Chainerreturns Journal

ok! lo! anyways i got my braces in yesterday and they dont hurt!!! im invincible!!!! lol! no, why arent they hurting? after sleeping i dont even feel it..doesnt seem like thier was kinda funny coz i have massive mollers and the rings that they put on it were the biggest size they had.

Dentist: ok lets try a 28 (to his assusstant)
Assisstant:hands sizw 28 over.
Dentist:nope..pass me a 29
Dentist: *tries to fit a 29* No...
Dentist: pass me a 31!, no...
Dentist: Whats our biggest?
Dentist: pass me those *stuggles to put in 36 for a while* there we go! have massive teeth.

im going over to Sarah's today, wooT! \m/
we have! woot! woot! i love her! woot! anyways the braces are more annoying than hurt now. NOOOOOO English assessment task today! and history revision test! noo!! but yay!! pupil free day friday!! woot! woot! thats 3 long weekends in a role.
i did well in the test, it was a revison test got 17/20 for multi choice questions (should of got 18 or 19! coz i put in wrote the wrong letter for 1 and just got mixed up for another when i should of thought about it) then i got i dont know what for the big question yet. lol we are a bunch of dumbassess coz 17/20 was the higest mark,lol!
well yeh some bad stuff has happened

Formal cancelled!!!!! NOO!!!! Why? because our Yr 10 group=immature, but mainly because on thursday these 2 kids were about to fight and the yr 10s ( and yr 9s,8s,7s) started to crowd around the fight, the year coordinator saw it and was just fed up with our behaviour so he was like "screw it, im fed up with you lot,no formal"- well not in exactly thos words it was much longer than that but that was the main point.

Anyways i doubt Sarah couldve made it anyways it was on a monday and next day is still a school day,soo!boo you!

i was at Sarahs on Sat,i gave her my acoustic guitar because i dont need it anymore since i have my electric, it was a fun day we did stuff... worst part of day was leaving.

Yesterday i was out..with my family! then it was church with fiona and Sally. It was kinda fun..