahaha!


>>>>>>> <whump>


>>>>>> More detail, you bastage! You do this all the time. Post an

>>>>>> overview of something of interest, then refuse to say anything more

>>>>>> about it.


>>>>> It's art, man. Pure art. Always leave 'em beggin' for more.


>>>>>> I'm warning you... NOW SPILL! Or I'm going to hunt you down and

>>>>>> thrash you with the jawbone of an ***!


>>>>> Maybe later, if it gets really good and majorly public.


>>>>> I have great hopes it will, since there's both a Small Option and a

>>>>> Large Option involved-- basically, we presented the absolutely-tight

>>>>> drop-dead fish-in-a-barrel Small Option, and then at the end dangled

>>>>> the possibility with some immediate partial proffer of evidence of

>>>>> the Large Option where people (well, guvment lawyers) might start

>>>>> salivating over it.


>>>>> Bark bark bark!


>>>> I love yer twisty mind, mimus!


>>> <blush>


>>>> I've done similar things in my battles with lawyers (spit).


>>> I hear that. We just ran into one. And gigged the ***** good, in a

>>> sort of side-show, since we got a letter from The Other Side in which

>>> they _accidentally enclosed_ (the dumbasses) a copy of a one-page

>>> legal opinion from her to a principal on The Other Side in which she

>>> _libeled my friend_ (we cced her a copy of the response to that

>>> letter, but not her opinion, without letting her know exactly how we

>>> knew she was involved--heh).


>>> My friend intends to take up that little matter with her later, during

>>> the civil process, not expecting much (lawyers arrange the law to

>>> protect lawyers), but just, again, as a side-show and additional

>>> gigging.


>>>> You DO send everything registered, return-receipt-requested, don't

>>>> you? And keep the receipts.


>>>> Smee


>>> Absolutely. The paper-trail is critical. Notarized and certified.

>>> Everything by the book. And all kept in a nice "chrono file".


>>> The project I'm talking about runs to about eight drawer-inches right

>>> now, of absolutely mind-snapping (and frequently darkly-hilarious)

>>> stuff (since we had a bit of fun now and then gigging the idiots in

>>> question in most hoitily-toitily legalistic ways-- see above), which

>>> is really about as big as it will get, since it's no longer in my

>>> friend's and my hands.


>> Now, what does THAT mean? It sounds like you've given them the option

>> to 'fess-up or you'll... do something.


> Go back and re-read the OP (quOTeD abOVe).


> As in "<whump>".


> Ball-game over.

Yes, all very cryptic. Just give me your best estimated time frame and I'll

be satisfied.


Tim Weaver

"Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea - massive,

difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-

boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it."

- Gene Spafford, 1992


david hillstrom

On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 19:39:55 -0800, Aratzio <>


>On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 22:17:42 -0500, in the land of

>alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

>got double secret probation for writing:


>>On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 18:52:29 -0800, Aratzio wrote:


>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 21:12:10 -0500, in the land of

>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

>>> got double secret probation for writing:


>>>> On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 01:47:16 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:


>>>>> mimus wrote:


>>>>>> I've been helping a friend with some semi-legal difficulties over the last

>>>>>> year or so involving a fairly heavy traffic in letters written in what I

>>>>>> call "light legalese", which project has finally culminated in among

>>>>>> other things a massive multiple mailing to multiple US Attorneys, FBI

>>>>>> Offices and the US Department of Justice's Criminal Division's Organized

>>>>>> Crime and Racketeering Section involving major enclosures and so on (aka

>>>>>> "dropping The Bomb"-- "Just drop it and sit back with a clear conscience

>>>>>> and watch what happens"), and I've become greatly enamored of the "cc:"

>>>>>> entry at the end of such letters, which has a power, even a terroristic

>>>>>> power, that I'd never really considered before, of letting every recipient

>>>>>> of such a letter know that everyone else on that list knows they've

>>>>>> received it and they'd better not try to slide by or **** off.


>>>>>> And then there's that nasty little item which should end every cc list, ";

>>>>>> file" ("You know the sonofabitch is keeping copies of _everything_!").


>>>>>> Muahahahahahaha!


>>>>>> <whump>


>>>>> More detail, you bastage! You do this all the time. Post an overview of

>>>>> something of interest, then refuse to say anything more about it.


>>>> It's art, man. Pure art. Always leave 'em beggin' for more.


>>>>> I'm warning you... NOW SPILL! Or I'm going to hunt you down and thrash you with

>>>>> the jawbone of an ***!


>>>> Maybe later, if it gets really good and majorly public.


