Chaz Gets Hacked : 0

this only proves it when someone says "People Are Crazy"

That **** is crazy. I mean for someone to get that obsessed to even go as far as threatening Chester's wife. I mean... that's weird. Who would go around stalking some guy from a band!?
Fan Hacks Chester Benningtons Phone

"We'd be willing to be more than one of you know the likeness of Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington, but how many among us would go so far as to try to break into his phone? Apparently a 27 year old woman by the name of Devon Townsend used a machine at a Sandia National Lab in New Mexico to gain access to Bennington's Verizon account, and obtained call records and cameraphone shots; apparently she also got access to his wife's email and went so far as to verbally threaten the poor Mrs. Bennington. Like Chappelle before him, we can understand Bennington not wanting someone playing on his phone, but think he should be glad he made it out of this one relatively scot free."

[taken from]

wow quite teh story. i no weve got some pretty big lp fans around but thats kinda extreme dont ya think.
jesus he could have gotten some album ****, because I bet Chester has clips of them ****ing around in the studio doing stuff on his phone :O
that would be funny...Pretty soon there will be gay txt messages from Mike leaked on the net...

"h3y chazy boi l3ts g0 hav3 butts3cks!!!!11111 Th!s t!m3 n da r3an!mat!0n p0st!0n!!!!1111"
Wow, that's just so incredibly ****ed up. I mean, sure we're all fans here, but she just went to an extreme. To say that she's crazy is a huge understatement. I don't think she can even call herself a fan....she's an obsessed stalker. Wow, that's sooo low.
Well, I think she's sick... only a sick mind could think of doing the things she's done... it's sad... I mean it's ok being a devoted fan but she has by far crossed the line!!! I'm sorry for Chaz and his wife...
I have to agree with crazy robster. That is really un-called for and way out of line. That woman is not a fan b/c true fans dont do that crap to the bands they love. That devon woman isnt crazy, she is just insane is all and can be considered a danger to n chaz and his family, not to mention, the rest of the guys as well.