.:C'est la vie:.


New member
but jos slow down with the guys a bit (*** i never thought that i'ld type that)

Listen to teh sexpert!!! lol yeah you should take it slowly, otherwise people will get the impression you're "easy" and will take advantage of you and you might end up hurt



New member
thank tomer for being mature for once in your life.

yes, jos, i cant empathsis it mre.curb your behavior.

LOL @ all the entries ^^

haha guys xD



well I'm really sorry bout my absence!!! I got a ban on sunday and couldnt get on

But I made some kinda deal with my dad or lets say we talked bout it and now its all good



uhm... so no I'm not lost in the land of love lol or liquor xD

tho I was lost in the land of tequilla/bull yesterday xD

hahaha! well honestly I don't know if it was the Tequilla but yeh ^^ lemme tell you that one: Some of my classmates (including myself) helped out on tuesday in our school bc there was some information day for the 4th grades kids who might come to your school next year... so after that at like 8:15pm we decided to go to that bar called Gennaro just to hang out a bit... and in the end only Sabrina and I went there... well I actually wanted to order this cocktail called
Cocosun which is really yummy ^^ but in this bar you kinda order after numbers so this cocktail is number 43 but since Sabrina and I were talkin bout cocktail no. 24 the whole time I kinda orderd cocktail number 42 xD oh well when we got it I was like "huh thats not the cocktail I use to drink o_O" and since she didnt know what kinda cocktail it was supposed to be she tried it and said it doesnt even taste that bad ^^ ok so I tried it too and it was really nice... but before we drink something we dont know what it is I checked what no. 42 actually is and then... I read "Tequilla and Red Bull" and was like "omfg :eek: " but we didnt care much since it was nice so we just drank it ^^ in the end I still had something in my glass but we had to go so I quickly drank it and after that I felt kinda dizzy lol I wasnt drunk but it was kinda weird and funny also lol

anyways idk if its bc of that drink but yesterday I was kinda ****** up the whole day ^^ I was tired and felt like drinking that cocktail again (in school!!) lol

oh well... ^^


I doubt there is anything else that happend... I mean like nothing huge ^^ lol

uhm imma upload some pics soon and then post em up here

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