>>>> I have great hopes it will, since there's both a Small Option and a

>>>> Large Option involved-- basically, we presented the absolutely-tight

>>>> drop-dead fish-in-a-barrel Small Option, and then at the end dangled

>>>> the possibility with some immediate partial proffer of evidence of the

>>>> Large Option where people (well, guvment lawyers) might start

>>>> salivating over it.


>>>> Bark bark bark!


>>> Is there an option where you hire my sevices and I get to KILL KILL KILL?


>>Um. No.


>>You might want to go work out some-a that in a gym or something.


>You suck.

he knows.


dave hillstrom xrbj


david hillstrom

On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 23:24:58 -0500, mimus <>


>On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 20:10:46 -0800, Aratzio wrote:


>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 23:01:48 -0500, in the land of

>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

>> got double secret probation for writing:


>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 19:39:55 -0800, Aratzio wrote:


>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 22:17:42 -0500, in the land of

>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

>>>> got double secret probation for writing:


>>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 18:52:29 -0800, Aratzio wrote:


>>>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 21:12:10 -0500, in the land of

>>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

>>>>>> got double secret probation for writing:


>>>>>>> On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 01:47:16 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:


>>>>>>>> mimus wrote:


>>>>>>>>> I've been helping a friend with some semi-legal difficulties over the last

>>>>>>>>> year or so involving a fairly heavy traffic in letters written in what I

>>>>>>>>> call "light legalese", which project has finally culminated in among

>>>>>>>>> other things a massive multiple mailing to multiple US Attorneys, FBI

>>>>>>>>> Offices and the US Department of Justice's Criminal Division's Organized

>>>>>>>>> Crime and Racketeering Section involving major enclosures and so on (aka

>>>>>>>>> "dropping The Bomb"-- "Just drop it and sit back with a clear conscience

>>>>>>>>> and watch what happens"), and I've become greatly enamored of the "cc:"

>>>>>>>>> entry at the end of such letters, which has a power, even a terroristic

>>>>>>>>> power, that I'd never really considered before, of letting every recipient

>>>>>>>>> of such a letter know that everyone else on that list knows they've

>>>>>>>>> received it and they'd better not try to slide by or **** off.


>>>>>>>>> And then there's that nasty little item which should end every cc list, ";

>>>>>>>>> file" ("You know the sonofabitch is keeping copies of _everything_!").


>>>>>>>>> Muahahahahahaha!


>>>>>>>>> <whump>


>>>>>>>> More detail, you bastage! You do this all the time. Post an overview of

>>>>>>>> something of interest, then refuse to say anything more about it.


>>>>>>> It's art, man. Pure art. Always leave 'em beggin' for more.


>>>>>>>> I'm warning you... NOW SPILL! Or I'm going to hunt you down and thrash you with

>>>>>>>> the jawbone of an ***!


>>>>>>> Maybe later, if it gets really good and majorly public.


>>>>>>> I have great hopes it will, since there's both a Small Option and a

>>>>>>> Large Option involved-- basically, we presented the absolutely-tight

>>>>>>> drop-dead fish-in-a-barrel Small Option, and then at the end dangled

>>>>>>> the possibility with some immediate partial proffer of evidence of the

>>>>>>> Large Option where people (well, guvment lawyers) might start

>>>>>>> salivating over it.


>>>>>>> Bark bark bark!


>>>>>> Is there an option where you hire my sevices and I get to KILL KILL KILL?


>>>>> Um. No.


>>>>> You might want to go work out some-a that in a gym or something.


>>>> You suck.


>>> There's some people around who would agree with that one hundred and

>>> one percent already, if they knew I was the one engineering much of the

>>> torture they've endured over the last year-- boxing them in where the

>>> only way out that they could see was to commit multiple Federal

>>> "white-collar" felonies to cover up their previous misdeeds-- and they

>>> don't even know the worst yet. Heh.


>>> It's what they get for bein' crooks. If only they had done things by

>>> the book from the start, instead of bein' petty-- well, mid-level--

>>> crooks and then tryin' to cover up, and in most bastardly ways, nuthin'

>>> like what's about to happen would've ever happened.


>> No, you suck because I don't get to use my brand new brass knuckles to

>> adjust these peoples attitudes. They won't let me have John Yew so I was

>> hoping you had someone worth my effort..


