.:C'est la vie:.

It's gonna be so boring on here when you gonna be in London
aaaawwww ^^

well I guess I'll drop by at least once bc if I remember well the hostel I'm staying at has its own internet cafe so I'll gotta see


oh and btw I just saw that 30 Seconds to Mars will be in Munich 3rd May
:) I'd so love to see them again! Maybe I can go =D that'd be great!



Active Members
aaaawwww ^^
well I guess I'll drop by at least once bc if I remember well the hostel I'm staying at has its own internet cafe so I'll gotta see


oh and btw I just saw that 30 Seconds to Mars will be in Munich 3rd May
:) I'd so love to see them again! Maybe I can go =D that'd be great!

that's cool

and yeah you should really try to see them again...I want to see them, too

that's cool
and yeah you should really try to see them again...I want to see them, too
They're also playing in Berlin and Hamburg :)


The tix aren't that expenxive either (bout 32€)


But the main problem are my parents -.- hope I can convience them ^^



Active Members
They're also playing in Berlin and Hamburg :)  

The tix aren't that expenxive either (bout 32€)


But the main problem are my parents -.- hope I can convience them ^^
Maybe I'll go to a show...probably Hamburg then...I love the train station there....lol

Maybe I'll go to a show...probably Hamburg then...I love the train station there....lol
wahhhaaha the train station x]

you should really go, they give great shows, seen m twice now:)
yeah I've seen them back in June when they were playin with LP and I loved it!! :D actually their live performance made me love them lol I didn't like them at all before



New member
Eeeeee you'll get to see Jared Leto.. IN THE FLESH!!!! <3

Haha, one of the hottest men everrrrr he is... you should totally go!



Active Members
Eeeeee you'll get to see Jared Leto.. IN THE FLESH!!!! <3Haha, one of the hottest men everrrrr he is... you should totally go!
yeah but it would be much better if he wouldn't paint his face all the time they perform live...

Eeeeee you'll get to see Jared Leto.. IN THE FLESH!!!! <3Haha, one of the hottest men everrrrr he is... you should totally go!
I already did once! But I wouldn't mind a 2nd time :D haarrr harr :D


LOL@Jared's panted face x]


Thanks Andreia!!

Well today I had one of those Jos days where I just get thons of ideas bout stuff I want x]

Besides of the concert I now also want a pet
:D some cute little fishis would be nice, but maybe also a lil cute chameleon would be sweet :eek: I actually wanted to go to some shop and get me some fish (sounds funny haha) but my parents were like "balblalaa rather get yourself some of your friends and then if you can handle it go and buy some we already bought some once and no one took care of them!" and blablablala -.-

well now I pretty much can't be ****** beggin them to get me some pet... bc a hamster... dunno it's so boring... I rather have some fishis who swim around and make this funny mouth like "blubb" than a stinky little hamster who is eating 24h a day and dunno... x] lol

well lets see....



and bout the concert, don't know yet... I'll ask them later on ^^ but I think my chances are good...



oh and I'm at this german community (called wiealt.de) and they have this new function that you can rate users if they're hot or not x] and if you don't like their decision you can "slap" them or just flirt or thank back
:D which is funny lol

there were 2 guys who slapped me and I thanked them XD lol

and uhm... this one guy (who is unfortunately taken) flirted back *__* raawwwrrr he's hot


hahah so lets see this stuff is funneh... hehehe



New member
LOL that doesn't sound right:


bc a hamster... dunno it's so boring... I rather have some fishis who swim around and make this funny mouth like "blubb" than a stinky little hamster who is eating 24h a day and dunno... x] lol

well lets see....


You really think fishis are better? think again. hehe


all they do is swim and 'blubb-shout" => "feed me ***** feed me"

No I don't :'( :'( :'(

LOL that doesn't sound right: 

bc a hamster... dunno it's so boring... I rather have some fishis who swim around and make this funny mouth like "blubb" than a stinky little hamster who is eating 24h a day and dunno... x] lol

well lets see....


You really think fishis are better? think again. hehe


all they do is swim and 'blubb-shout" => "feed me ***** feed me"

omg xD


well Idk! lol

I don't know why but I kinda don't like hamsters x] at least not right now... I used to have 2 and dunno... I just don't feel like having one again ^^


that new hotness stuff is cool:D
NO!! hahaha He never was x] (unfortunately??) lol


Yeah it's dope :D I like the flirting stuff x] smexy hehe


sooome new pics ^^

Jos playin around with eyeshades x]


^trying to be cool x]^


^Peace uuup!
;) ^



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