>WhoTF is John Yew and why do you want to adjust his attitude(s)?

why not?


dave hillstrom xrbj



On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 19:15:02 -0500, in the land of

alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, david hillstrom <>

got double secret probation for writing:

>On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 19:39:55 -0800, Aratzio <>



>>On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 22:17:42 -0500, in the land of

>>alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

>>got double secret probation for writing:


>>>On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 18:52:29 -0800, Aratzio wrote:


>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 21:12:10 -0500, in the land of

>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

>>>> got double secret probation for writing:


>>>>> On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 01:47:16 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:


>>>>>> mimus wrote:


>>>>>>> I've been helping a friend with some semi-legal difficulties over the last

>>>>>>> year or so involving a fairly heavy traffic in letters written in what I

>>>>>>> call "light legalese", which project has finally culminated in among

>>>>>>> other things a massive multiple mailing to multiple US Attorneys, FBI

>>>>>>> Offices and the US Department of Justice's Criminal Division's Organized

>>>>>>> Crime and Racketeering Section involving major enclosures and so on (aka

>>>>>>> "dropping The Bomb"-- "Just drop it and sit back with a clear conscience

>>>>>>> and watch what happens"), and I've become greatly enamored of the "cc:"

>>>>>>> entry at the end of such letters, which has a power, even a terroristic

>>>>>>> power, that I'd never really considered before, of letting every recipient

>>>>>>> of such a letter know that everyone else on that list knows they've

>>>>>>> received it and they'd better not try to slide by or **** off.


>>>>>>> And then there's that nasty little item which should end every cc list, ";

>>>>>>> file" ("You know the sonofabitch is keeping copies of _everything_!").


>>>>>>> Muahahahahahaha!


>>>>>>> <whump>


>>>>>> More detail, you bastage! You do this all the time. Post an overview of

>>>>>> something of interest, then refuse to say anything more about it.


>>>>> It's art, man. Pure art. Always leave 'em beggin' for more.


>>>>>> I'm warning you... NOW SPILL! Or I'm going to hunt you down and thrash you with

>>>>>> the jawbone of an ***!


>>>>> Maybe later, if it gets really good and majorly public.


>>>>> I have great hopes it will, since there's both a Small Option and a

>>>>> Large Option involved-- basically, we presented the absolutely-tight

>>>>> drop-dead fish-in-a-barrel Small Option, and then at the end dangled

>>>>> the possibility with some immediate partial proffer of evidence of the

>>>>> Large Option where people (well, guvment lawyers) might start

>>>>> salivating over it.


>>>>> Bark bark bark!


>>>> Is there an option where you hire my sevices and I get to KILL KILL KILL?


>>>Um. No.


>>>You might want to go work out some-a that in a gym or something.


>>You suck.


>he knows.

He was extra-special sucky.



On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 19:33:44 -0500, in the land of

alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, david hillstrom <>

got double secret probation for writing:

>On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 23:24:58 -0500, mimus <>



>>On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 20:10:46 -0800, Aratzio wrote:


>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 23:01:48 -0500, in the land of

>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

>>> got double secret probation for writing:


>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 19:39:55 -0800, Aratzio wrote:


>>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 22:17:42 -0500, in the land of

>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

>>>>> got double secret probation for writing:


>>>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 18:52:29 -0800, Aratzio wrote:


>>>>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 21:12:10 -0500, in the land of

>>>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

>>>>>>> got double secret probation for writing:


>>>>>>>> On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 01:47:16 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:


>>>>>>>>> mimus wrote:


>>>>>>>>>> I've been helping a friend with some semi-legal difficulties over the last

>>>>>>>>>> year or so involving a fairly heavy traffic in letters written in what I

>>>>>>>>>> call "light legalese", which project has finally culminated in among

>>>>>>>>>> other things a massive multiple mailing to multiple US Attorneys, FBI

>>>>>>>>>> Offices and the US Department of Justice's Criminal Division's Organized

>>>>>>>>>> Crime and Racketeering Section involving major enclosures and so on (aka

>>>>>>>>>> "dropping The Bomb"-- "Just drop it and sit back with a clear conscience

>>>>>>>>>> and watch what happens"), and I've become greatly enamored of the "cc:"

>>>>>>>>>> entry at the end of such letters, which has a power, even a terroristic

>>>>>>>>>> power, that I'd never really considered before, of letting every recipient

>>>>>>>>>> of such a letter know that everyone else on that list knows they've

>>>>>>>>>> received it and they'd better not try to slide by or **** off.


>>>>>>>>>> And then there's that nasty little item which should end every cc list, ";

>>>>>>>>>> file" ("You know the sonofabitch is keeping copies of _everything_!").


>>>>>>>>>> Muahahahahahaha!


>>>>>>>>>> <whump>


>>>>>>>>> More detail, you bastage! You do this all the time. Post an overview of

>>>>>>>>> something of interest, then refuse to say anything more about it.


>>>>>>>> It's art, man. Pure art. Always leave 'em beggin' for more.


>>>>>>>>> I'm warning you... NOW SPILL! Or I'm going to hunt you down and thrash you with

>>>>>>>>> the jawbone of an ***!


>>>>>>>> Maybe later, if it gets really good and majorly public.


>>>>>>>> I have great hopes it will, since there's both a Small Option and a

>>>>>>>> Large Option involved-- basically, we presented the absolutely-tight

>>>>>>>> drop-dead fish-in-a-barrel Small Option, and then at the end dangled

>>>>>>>> the possibility with some immediate partial proffer of evidence of the

>>>>>>>> Large Option where people (well, guvment lawyers) might start

>>>>>>>> salivating over it.


>>>>>>>> Bark bark bark!


>>>>>>> Is there an option where you hire my sevices and I get to KILL KILL KILL?


>>>>>> Um. No.


>>>>>> You might want to go work out some-a that in a gym or something.


>>>>> You suck.


>>>> There's some people around who would agree with that one hundred and

>>>> one percent already, if they knew I was the one engineering much of the

>>>> torture they've endured over the last year-- boxing them in where the

>>>> only way out that they could see was to commit multiple Federal

>>>> "white-collar" felonies to cover up their previous misdeeds-- and they

>>>> don't even know the worst yet. Heh.


>>>> It's what they get for bein' crooks. If only they had done things by

>>>> the book from the start, instead of bein' petty-- well, mid-level--

>>>> crooks and then tryin' to cover up, and in most bastardly ways, nuthin'

>>>> like what's about to happen would've ever happened.


>>> No, you suck because I don't get to use my brand new brass knuckles to

>>> adjust these peoples attitudes. They won't let me have John Yew so I was

>>> hoping you had someone worth my effort..


>>WhoTF is John Yew and why do you want to adjust his attitude(s)?


>why not?

Yoo know.



On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 18:42:40 -0800, Aratzio wrote:

> On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 19:15:02 -0500, in the land of

> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, david hillstrom <>

> got double secret probation for writing:


>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 19:39:55 -0800, Aratzio <>

>> wrote:


>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 22:17:42 -0500, in the land of

>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

>>> got double secret probation for writing:


>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 18:52:29 -0800, Aratzio wrote:


>>>>> On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 21:12:10 -0500, in the land of

>>>>> alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, mimus <>

>>>>> got double secret probation for writing:


>>>>>> On Sat, 06 Dec 2008 01:47:16 +0000, Tim Weaver wrote:


>>>>>>> mimus wrote:


>>>>>>>> I've been helping a friend with some semi-legal difficulties over

>>>>>>>> the last year or so involving a fairly heavy traffic in letters

>>>>>>>> written in what I call "light legalese", which project has

>>>>>>>> finally culminated in among other things a massive multiple

>>>>>>>> mailing to multiple US Attorneys, FBI Offices and the US

>>>>>>>> Department of Justice's Criminal Division's Organized Crime and

>>>>>>>> Racketeering Section involving major enclosures and so on (aka

>>>>>>>> "dropping The Bomb"-- "Just drop it and sit back with a clear

>>>>>>>> conscience and watch what happens"), and I've become greatly

>>>>>>>> enamored of the "cc:" entry at the end of such letters, which has

>>>>>>>> a power, even a terroristic power, that I'd never really

>>>>>>>> considered before, of letting every recipient of such a letter

>>>>>>>> know that everyone else on that list knows they've received it

>>>>>>>> and they'd better not try to slide by or **** off.


>>>>>>>> And then there's that nasty little item which should end every cc

>>>>>>>> list, "; file" ("You know the sonofabitch is keeping copies of

>>>>>>>> _everything_!").


>>>>>>>> Muahahahahahaha!


>>>>>>>> <whump>


>>>>>>> More detail, you bastage! You do this all the time. Post an

>>>>>>> overview of something of interest, then refuse to say anything

>>>>>>> more about it.


>>>>>> It's art, man. Pure art. Always leave 'em beggin' for more.


>>>>>>> I'm warning you... NOW SPILL! Or I'm going to hunt you down and

>>>>>>> thrash you with the jawbone of an ***!


>>>>>> Maybe later, if it gets really good and majorly public.


>>>>>> I have great hopes it will, since there's both a Small Option and a

>>>>>> Large Option involved-- basically, we presented the

>>>>>> absolutely-tight drop-dead fish-in-a-barrel Small Option, and then

>>>>>> at the end dangled the possibility with some immediate partial

>>>>>> proffer of evidence of the Large Option where people (well, guvment

>>>>>> lawyers) might start salivating over it.


>>>>>> Bark bark bark!


>>>>> Is there an option where you hire my sevices and I get to KILL KILL

>>>>> KILL?


>>>> Um. No.


>>>> You might want to go work out some-a that in a gym or something.


>>> You suck.


>> he knows.


> He was extra-special sucky.


I'm always speshul.


smeeter 11 or maybe 12

mp 10

mhm 29x13

There's no such thing as a trained snake.

< _Strip Tease_

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